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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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So I figured I would bite the bullet, and finally post in this thread.

I VR'd in February during BMQ(Very stupidly, and have regretted it every day), my final release date was the 26th of February, I feel ashamed that I did especially after all the help I received getting in. But you learn from your mistakes I guess..

Anyways, as soon as I released I knew I made a mistake so instantly sent in my application for the primary reserve unit in my area (Was told I have to be released for 6 months to re-apply for Regular Force), but found out it was actually a year (DAMN), so I continued processing for the Reserves, the background check was sent in April and didn't hear anything until mid July, where I was scheduled for my Medical and Interview for the same day.... I thought fantastic, I can fix my mess up, and very likely make it onto the September BMQ. But unfortunately during my interview the MCC didn't like my previous work experience (and the VR from Regular Force).

I was told to stay at my current job, and to wait until November to re-open my file.............. As of last week my file was re-opened, and background check was started again. (Hopefully this won't take another 2-3 months), I was told I am to expect another Medical and Interview..... The Medical I understand as it's no longer valid as I did my medical in October of last year, but was told it will just be an updated medical. The Interview, I am not so sure of why I have to do it again as I have kept the MCC updated with the information she had asked, and I cannot seem to get a hold of the MCC or the Sergeant whom is driving my file as to why.

Anyways, I am getting closer to my 1 year release date... So I am trying to decide if I should continue processing for the Reserves, which only has one position left for my chosen trade, or just wait it out until February 26th and change my file from Reserve to Regular.

Also let's say I decide after my background check, medical, and interview I want to change my file to Regular force am I expected to do everything over again? I know I will need a re-enrollment letter.

It depends what you want:

If you want fairly consistent part time work with the potential of unstable contracts/tasking (CLS B's) and random CLS A taskings then join the reserves.
if you want full time consistent work join the reg-f.

The reserves is great for students, people who have a job that they enjoy but want to something else on the side and seasonal workers (fishermen/construction/farming) because they have something that occupies the bulk of their time.

While it is an option to transfer from the Res-F to the Reg-F it isn't always a smooth or timely process and it isn't a guarantee.
It's a toss up for me, I wanted a full time career in which I could experience the full thing. But I also wanted to make sure the trade I was going into was for me (Which was and is still Cook).... My civilian job right now happens to be a Cook, within a restaurant.

But I am still not sure if the military is the right fit for me...... I mean it made me feel like crap leaving, after only getting to week 7. But part of me still wants to make sure I know what I am getting myself into, though I know that if and when I come to the point where I decide Regular Force is best it might be a pain to OT to Regular Force.
AlphaBravo said:
It's a toss up for me, I wanted a full time career in which I could experience the full thing. But I also wanted to make sure the trade I was going into was for me (Which was and is still Cook).... My civilian job right now happens to be a Cook, within a restaurant.

But I am still not sure if the military is the right fit for me...... I mean it made me feel like crap leaving, after only getting to week 7. But part of me still wants to make sure I know what I am getting myself into, though I know that if and when I come to the point where I decide Regular Force is best it might be a pain to OT to Regular Force.

You'd be going cook to cook right? A straightforward CT is much less complicated and should take less time.. The reserves is also great for "Getting your feet wet". But if you decide that you love it will likely take some time to transfer (The lengths I've seen for Straight CT's aren't too bad: depending on the year and trade it was an between 3 months - 1 year. Once you try to CT-OT it can become a very frustrating process.

Are you going Navy or Army cook?

If you are going to be an Army cook in the reserves you will have some other things to consider:
A) As a cook are you going to be able to get the time off in the summer to attend your cooks course? I don't know how long it is in the Res-F but the Reg/F course is 18 weeks.
B) Can you get weekends off to go on exercise with the reserves?
C) Can you get weekends off to do weekend basic (Yes full time basics in the summer are an option, but then see point a?)

If you don't think that this is realistic but still want to try the Forces as cook join up full time. If after you find out you don't like it don't resign your contract.

If you are going Navy I have no idea how the NAV RES works..

I've enjoyed my times in the reserves and would recommend it to everyone while at the same time I would also say that it isn't for everyone. Like I said earlier if you have something to occupy the bulk of your time then it is a great job. Just make sure you will actually be able to the get time off in order to become qualified.

In any event you have the time, so make sure you use it to find the right job for you. Try to talk to someone who loves their job and someone who hates their job that way you can get both sides of the coin.

