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Western Alienation - Split from General Election 2019


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Canada is dead I’m only voting for independence parties now


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Jarnhamar said:
Mariomike does this mean you're going to be arguing that Scheer should have won the election? ;)

2019 Canadian federal election

In the popular vote, polls show both parties virtually tied at about 32%.

VinceW said:
Canada is dead I’m only voting for independence parties now

Is it as tragic as that? I have an EU passport. But, I love Canada and can't imagine ever leaving for anything more than a vacation.


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mariomike said:
Is it as tragic as that? I have an EU passport. But, I love Canada and can't imagine ever leaving for anything more than a vacation.
Doesn’t bother me in the least never liked anything East of Manitoba anyways looking forward to the birth of the Republic of Western Canada as many of us now will
Canada is over it was some fun when it worked out for us
The Trudeau’s are country killers
VinceW said:
never liked anything East of Manitoba

That's too bad. I enjoy travelling Canada and like every part of it.
VinceW said:
Canada is dead I’m only voting for independence parties now
I always like how Albertan separatists think BC leaves with them, the same BC that is fighting tooth and nail to prevent any Alberta pipeline.

Or the North, which reliably votes left.

The more accurate western republic is a landlocked Alberta and Saskatchewan dealing with a very hostile Canada and a USA that doesn't want any more energy competition.

Altair said:
I always like how Albertan separatists think BC leaves with them, the same BC that is fighting tooth and nail to prevent any Alberta pipeline.

Or the North, which reliably votes left.

The more accurate western republic is a landlocked Alberta and Saskatchewan dealing with a very hostile Canada and a USA that doesn't want any more energy competition.


Everyone will come around eventually it’s in their best interests once Western Canadians start to become independent
The US government considers our oil sands as their strategic reserve they want us to be productive we’re not going to listen to anyone telling us we can’t which is a term used by cowards who won’t even try
VinceW said:
Everyone will come around eventually it’s in their best interests once Western Canadians start to become independent
The US government considers our oil sands as their strategic reserve they want us to be productive we’re not going to listen to anyone telling us we can’t which is a term used by cowards who won’t even try

Fracturing Canada is in no ones best interest imo. BC has no serious interest in joining the flatlands in seperation, even in the flatlands, from what I've seen support for it is well short of 50%.

Seperate from Canada, just to become even more of an American stooge? Why not just join the Americas? It makes far more sense then creating a third country. Oh and the cowards are in the flatlands then, because they are not trying.

I think seperation is a pipedream of dreamers afraid to face reality. Instead of working to address issues we face as a nation, they want to run away like "cowards".

AbdullahD said:
Fracturing Canada is in no ones best interest imo. BC has no serious interest in joining the flatlands in seperation, even in the flatlands, from what I've seen support for it is well short of 50%.

Seperate from Canada, just to become even more of an American stooge? Why not just join the Americas? It makes far more sense then creating a third country. Oh and the cowards are in the flatlands then, because they are not trying.

I think seperation is a pipedream of dreamers afraid to face reality. Instead of working to address issues we face as a nation, they want to run away like "cowards".

Yes,  the biggest gripe Alberta has is access to tidewater,  and leaving Canada only compounds that issue. BC has zero interest in separating,  and trying to get a pipeline through what would be another country, one with a axe to grind.

Quebec could always make a play at seperation because they had access to the ocean.

Alberta would be completely at the mercy of the USA and Canada.
VinceW said:
Doesn’t bother me in the least never liked anything East of Manitoba anyways looking forward to the birth of the Republic of Western Canada as many of us now will
Canada is over it was some fun when it worked out for us
The Trudeau’s are country killers

Meh.  This is on par with the California independance movement.  Or all the Americans that were going to move north when Trump won.  Based on anger and resentful that democracy didn’t go their way.  Not very realistic.  Look, at Quebec that tried and ran itself into the ground to do it. 50 years later and they are still around.  In 50 years oil extraction might not even be an issue anymore.

How about holding the Team accountable and maybe get their act together to actually get a chance at winning.  So far they aren’t doing it and worse, they seem unwilling to.
AbdullahD said:
Fracturing Canada is in no ones best interest imo. BC has no serious interest in joining the flatlands in seperation, even in the flatlands, from what I've seen support for it is well short of 50%.

Seperate from Canada, just to become even more of an American stooge? Why not just join the Americas? It makes far more sense then creating a third country. Oh and the cowards are in the flatlands then, because they are not trying.

I think seperation is a pipedream of dreamers afraid to face reality. Instead of working to address issues we face as a nation, they want to run away like "cowards".


We tried and tried already the Reform party was created to bring Western values on the East and we were rejected they made fun of us and belittled us Harper made it for awhile but now any sign of the Conservatives that is influenced by the West is again rejected by the East we’ve done all we can do it’s time to move forward the West East political difference isn’t going to break ever.
Western populism is now for independence and we’ll succeed.
VinceW said:
We tried and tried already the Reform party was created to bring Western values on the East and we were rejected they made fun of us and belittled us Harper made it for awhile but now any sign of the Conservatives that is influenced by the West is again rejected by the East we’ve done all we can do it’s time to move forward the West East political difference isn’t going to break ever.
Western populism is now for independence and we’ll succeed.
Just want to understand something.

