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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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hey no prob and yes the drugs (mostly smoke dope) and drink has progressivly been on the rise at nelles for the last 10 years. And of course about 3 or 4 years ago they started houseing people in the pup rooms on a rather permanent basis
Simple answer, look at your ETP Instr and it will state the rank and IPC you are to be at - that is the authority under which you were enrolled and not simply a tool to get you in. Whatever is on it must either be enforced or submitted through the CoC to CFRG for adjudication. Nothing else really to say about this subject.
You were a QL-5 NESOP in 97 and you had to redo your 3 & 5's upon re-entry! That is brutal!

You should have just do the QL-5 A/B to give you a refresher. Another waste of taxpayers money and your time.

Nice website btw!

Yeah, I can understand if i guy left for 10 years and washed dishes for those ten years.  OK then maybe is really out of the technological game.  They told me that the NESOP trade had changed alot since I left.  They took out fire control from our QL3 and added SEASEARCH.  Wow, what a change.  I could have learned SEASEARCH in about 2 hours.  This system is computer based.  Maybe I should precise that for the last 10 years I worked as a Document management specialist and Software design.  Even my Chief sent a message to Ottawa saying I should have been sent to the ships right away.

What I don't understand is that 2 guys on my course got given time in for cadet time and reserve time.  But did not get any for actual reg force time and a QL5 qualification.

But it's allright.  I'm 32 years old, I understand the military now and I missed it anyway, with it's good sides and it's bad sides.


EDITED: PS.  Did you look at the Combat Information Center section http://www.navy-nesop.com/100.php.  I have noticed that people skip this section alot and it's where the good part is (in my humble opinion anyway)  I'm working on 2.0 version.  Should come out before the Jan 20th.
PO2FinClk said:
Simple answer, look at your ETP Instr and it will state the rank and IPC you are to be at - that is the authority under which you were enrolled and not simply a tool to get you in. Whatever is on it must either be enforced or submitted through the CoC to CFRG for adjudication. Nothing else really to say about this subject.

Can anyone inlight me with "ETP Instr", sorry don't know that one.

Its a good feature but a PRINT Page would be ideal for making a Bridge Pack. (see ATP-29)

Finguerprint-- EMITERs are misspelled

Because my understanding is that when a program goes on high side computer it becomes the intellectual property of the CF.

You should be commended for your initiative, it is raising a few eyebrows on the East Coast EW community as a QL-3 NESOP at Blackrock Student is making an excellent product.

CDN Aviator , I see some potential for the LRP world for Merchant/Warship visual identification?

HFXCrow said:
Because my understanding is that when a program goes on high side computer it becomes the intellectual property of the CF.
Not entirely the case, generally if a mbr develops a database to make thier job easier they share it with thier wingers, we had 10 or 12 floating around the navcomm community, It doesn't become the property of the CF just because it was stored on a "RED" machine, the disk however that it was copied from is now classified and in most cases the mbr doesn't mind it becoming part of the muster sheets, on the other side if they do the ISSO just orders a destruction for the media through the CO and life carries on.
HFXCrow said:
CDN Aviator , I see some potential for the LRP world for Merchant/Warship visual identification?

Potential yes, a requirement no. We already have something and it works

navy-nesop :

I have PM'ed you with some concerns, i hope i hear from you soon
navy-nesop while your website is commendable, I would strongly recommend taking it offline and let your superiors look at it just so there is no potential of OPSEC concerns.

Milnet.ca Staff
Ex-Dragoon and CDN Aviator the information looks like it derived from Janes.

You can do the same feature with the Janes on-line version and tailor databases for yourself.

Ex-Dragoon have a look yourself, you are aptly qualified.
My superior did take a look at it.  In fact they are using it for teaching the studens at BlackRock.  Thanks for the concern.  I'm working on version 2.0 right now.  It will be on line hopfully by the end of Jan.  Keep in mind that this is just a demo, it's not intended to be on the web.  It should work on a secure network.

And for the intellectual property part...don't DND own me anyway...LOL.  I don't care about that, I resign that contrat with the intend of staying a long time now.  If I can improve some of our tools, that's great, if I does not go anywhere, well I had fun doing it.

