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Weight Requirement

bumsy said:
Let me know how the weight gaining goes....Im a girl, 24, 5' 7" weigh about 115 pounds...no matter what I eat I don't gain weight...I have pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner....It sucks cause im a vegetarian...but If you know some secret for skinney people to put on weight FAST....give me a shout

My Advice....stay like this  ::) its good for a girl  ;D just keep training that is the most important.

bumsy said:
Let me know how the weight gaining goes....Im a girl, 24, 5' 7" weigh about 115 pounds...no matter what I eat I don't gain weight...I have pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner....It sucks cause im a vegetarian...but If you know some secret for skinney people to put on weight FAST....give me a shout
protein. You need protein and fat. You won't gain weight unless you increase your intake of protein, and your body won't use the protein properly unless you intake more fat.

Despite your bizarre affliction, you can still increase your protein intake by the use of various powders used by bodybuilders. I recommend MuscleTech's products, personally, but should you go with a generic company, you will still benefit. Even Ensure-type drinks will start to improve your dietary shortages, and you will gain weight.

Or you could just start eating ham sammiches.
I also want to put on some weight for Basic. Are those Whey powders drink mixes good for that? The one I bought today gives 30g of protein a serving. It also has Glutamine which is supposed to help you from over-training by reducing muscle soreness and recovery time after work outs. How many servings (a day) would you recommend, paracowboy?
AoD71 said:
I also want to put on some weight for Basic. Are those Whey powders drink mixes good for that? The one I bought today gives 30g of protein a serving. It also has Glutamine which is supposed to help you from over-training by reducing muscle soreness and recovery time after work outs. How many servings (a day) would you recommend, paracowboy?
I don't recommend any. I don't know anything about your medical history, diet, exercise regime, sleeping habits, body type, or turn-ons. So I ain't a-suggestin' nuthin'.

Howsomever, if'n yer all dead-set on drinkin' that stuff on down...
You want to gain weight, by this I am assuming you want to increase your muscle to other tissue ratio. In other words, you wanna get buffed-out and lumpy when you wear a t-shirt, right? So, the accepted guide-line has always been to increase your caloric intake by 1,000 in order to put on muscle mass.
I suggest you eat more real food, more often, and supplement it with one drink a day, either immediately after a work-out, or later at night on off-days.
I only suggested the protein powder to our li'l frien' above, because most vegetarians have health issues due to not consuming enough protein. Some get enough through other means to support a healthy adult who doesn't follow our lifestyle, but few in the Army are truly healthy.

I shouldn't have stated so conclusively that her inability to gain weight was due to protein deficiency. I have no real evidence to back it up. It's simply a common problem I've encountered amongst those with that particular eating disorder.

bumsy, have you consulted a medical professional on your inability to gain as much weight as you would like? If not, do so. It may be as simple as my suggestion, or it may be something altogether different. Go see a doc, and on your way back form his office, stop by a health food store and pick up some protein powder. Even if that isn't the problem, it can't hurt your chances to gain muscle.

Then stop off and pick me up something. Maybe a doughnut.
"eating disorder" ??

Well that's the first time I've ever someone identify a vegan as a person with an eating disorder!! ...I'm an Grade A Beef and PEI potatos girl myself...
And if you gain enough weight to approach the weight limit of the parachute, you can start handing off kit to your buddies too. Maybe they'll give you booster rockets?  ::)

When will you numskulls realize that the army isn't a beauty pageant? We're here to do a job, not to look like Mr/Miss Universe. Why do you think anyone would care how much you weighted?

On a related note, I swear I will never understand why women seem to have a fixation with their body weight, as in, the exact number. If you're good looking, you're good looking. If you're fat, you're fat. What is that number supposed to prove? OOOOOH look I lost 5 lbs! OOOOOH look Canada spends 0.2% of GDP on defence! Who gives a hoot?

Britney Spears said:
On a related note, I swear I will never understand why women seem to have a fixation with their body weight, as in, the exact number. If you're good looking, you're good looking. If you're fat, you're fat. What is that number supposed to prove? OOOOOH look I lost 5 lbs! OOOOOH look Canada spends 0.2% of GDP on defence! Who gives a hoot?
exactly. Not just the part I copied, but the entire post. Like I said on several threads now, 'weight' is meaningless. Would any woman care if they weighed 476 lbs, but looked like Eva Longoria? No. Would any soldier care if he weighed 96 lbs, but could bench-press a Volvo and run 20 miles in 20 minutes? No.

