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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

  • Thread starter Thread starter wackymax
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Crispy Bacon said:
Recently had my VOT come back approved. Good stuff.

As in offer made and recieved (message)? or jsut that all was good to go.

if so thats rad and way ahead of their timeline, they were expecting the end of the month for them to start coming out.

upandatom said:
As in offer made and recieved (message)? or jsut that all was good to go.

if so thats rad and way ahead of their timeline, they were expecting the end of the month for them to start coming out.

Yes: offer made and I signed the final part of the VOT accepting the transfer.
Crispy Bacon said:
Yes: offer made and I signed the final part of the VOT accepting the transfer.

if you dont mind me asking, what trade were you and what are going into?
upandatom said:
Rad Thanks!!

Did you just learn the word 'rad'?

I only ask because of the amount and closeness of your usage makes you sound like a 14 year old sc8ter dude at the mall.
It's the new generation Jr NCO; you know, the ones that don't know WO's are not Snr NCOs. ;D
recceguy said:
Did you just learn the word 'rad'?

I only ask because of the amount and closeness of your usage makes you sound like a 14 year old sc8ter dude at the mall.

What does it matter to you what word I used, or typed "Rad".

Thats some nonsense harping for no F@#$ reason, you could of just read over it and laughed to yourself, but no you had to try to be the big bully on the block.

Thumbs up "Brah"

upandatom said:
What does it matter to you what word I used, or typed "Rad".

Thats some nonsense harping for no F@#$ reason, you could of just read over it and laughed to yourself, but no you had to try to be the big bully on the block.

Thumbs up "Brah"

Ignorance is No Excuse.

READ this again (or more likely for the first time):  Army.ca Conduct Guidelines.

You will not be warned again.
Wow, here we go again. i stopped coming to this forum a few years ago because of the Moderator / DS bullying. Can we get back to the topic at hand and stop this garbage? "Ban" me if you want for having an opinion and thinking you guys are being very unreasonable here. Making fun of someone over a word is pretty sad.

Crispy Bacon. Congrats man! good luck in your new trade.
You will get resistance when attempting to OT from your trade regardless. It does put up walls and some resentment towards you. Many people do feel pride in their trade and what they have accomplished, and what the trade has accomplished. Nothing wrong with that.

If you are requesting an OT, make sure its what you truly want. I am witnessing some people caught in the "Grey area" right now and its pretty shady, they arent sure whats going on, an injury left them off their new 3s, they suddenly no realise they dont want the trade they are going into.

I have presonally chosen an OT because my trades arcs of fire have changed, so I am attempting to get back into that zone that I work best in, and have the most experience in. 

A couple rules to go by;

Dont OT because your angry, really think it through, you have probably put alot into your career thus far, and an OT might not be the answer to your anger.

Make sure you know what you want, another year probably isnt going to hurt you in the original trade. If you rush it you might miss out on something else you could of enjoyed more.

Research, thats the most important point, I watched an OT fail and the person not get it because they were not paying attention to the Med requirements for the new trade, they had put alot of time and effort into the AVOT, and found out a week before that they were ineligible, and needed a waiver from the new trades Chief.
aequitas said:
Wow, here we go again. i stopped coming to this forum a few years ago because of the Moderator / DS bullying. Can we get back to the topic at hand and stop this garbage? "Ban" me if you want for having an opinion and thinking you guys are being very unreasonable here. Making fun of someone over a word is pretty sad.

Crispy Bacon. Congrats man! good luck in your new trade.


Looks like someone needs this kit:

jlv031 said:
Ok back to topic I still have no news.. Anyone else got a message ?

No messages have come out this way, I would expect that Combat Arms would get the messages earlier, as I suspect they are still trying to reduce the numbers within the ranks there. The last time I had a good look at the PML and intake numbers they were still fairly high.

I would still go by the timeline, end of April/Early May for those accepted, end of May for the rejection letters.
Unless things have changed, they actually send offers out based on 'where the mbr placed' in rankings during selection.  A bunch of offers are sent out, they want for acceptances and declines/defers (i.e. mbr is now on C & P or medically unfit), then send more out from the next highest placing applicants as required.  This continues until the positions are full.
Eye In The Sky said:
Unless things have changed, they actually send offers out based on 'where the mbr placed' in rankings during selection.  A bunch of offers are sent out, they want for acceptances and declines/defers (i.e. mbr is now on C & P or medically unfit), then send more out from the next highest placing applicants as required.  This continues until the positions are full.

It has changed, not trying to pick an argument here;
All applications NLT Feb 14/15 in Ottawa, They get sorted, checked and verified while the In and Outs are made for the trades,
(some 700 I think this year for ALL career changes)

From there Early April/End Mar the boards sit, for a week or so, (multiple boards with varying military trade backgrounds). The boards score the "30" board points and that is combined with the "60" Board points from the BPSO, and your CoC side of the house for scoring. Then you get ranked, apparently the board doesnt really know how you scored with the BPSO, they see their reccomendation etc, but not the score sheet (called it that for lack of a better word). From that point the amount selected based on the SIP numbers (the big nasty excel sheet that is linked in an another thread).

There are exceptions though, and those come with the trades that are trying to slim the wasteline, ie- Infanteers, Lineman, etc, Those files I believe are pushed ahead. As well as the other special trades, i think this year it is Combat Diver, and SAR Tech that had to be in early for extra review?

Thats how the BPSO explained it to me, I was determined to find out how it worked as my CoC is not very aware of AVOTs or the process as a whole.
That is the selection process (or something similar I am sure) but how offers actually go out is what I said or close to it.  If Widget Tech is accepting 10 VOTs, they send offers to the top 10 applicants (from the selection process), send offers out.  If all 10 accept, Widget Tech is 'complete'.  If someone on the top 10 stepped on it, and ended up on C & P, they are excluded from that  years selection, and D Mil C or who ever it is now sends a VOT offer to the next person in the list from the selections.

I think you have *Step 1* covered, and I was speaking more about the "Step 2 - after Boards have sat" part.

Yeah I agree! I did confirm that a pre "agreement" that asks are you sure you want this? comes out.