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What Foreign Armies Can We Join?

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Albeit this is my plan B. Plan A is the Canadian army, and plan C is the Royal Marines. Plan D is French-Serbo Legion.

I still want to know

What the hell is the French-Serbo Legion?!
Must be a figment of Mr. Choi's imagination. I must say that my BS meter is starting to head towards the red zone on this one...

Teflon said:
I still want to know

What the hell is the French-Serbo Legion?!

As I said earlier I think this is them  8)

Teflon said:
I still want to know

What the hell is the French-Serbo Legion?!

May be a reference to the fact that the FFL's recruiting patterns seem to reflect where former soldiers who feel they have no other options are running away from post-conflict - as Wikipedia puts it, "The Legion's ranks historically were filled with enlistees from countries which were undergoing some sort of crisis."  For a while, I read someplace that it appeared that an awful lot of Serbs & Croats, leaving the 1990's unpleasantness at home, joined the Legion. 

You must be right, they certainly look dangerous,....
Wesley (Over There) said:
Just remember Ronnie, its no game here in Syhteland. Falluja, Ramadi, Sadr City, Karadah, Dorah, etc. Ther are people here trying to kill you every day.

Its war, and its for keeps.

At 22, your friend is bloody lucky. A good time? Crazy stories? You almost make it sound cool, fun and inviting, almost 'romantic'.

Be careful what you wish for Ronnie! No wannabees here.

Now, as for joining a foreign force, I've only been home once since 2000. The 'coolness' of being in an other Army dies pretty fast when your thousands of km away from all thats dear to you. After +12 yrs, I still get homesick, and I am 47 yrs old! I've missed many special days, funerals, reunions and any other occasion. A new country is a new home. Your place of birth takes 2nd place, as does former loyalties too. You earn your citizenship from which others its a birthright!

In closing, remember one one thing Ronnie, there is NO glory in death, dying, and killing, and its by far an adventure. Its not a movie or TV series here. Endless long hard days, heaps of stress, little sleep, and hell literally 'razing' all around you.


Well ask yourself why you joined those years ago. I'm joining cause I'm sick of seeing terrorist attacks in London, Madrid and other nice places. It's only a matter of time before people get slammed in my city or some other here in Canada/U.S.

I'm fully aware of the implications in terms of ditching your family and friends. Definatley it is not easy sitting here at home on my little ass while there is good people overseas doing what they have to do. Including some of my friends.

I Don't want to try and be cool by saying to my friends, "ye ha i'm going overseas to fight". If this were true, I wouldn't have been training and applying to different forces.

Maybe I'll get lucky and be taken in by my "own" country. I can see why they wouldn't want me. But to not even test me in training is a boot to the face.

I haven't read this entire thread,  so I don't know if anyone has made these jokes yet....
(and before I forget,  "Which foreign armies can we join?")

** This is a joke,  I mean it with levity **
Well I think the salvation army is looking for a few good Canadians, also I know America is giving green cards and accelerated Citizenship for people if they serve in the military.  On a different note all together I am sure Al-quida is accepting applications ;D Although their recruiters are even harder to get a hold of than a CF recruiter.  :cdnsalute:  (Yes,  it took me two months of calling every other day to get a hold of that Sgt, and then I had to ambush him at his work place to get him to actually do the paperwork - in the end I got someone else to finish up his paperwork for him.)
Hey, I just got a call from CF recruiters saying that they are taking a second look at my file in Ottawa. Good.
I called the FFL, French-Serbo Legion because the only person I've ever talked to about it was a Serb from Pristina, Serbia. He claims there are lot's of people from the Balkans namley Serbia.
Zell_Dietrich said:
I haven't read this entire thread,  so I don't know if anyone has made these jokes yet....
(and before I forget,  "Which foreign armies can we join?")

** This is a joke,  I mean it with levity **
Well I think the salvation army is looking for a few good Canadians, also I know America is giving green cards and accelerated Citizenship for people if they serve in the military.  On a different note all together I am sure Al-quida is accepting applications ;D Although their recruiters are even harder to get a hold of than a CF recruiter.  :cdnsalute:   (Yes,  it took me two months of calling every other day to get a hold of that Sgt, and then I had to ambush him at his work place to get him to actually do the paperwork - in the end I got someone else to finish up his paperwork for him.)

I had this cab driver from Tyre, Lebanon tell me for an hour how to make make Nitroglycerin. Then he wanted me to make it, also gave me his cell phone number. I wouldn't put it past El Quida/Hamas recruiters to find some patsy kids to do there shyt work.
I had this cab driver from Tyre, Lebanon tell me for an hour how to make make Nitroglycerin. Then he wanted me to make it, also gave me his cell phone number. I wouldn't put it past El Quida/Hamas recruiters to find some patsy kids to do there shyt work.