PS. For the spelling mistake, thanks for letting me know.  As you can all tell, English is not my first language!

spelling mistakes take away from the credibility of your work especially in 5 eyes correspondence.
navy-nesop said:
Can anyone inlight me with "ETP Instr", sorry don't know that one.
Ref: A-PM-245 Chap 1 Annex B: Enrolment or Transfer/Posting Instruction
Hi all.

Hope everyone had a good new year.

I have a question with regards to rejoining the forces after retirement.

A REALLY good friend of mine served full time for 17yrs where we was asked to retire in 2001 due to his G factor. The forces considered him undeployable due to injuries sustained overseas on deployment and asked him to either leave with a full disability pension or he could stay but as a M/Cpl for life and never be deployed or moved. He chose to leave. They gave him his 10k and a pension.

He’s been a great friend for years now, he still talks about how we wish’s he could stay in the forces. I did get him to join the CIC, just in enough time for him to keep all his quals and etc to carry over. The CIC was not a stepping stone for him, but really he does like working with the kids and such, but of course it’s not the same as being full time ‘army’.

I’ve told him to go see a recruiter to see what his options are now as some things have changed in the last 6 years, but telling him to take a day off to do something he thinks is impossible to happen is difficult, so I’m asking any of you if perhaps now he has a chance to come back and serve in his occupation which was RMS. He said he would consider coming back even if that means staying a MCpl… as he’s seen what life is without the army…

So please if you have any professional input or experience please respond.
Maybe a good read.

Seems I' m ...xxx... out of luck,

Regulation appears to be against me.  After more than 5 years of break in service, they don't consider previous service.  I will be the most qualified OS of the fleet until Aug 2009...LOL.

Thank god I don't mind scrubbing the deck.  If any of my future boss see this post, please be gentle...!  ;D

Still loves this job, would not pick any other over it.

this is navy-nesop, out.
PO2FinClk said:
Simple answer, look at your ETP Instr and it will state the rank and IPC you are to be at - that is the authority under which you were enrolled and not simply a tool to get you in. Whatever is on it must either be enforced or submitted through the CoC to CFRG for adjudication. Nothing else really to say about this subject.

In echoing what PO2FinClk said above, it is essential that you write up a memo formally requesting that your reenlistment file and ETP undergo a "Formal Review" by CFRG.

I just went through this this past spring at my last Unit for a member who was getting nowhere with his OR, who were all insistant that his ETP was the final word.

After talking to a live human at CFRG ref the matter on his behalf, CFRG informed me that the member should submit a Memorandum (Subj: "Req  CFRG formal review of reenlistment and ETP Instruction") ...

I gave him a call and he came into my office & we whipped up the Memo, attached a copy of his ETP Instruction and submitted it formally. The next week we were informed via telecon that his file review was underway, and my Chief Clerk received an ammended ETP Instruction the 3rd week which corrected his trg history, incentive category, and rank -- retroactive of course, as it should be. She went in and fixed up his pay and EMAA for him immediately -- being that he was now tasked to us for the time period in question.

BTW -- the "5 year" rule out of ranks can be considered moot if a member was determined to have improved or upgraded skills applicable to his trade during the time period that he was OUT of the CF. That's something to consider as well. The worst case scenario for you is that they are going to say "no." You won't know definitively however until you request a formal review by CFRG -- officially and in writing.

Good luck.
A pity you an other rank (NCM).  I have yet to hear of any officer re-entering the CF and re-doing BOTC, or Phase Trg, etc.
Nice post Army Vern and TCBF!!

I find it hard to believe that navy-nesop who left in 97 as a QL-5 NESOP, has had to re-do his QL-3! What a waste for him and training systems. (He is more patient than I would be)

The most he should have to do is his QL-5 again, which I have seen many "Navy" (cannot speak for other elements) pers do.

Other than that, this thread has motivated me to have my previous Reserve time looked at.

I sailed with a guy who left the navy a MS NavSig and came back 1 year later, as a LS NavComm and had to do the 277 Conversion course (amalgamation occurred during the time he was out) granted this is not a 5 year absence but really the systems can't have changed that much for the EW guys.