If you want to discuss army reserves in general send me a PM.
Thanks so much for your reply! Yes I would be going from Cook to Cook, my current job is more than accommodating for time off. I told them I would need some time off if I were enrolled within the reserve unit and they were totally fine with it, my current employer actually said it's a benefit to them as my trades training gets me a red seal in Cooking and they see that as an asset.

It is a Army Reserve unit. Unfortunately the Naval, and Air Reserve units in my province are not hiring cooks, and as far as I know they won't even in the new Fiscal year.

I will likely be sending you a PM, as I do have some questions on how the reserves work!

AlphaBravo said:
I told them I would need some time off if I were enrolled within the reserve unit and they were totally fine with it.... They actually said it's a benefit to them as my trades training gets me a red seal in culinary and they see that as an asset.

I see you are in B.C.

Not sure if the program in Alberta ( the Ontario link no longer works ) would apply to Reservists, but you may wish to take a look at it,

CF SKilled Trade jobs; Jouneyman Status?
Reply #2

See also, Ontario College of Trades,
Trade Equivalency Assessment (TEA) Application Guide
Good day,

My name is Robert B. I am a resident of Kingston, ON, and a graduate of the CFL&RS Basic Military Qualification, for NCMs. My BMQ course was from Nov 3rd, 2014 - Feb 19th, 2015. Following my graduation, I was released from the CAF on March 11th, 2015, under item 4C. After returning home though, I had come to regret my decision to leave and ever since, I have been working on finding resources to help me get back in(basically bypassing the 1 year waiting period) that comes from my VR. After speaking with; The Ombudsman Office, The Director General of Military Careers, the Attorney General of Military Affairs, the CO of the CFRG HQ and most recently, the Minister of Defence, my request has been answered to no avail. I have come to accept that I must wait-out the remaining months, but I have learned from my local recruiting centre, that due to the recent aptitude test scoring changes, I no longer qualify for Reg Forces trades. I tried to discuss about going through the Reinstatement process, through the QR&O's, but that did not work out either. Now, am I looking into having my file possibly reviewed, in that I want to see if; based on my original aptitude marks, and how far I am off from certain trade scores(Infantry, Artillery, Armoured being my main goals) if I would be able to get back with my current mark, and experience.I want to get back on a course ASAP! If there are any recruiters who can help me with my situation, or simply give their advice, I would greatly appreciate it. If you would like, I will personally email you, and provide my SN and MPRR, if you need verification of my identity. I thank anyone who takes the time to read this, and I hope to hear back from someone soon.


Robert B.
Please see the READ FIRST posting in our Ask a CAF Recruiter forum --->  http://army.ca/forums/threads/115341.0.html  (We will not answer questions about difficulties contacting your recruiting centre or general inquires with regards to your current application or file.)

Topic moved and available for open discussion.
BobbyCarr57 said:
I was released from the CAF on March 11th, 2015, under item 4C. After returning home though, I had come to regret my decision to leave

This may help,

Want to get back in - Released under item 4C 

Getting Back In/Re-enrolling Mega Thread 

Re-enrollment to the CF Questions 

Re enlist after a vr?

VR and getting back In... 

Questions regarding VFS/ re-applying after a "VR" 6 mths ago 


BobbyCarr57 said:
, that due to the recent aptitude test scoring changes, I no longer qualify for Reg Forces trades.

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) FAQ 


My one year is up on February 26th, 2016. Lately I have been thinking it would be smarter for me to join Regular Force again. I want to give it some time before I do decide though, and ultimately if I get a job offer for the Reserves before February 26th, I will likely take it, though if not I will just switch my application back over to Regular Force, as from what I see and have heard, the Canadian Forces are still really, really hurting for Cooks...

I was just wondering in terms of a re-enrollment letter which Reg-F requires, what should I be writing? How long should it be? And how specific should it be?

Also would anyone happen to know if when the Recruiting Centers re-open in January, that it may be possible to switch my file to Reg-F before my one year release is up, because of the need for Cooks?

Thanks in advance, AlphaBravo.
Well my 1 year waiting period has come and gone, fought though some tech issues and finally sent everything off
Hi there folks!

