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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Right now that thats straight answer me this how can only part of a file go missing? ???
sorefeet said:
Right now that thats straight answer me this how can only part of a file go missing? ???

Well maybe some gremlins snuck into the office and stole it.  Who knows. So part of your file is missing maybe it was a bad part anyway, maybe it was out of date.  Basically suck it up and do what you have to do.
OK lots of opinions but can anybody answer franks Q ?,

with his own words:

Since I got back, from time to time, I find myself missing BMQ and the pace of it.  I thought of going back, but still, I'm not sure if I want to live like that..

I guess I'll just wait to be sure before doing anything.

ok franks question was answerd by frank,re read it.
as to why part of a file went missing there is no bad part in my file and your sarcasm makes me think that  that type of attitude is why  things go so slow with enlistment ,p.s.am doing what i need to do!  nothing to suck up :salute:
sorefeet said:
ok franks question was answerd by frank,re read it.
as to why part of a file went missing there is no bad part in my file and your sarcasm makes me think that   that type of attitude is why   things go so slow with enlistment ,p.s.am doing what i need to do!   nothing to suck up :salute:

Good luck precious.
figures that you would say somthing like that you only re-enforce most peoples impression of the typica lncm,(a potatoe peeling jar head),to bad . :-* :salute:


Better to have everyone think you're an idiot rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt....
sorefeet said:
figures that you would say somthing like that you only re-enforce most peoples impression of the typica lncm,(a potatoe peeling jar head),to bad . :-* :salute:

Son, you had best re-assess your life and attitude prior to your next attempt at entry into the CF.  No doubt you came to this site for information and advice from SERVING soldiers.  These serving members have demonstrated patience and given you outstanding advice.  If you insist on acting like a ignorant child, you will be treated as such.

Now sum up, open your ears, and carry on.
sorefeet said:
ok franks question was answerd by frank,re read it.
as to why part of a file went missing there is no bad part in my file and your sarcasm makes me think that   that type of attitude is why   things go so slow with enlistment ,p.s.am doing what i need to do!   nothing to suck up :salute:

sorefeet said:
figures that you would say somthing like that you only re-enforce most peoples impression of the typica lncm,(a potatoe peeling jar head),to bad . :-* :salute:

WOW......What impressions would those be ? Last civilian i saw was on board an aurora last week and they thought i was very professional about my duties......did i miss something ?
sorefeet said:
ok franks question was answerd by frank,re read it.
as to why part of a file went missing there is no bad part in my file and your sarcasm makes me think that   that type of attitude is why   things go so slow with enlistment ,p.s.am doing what i need to do!   nothing to suck up :salute:
Oh sorefeet, please get your file fixed quick!! Please apply to become a 911 Sup tech and for your 3 posting choices enter: 1) Gagetown 2) Gagetown and 3) Gagetown. I will then fight to have you come to work in my section....what fun it will be...especially if you think your feet are sore now!!  >:D And I guarantee that I will fix that attitude you seem to be sporting as well!!
WOW,this person who may or may not get another chance to become one of Canada's finest is obviously a little confused as to what the military is.However making veiled threats&belittling comments as to their mind set will not help this person get the direction and foundation they so obviously need ,cm on people you were all scared and confused at least once in your life . :cdn:
goinpostal said:
WOW,this person who may or may not get another chance to become one of Canada's finest is obviously a little confused as to what the military is.However making veiled threats&belittling comments as to their mind set will not help this person get the direction and foundation they so obviously need ,cm on people you were all scared and confused at least once in your life . :cdn:

Nothing veiled here, and the preceding posts are not threats.  They are examples of "counselling".  And serving members of a certain rank are both trained and experienced enough to administer "counselling".  If you can't tolerate constructive criticism administered in the military style, find another career.
first I'm not in the military  my father is a retired rsm of 2ppcli who is now deceased and your term "counselling" is only a PC term for being a bully why even bother" getting your pantys in a knot" as my dad would say,i doubt this person will go very far in life but you do have a choice to be a little more understanding isn't that part of your training as well.
by the way my husband is an officer in the infantry and he will be very interested to see this I'm sure he will agree with some of what is being said to this person although I'm not sure he'll share your views on the "counselling" part.

ruck up and carry on would probably be a better piece of advise to this individual.

only an opinion of a military wife.

Interesting lineage, welcome to the site. Filling out your profile will prevent others from jumping to the same conclusion I did.   In regards to your comment on counselling, I have to disagree.   I have experienced both traditional counselling, which consisted of a verbal harangue covering every topic from my faults to the promiscuity of my mother, usually followed by a physical assault.   I am also familiar with pro-active counselling of wayward soldiers in need of advice and, well, counselling.  

Given we don't perform an ordinary job, and it's going to become even more out of the ordinary in the following months, the methods we use are going to have to do for now.

Gee, funny how sorefeet and goinpostal seem to be posting from the same computer......bye bye troll.......
goinpostal said:
by the way my husband is an officer in the infantry and he will be very interested to see this I'm sure he will agree with some of what is being said to this person although I'm not sure he'll share your views on the "counselling" part.
WoW.. the last time i heard something similar to this, was at a christmas dinner, 1991 I think. Anyway she handed up wearing a turkey dinner and all the trimmings on her dress. Courtesy of an NCM. We already have a Queen and a GG, as an ''officer's wife'' no need to try to fill in that position, thank you very much...

i left the CF about a year and a half ago and want to re-enlist. I was 031 reg force...how long is the typical wait for re-enlistees?....would you go through the same process as a new applicant?....cheers...
The length of time it takes for you to re-enlists depends on a lot of things such as the retrieval of your previous service information, which can take as little as a couple of hours and the retrieval of your medical file, which can take a couple of weeks.  Then you will have to wait to be booked for a medical and interview and, if you are going for a different trade, you may have to rewrite the CFAT.  So there is no typical time for re-enlistment as it depends on your circumstances, where you are re-applying (how busy they may be), and what you are applying for.
This is a question I have about how many times the CF is willing to allow a citizen the chance to become a recruit. I'm not in the military, and nor do I plan on any time soon enlisting. I'm in university right now and am considering a career in the military after I've finished with all this education nonsense, but am conflicted as to the picture given me of enlisting and the reality of it. I have a friend, I'll call him Josh because, well, that's his name -- he enlisted twice and took a VR twice, I think in the first month of basic training, or whatever you call it. I don't think he had a real good reason either time, he was just not feeling up to it mentally. None the less, it was something like a year or two between those first two incidents; it has since been about 3 years, and he applied again, and was accepted AGAIN! He is no prize, really, and has but a High School Education and only some University. Is this exceptional? It seems that everyone is stressed out over the application process and its difficulty. Seems to me that it mustn't be tremendously rigorous if they accept people for the military after this sort of capriciousness. I think he is going for the Infantry or Artillery or something of this nature. Any ideas? Cheers!
When one is released, they can be released with or without restrictions. If no restrictions were placed against him after a VR, he can apply again after 6 months.  (In certain circumstances you can reapply sooner)

I am not sure how much weight that two past VRs would have on his re-application.

Did he apply for Officer or NCM? Big difference in competitive levels.