But, it seems to be the only way to get the point across. So, when in the nation of the doofus, speak doofus.  ::)
To you skinny guys:

Im 5"9, and i was 115lbs when I joined a bit over 2 years ago.
Im 156 now..

I was small and weak, so I rectified the situation by eating more and going to the gym. As a result, my job is now easier.
I made it through all my courses and did quite well on a couple of them once I adjusted.Its not impossible by any stretch of the imagination.
I was a big wuss and incredibly skinny, so dont beat yourself up about it.The biggest part of the game is your mental one and your drive/determination to finish the job.

Also, as a tip to any of you who had trouble gaining muscle mass like I did (that is what you want, not just weight from eating donuts.Muscle mass will help you keep that ruck on your back a little longer and a little heavier, trust me)

A) Stop running so much. Doing alot of running does the exact opposite of what you want to accomplish. Keep yourself in shape enough to run the 2.4 in the required time, and to be able to run at least 5km. The army isnt asking a marathon out of you.

B) Weight training and eating properly. Make sure to rest your muscles after youve worked them hard because going to the gym everyday and working the same muscle group everyday wont have a very good effect.If your muscles dont have time to repair and heal and grow, you wont make many improvements. If you want to go everyday, do a different group everyday. Monday legs, tuesday back, wednesday arms, etc.

Stay focused on your goal and results will come with time. It all just boils down to how bad you want it. If you don't like the situation you are in, do everything in your power to make it easier.

Hope that helps, thats what worked (and is working) for me! I hope to get around 170 before summer!

Good Luck and pay attention!
I posted this on yet another thread with people scared about their height, weight, or eye colour keeping them from becoming soldiers:
the definitive answer: the army is a reflection of the Canadian people. Just as there are many short, small-framed people in society as a whole, so are there in the CF, and the Infantry in particular.
Your size, skin colour, religion, gender, race, hair ph factor, or taste in music mean absolutely nothing. These are all outside. What makes a soldier is found inside.
Anyone who is looking for advice on how to get fit, go my thread in the training Forum on Blisters, Shin Splints, and PT. Read it, and if you have any specific questions, pm me. I'll ignore you for about 3 days, then remember to read my inbox, and get back to you.
paracowboy said:
I don't recommend any. I don't know anything about your medical history, diet, exercise regime, sleeping habits, body type, or turn-ons. So I ain't a-suggestin' nuthin'.

The best advice on this thread.  Before you start pumping anything into your body or eating 6 times a day....talk to your doctor.  He/She will know what's best for you and your body.

SoF said:
You eat that much and you'll be too tired to work out lol. You wana gain muscle not fat cuz fat will just slow you down.
The statement you made is totally incorrect, it is a lot healthier to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day than it is to eat 3 big meals. This is because your body is able to break down smaller meals better. I got this quote from a website on healthy eating.

"Instead of eating three medium to large-sized meals per day, you should be eating five smaller meals. You can even treat yourself at the end of the day with a small dessert.

You should also always eat breakfast within one our of rising. This is because your metabolism has slowed down during the night and breakfast will kick-start it up again.

A lot of people think it's OK to skip breakfast because that means fewer fat and calories and one less meal for the day. But when you skip breakfast, hunger begins to kick in and that actually slows down your metabolism even more.

The key to trimming down is not to eat less, but to actually eat more sensible meals.

Eating more frequent, smaller meals will prevent you from feeling hungry throughout the day. And if you're eating fiber and proteins and drinking enough water, you'll actually feel fuller for longer periods of time and will not have the urge to snack so often.