Alberta,  and for the sake of argument,  Saskatchewan,  fully in the country, with representation in parliament, is having trouble getting energy projects passed,  will somehow have more success trying to get energy projects passed in what is left of Canada with zero representation from Alberta and Saskathewan and more beholding to the less oil friendly provinces in ontario, quebec,  and ultimately BC?
Altair said:
Just want to understand something.

Alberta,  and for the sake of argument,  Saskatchewan,  fully in the country, with representation in parliament, is having trouble getting energy projects passed,  will somehow have more success trying to get energy projects passed in what is left of Canada with zero representation from Alberta and Saskathewan and more beholding to the less oil friendly provinces in ontario, quebec,  and ultimately BC?

We can sign a deal with the States and ship it down to Texas we’re already doing that now we have a better chance for long term growth and success that way then the future we face now.
VinceW said:
We can sign a deal with the States and ship it down to Texas we’re already doing that we have a better chance for long term success that way then the future we face now.
Keystone is running into issues as well,  so I can't imagine that going any better.

Just saying,  as a Quebecer,  I've heard all the reasons for not going it alone,  how it would be economic suicide,  and I must say,  comparing the two,  Quebec had a much stronger case for seperation.

Quebec has a seperate identity. Alberta doesn't.

Quebec has a seperate language. Alberta doesn't.

Quebec has access to other markets seperate from the country it would seperate from. Alberta would need to join NAFTA or else it doesnt either.

Quebec has a political parties and leaders pushing for the goal of seperation. Alberta doesn't.

And I want to make clear,  Quebec has a weak claim for seperation. They would suffer greatly if they did it. Alberta,  moreso.

Altair said:
Keystone is running into issues as well,  so I can't imagine that going any better.

Just saying,  as a Quebecer,  I've heard all the reasons for not going it alone,  how it would be economic suicide,  and I must say,  comparing the two,  Quebec had a much stronger case for seperation.

Quebec has a seperate identity. Alberta doesn't.

Quebec has a seperate language. Alberta doesn't.

Quebec has access to other markets seperate from the country it would seperate from. Alberta would need to join NAFTA or else it doesnt either.

Quebec has a political parties and leaders pushing for the goal of seperation. Alberta doesn't.

And I want to make clear,  Quebec has a weak claim for seperation. They would suffer greatly if they did it. Alberta,  moreso.

I happen to think Québec would be just fine if they separated but that the rest of Canada would not do so well.  In fact, I think the rest would eventually be absorbed by the United States.
Altair said:
Keystone is running into issues as well,  so I can't imagine that going any better.

Just saying,  as a Quebecer,  I've heard all the reasons for not going it alone,  how it would be economic suicide,  and I must say,  comparing the two,  Quebec had a much stronger case for seperation.

Quebec has a seperate identity. Alberta doesn't.

Quebec has a seperate language. Alberta doesn't.

Quebec has access to other markets seperate from the country it would seperate from. Alberta would need to join NAFTA or else it doesnt either.

Quebec has a political parties and leaders pushing for the goal of seperation. Alberta doesn't.

And I want to make clear,  Quebec has a weak claim for seperation. They would suffer greatly if they did it. Alberta,  moreso.

We’re rednecks that’s our identity.
We’re soon see where this takes us.
VinceW said:
We’re rednecks that’s our identity.
We’re soon see where this takes us.

Alberta would also make out just fine.  Plenty of landlocked countries do ok, Switzerland to name but one particular success.

If Alberta were to separate, they would more than likely get in bed with the Americans.  You would see the Oil industry go in to overdrive then. Saskatchewan probably wouldn't be far off either.  The Americans would control all the Oil and wouldn't have to deal with a pesky Government in Ottawa. 

If Alberta separated though, Canada as a Nation would be finished.  It would probably be something of a domino effect and I would predict most places would throw their hat in with someone down South. 
Humphrey Bogart said:
Alberta would also make out just fine.  Plenty of landlocked countries do ok, Switzerland to name but one particular success.

If Alberta were to separate, they would more than likely get in bed with the Americans.  You would see the Oil industry go in to overdrive then. Saskatchewan probably wouldn't be far off either.  The Americans would control all the Oil and wouldn't have to deal with a pesky Government in Ottawa. 

If Alberta separated though, Canada as a Nation would be finished.  It would probably be something of a domino effect and I would predict most places would throw their hat in with someone down South.
I'm of the opinion that western nations have learned the lessons from the Spanish and the Catalans.

Humphrey Bogart said:
If Alberta separated though, Canada as a Nation would be finished.  It would probably be something of a domino effect and I would predict most places would throw their hat in with someone down South.

This is why I will fight seperation tooth and nail until the bitter end.

Not that I hate America, in fact I am very pro-USA. But because we as a nation, have our own identity that deserves to be preserved and protected.

I am extremely biased, maybe even ignorantly so against anyone trying to fracture our great nation.

One leaves, we may all end up falling apart. It is a short sighted game plan.

AbdullahD said:
This is why I will fight seperation tooth and nail until the bitter end.

How easy it to do? From what I understand, it's near impossible to get out of a province. Let alone a country,

City-state provinces in Canada? Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver 
6 pages.

VinceW said:
We’re rednecks that’s our identity.
We’re soon see where this takes us.
Fair enough.

I,  for one,  will take it seriously once there is a political party based on seperation, and it wins power.

Till then,  just noise.