Been a long time since I posted on here. I first applied for the CAF on my 18th Birthday, and went off to CFLRS three days before my 19th birthday. I was unable to pass the beep test, and was sent off to WFT. I spent a month there, and just before returning to platoon, the intense training I was doing agrivated an old injury, which had be then carted off to AWT. I spent just shy of 11 months living at St.Jean Garrison. Anyone else who has spent longer than the required course time knows the frame of mind being there puts you in. Over the course 9 months on AWT, I stupidly had enough swipes to land me in a formal PRB. I sat in front of the board of review (which included of the CO & XO of the Warrior Preperation Company, as well as the CO of my first BMQ platoon). I was told by my staff which informed me of the review, that I didn't have a chance, that my lack of physical fitness and attitude towards training would have me packing for home.

On the day of my review, I went in to plead my case, and against all odds, the recommendation was for my to remain on AWT until I recieved my medical fit in a months time. Two of the 8 swipes were removed from my records, and I was given a second chance. After that, one of my platoon staff made it his personal mission to swipe me out again. One of the swipes I was standing in ranks with the platoon, and everyone was talking. When I saw the staff member approaching, I told them all to the quiet. When he arrived, he got in my face and started cussing me out for talking in ranks, when all I had done was try to quiet the others. I was swiped for that incident. At that point, I knew what he was doing, and a few days after the platoon in general had a few really bad inspections, we were told we were confined to base on Friday night, and not allowed to go to the Mess. Me and my fellow platoon mates stayed on base that night, went to the Subway for supper just for a break from the mess food. Over half the platoon did the same. On Monday morning, I was brought into the office and swiped for disobeying orders, for going to Canex when we were confined to the floor. I had over 20 recruits willing to stand by me and say that it was total bullshit, but I knew if the School's Commanding Officer saw my name on two PRB's in less than a month, no matter the recommendation of the board, I would probably be released with a 5-D. The Platoon CO (whom had been the commander of my first PRB) called me into his office, and told me if I submitted a VR, he would make the second PRB go away, and make it possible for me to return someday.

Sorry about the novel, but I just wanted anyone who answers my question to be have the full story, and be able to give the best advice for me specifically. I know I was being stupid while I was there in getting all those swipes, and I have learned my lessons from that. No mistake at CFLRS is a little mistake, when any mistake shows a lack of commitment. My mind is clear on that, and I know next time, it will not be a problem. I am eligible for re-applying as of February 2016, and am not sure what kind of scrutiny I am going to be dealing with. I've heard that I will need to write an essay as to why I want to return, or why I left in the first place. What kind of process will I be looking at when I return? If anyone here knows what I may be dealing with, please feel free to reply. If there is anyone out there who went through a similar experience, feel free to share your experiences in a PM, or reply below!

Thanks everyone, again, sorry for the novel!  :cdn:
I'm going to tell you, right away, to start taking responsibility for your own actions. You were talking in ranks, regardless of the reason. You, alone, are responsible for the swipes you recieved. 9 months on AWT is no excuse. If you can't go 11 months without disobeying lawful commands, you won't last 10 minutes in the real CAF, let alone on operation.

You are extremely lucky the Platoon Comd allowed you to submit a VR and get away with your transgressions, and which gives you a chance to reapply. Don't screw it up this time.
PuckChaser said:
I'm going to tell you, right away, to start taking responsibility for your own actions. You were talking in ranks, regardless of the reason. You, alone, are responsible for the swipes you recieved. 9 months on AWT is no excuse. If you can't go 11 months without disobeying lawful commands, you won't last 10 minutes in the real CAF, let alone on operation.

You are extremely lucky the Platoon Comd allowed you to submit a VR and get away with your transgressions, and which gives you a chance to reapply. Don't screw it up this time.

I won't be going back until I am sure I am mature enough to handle the situation. I'm not making the same mistake again
I spent a few months with dahok, and WPC was a shitshow, talking in ranks ran rampant in WPC, some got lucky and not caught, others spoke at the wrong second. Capt. Likely took it easy on him as there were bigger fish to fry ( including a staff member)
Thanks for the words, marinemech. But PuckChaser is right. Either way, things are gonna be different. Just hoping someone out there will be able to give me an idea what my recruitment is gonna be like this time round.
DAHOK987 said:
Just hoping someone out there will be able to give me an idea what my recruitment is gonna be like this time round.

The same as the last time but you will now require a re-enrolment "waiver".  You will have to "prove" that you have over come the reasons for VRing the first time around and they will most likely want a letter from you outlining this. 

Good luck!
And.... PLAR results have come back! I've been granted P Res BMOQ (AIOV) and P Res Basic Engineer Officer (AKXY).

Still need to find out if this means I avoid going to Gagetown for a summer altogether. It would be nice if that is the case.

I will update again when I get more info.