Here's an eating schedule you can adopt:

1. 7:00 a.m. - Eat breakfast
2. 10:00 a.m. - Eat a light snack
3. 12:00 p.m. - Eat lunch
4. 4:00 p.m. - Eat a another snack
5. 7:00 p.m. - Eat a small dinner with a treat"

Basically, the most important things to know/do when eating 5-6 meals a day is:
Eating More Boosts Your Metabolism
Stop Eating 3 Hours Before Bedtime
Stop Emotional Eating
Cut Down on Sodium
Analyze Your Habits

Remember...eat healty, eat often.
Cpl.Caouette said:
...Stop Eating 3 Hours Before Bedtime...

Ah jeez, I do that all the time!! Is there a really good reason for this? I wouldn't like to give up that habit, its just something I do all the time.  :crybaby:

But another good reason for eating smaller (but more) meals throughout the day is that you don't have to experience the uncomfort of being "full", especially when you are physically active throughout the day.
AoD71 said:
Ah jeez, I do that all the time!! Is there a really good reason for this?
I explain it in my "Blisters, Shin Splints, and PT" thread in the Training forum. Your metabolism slows down around 20:00 hrs. Anything you eat gets turned into fat, basically. If you're under 25, it isn't much of an issue, same if you have a naturally high metabolism.
As for BMI and weight, I just did my medical and asked this very question after they took my waist measurement. Apparently, BMI is no longer considered a good indicator of how healthy someone is as muscle is denser (more dense?) than fat. The CF now uses a ratio of your waist measurement compared to height and weight. Of course, as has been mentioned previously and continuously, how your body looks is not necessarily an indicator of how healthy and fit you are.

Okay  i have a question , I want to Become more active and  the thing is i  work out about 5 times a week for 2-3 hours everytime and still it seems like i'm putting on weight , maybe cause its musle but how do i loss the weight and still keep the muscle?  :(
paracowboy said:
I explain it in my "Blisters, Shin Splints, and PT" thread in the Training forum. Your metabolism slows down around 20:00 hrs. Anything you eat gets turned into fat, basically. If you're under 25, it isn't much of an issue, same if you have a naturally high metabolism.

This is a very misleading statement. Production of fat is determined by the amount of excess food you take in vs the energy (caloric intake) you use. If that number is postiive, your body stores the extra calories in the form of fat. Your body does NOT automatically treat everything after 20:00 has extra calories and store it away. Thats just rediculous. Just don't munch on too much carbs before bed time cause chances are, you probably won't burn all of it off.

If you want to lose weight, nothing subtitutes exercise and proper diet.
ZxExN said:
Your body does NOT automatically treat everything after 20:00 has extra calories and store it away. Thats just rediculous.
well, of course not, it's a vague generality, which is easier for the lay person to grasp and implement. Kinda like using the phrase
If you want to lose weight, nothing subtitutes exercise and proper diet.
when "weight loss" is immaterial to health, fitness, or recruiting. "Weight" is used incorrectly here. But, everyone understands what is meant, right? Same thing with my post.
Way to put me in my place by doing exactly the same thing.

Mike18, fucking forget about weight! Focus on health and fitness. Do you feel good? Can you meet the physical standards needed? If so, who gives a shit on a shingle what you fucking weigh? Where does your weight mean anything? If you are concerned with ego, then you don't want to lose "weight" you want ot burn fat. And the answers to your question have been posted on this site repeatedly. Often by me. Do a search. Specifically in the Training forum.
paracowboy said:
judging from the astoundingly large numbers of portly soldiers, chubby sailors, and rotund airmen: none.
start here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33109.0.html

Any detailed questions, feel free to pm me, and I'll help out wherever possible.

I don't want to set a bad name for cadets, but people on this fourm are always talking about us posting when we have no clue what where talking about. BMI doesn't necessarily mean you are fat at all. Please find more information at this link http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/bmi-means.htm It is the united states centre for disease control.
C/WO. McWatt said:
I don't want to set a bad name for cadets, but people on this fourm are always talking about us posting when we have no clue what where talking about. BMI doesn't necessarily mean you are fat at all. Please find more information at this link http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/bmi-means.htm It is the united states centre for disease control.
good catch, but you don't have the full context. The post you quoted was made in response to yet another "fat troops" thread, and the third "BMI" thread in a week's span. On the previous two, I was one of many who ranted against the BMI as being useless for exactly the reasons listed on your website. At the time, it was mildly amusing in a cynical sort of way.
Swing and a miss!