Are you applying?
ronnychoi said:
Hey, I just got a call from CF recruiters saying that they are taking a second look at my file in Ottawa. Good.
I called the FFL, French-Serbo Legion because the only person I've ever talked to about it was a Serb from Pristina, Serbia. He claims there are lot's of people from the Balkans namley Serbia.

Un petit conseil mon jeune ami. I wouldn't font des plaisanteries au sujet de la Légion Etrangère Française. Faites une recherche sur ces moyens au sujet d'eux.
Danjanou said:
Un petit conseil mon jeune ami. I wouldn't font des plaisanteries au sujet de la Légion Etrangère Française. Faites une recherche sur ces moyens au sujet d'eux.

Whos joking?
Hey, Brinks Security offered me a job today. Now thats scary.   ^-^
Ronny: I certainly don't want to trample on your youthful exuberance with wanting to join the plethora of armed forces you have mentioned but I'd like to caution you that in many instances one primary question asked is, "Have you currently or previously applied to any other Armed Force?" Now at first blush, this question may appear to be innocuous with it's purpose but it does speak volumes about you as a person to the service you are applying to join.  You may think it's a harmless question but it can and does raise yellow if not red flags to the recruiting office that you are simply on a) a fishing/tire kicking trip b) are throwing enough poop against a wall in the hopes that some of it may stick and c) that if by chance you were to be offered a position from more than one service that you'd be either use one against the other in a feeble attempt to negotiate a better MOC/terms of service or won't be able to make up your mind or make up your mind and move on to another offer thus wasting months of backgrounders and testing by recruiters. 

I wouldn't blame a recruiter one bit if they were to suggest to you that you come back when you are aware of your status of your other attempts however long that may be.  I also would be surprised if in all the security and background checks that the SOs didn't start noticing that there were multiple hits of inquiries on your info which would would certainly require a clarification by you which in turn may delay your application. 

When I joined the RN as a wren, I had already lived in the UK for 2 years, I was the widow of a Brit citizen who had been a Royal Marine, had my own right of colour to live in the UK via a right of abode certificate,  I had 2 grandmothers that had been wren nurses, and a grandfather that had been a Royal Marine and I still had to go through an extra long security/screening process, starting with getting my education accredited.  Don't think for a minute that you could ever waltz over to the UK and be in CTC in weeks.  They are going to want to see that you aren't going to boohoo at the first opportunity that you're homesick and want to go home, they use a as a measure that you have lived in the UK for a minimum amount of time.  Now I realize that I don't know you, but I do know the RMs and just from what your have posted so far, you wouldn't stand a chance because your loyalty to Britain isn't ringing true (not to mention you haven't mentioned HM at all and it is quite important that you give off an appearance of loyalty to HM. The RMs are kind of stickliers for that)

If I were you, I'd pick one service, do your homework, make sure all you ducks are lined up and wait it out before you willy-nilly apply to any and all comers.  If you get turned down for one, it may have serious implications on the next one you apply for and at the very least, raise a yellow flag or two that may delay your application.  Your loyalty to the contry your applying to may be questioned if it appears that you are pretty much poop flinging. 

You bet I'm poop flinging. That's what I was told to do. I was told to get out there and see what I can get into in the case I get denied from the Canadian Forces. I am 100% loyal to Canada, and would die for it.

My medical officer called me today and stated that they were opening my file again. My #1 priority in life right now is to get into Canadian infantry as a career. I plan on obtaining degrees from University's given the time and means.

The other countries that I was dabbling about are my backup plan. The Lt. that interviewed me said, "Patrick, do you have a plan B"?
I replied "No sir I don't". So I went home thinking "what if" they don't want me and started calling around the world looking for a sure thing. I was even skipping work and loosing money so that I could get my "Plan B,C's" in order.

Just because I'm from Canada, that doesn't mean I can't have other loyalties. Some of my friends and I think that if Canada doesn't want us, we can go to Belfast, Paris, or say California. Although it would be nice to have a "set" identity in Canada, I'd hate to abandon my family for the rest of my life.

ronnychoi said:
Just because I'm from Canada, that doesn't mean I can't have other loyalties. Some of my friends and I think that if Canada doesn't want us, we can go to Belfast, Paris, or say California. Although it would be nice to have a "set" identity in Canada, I'd hate to abandon my family for the rest of my life.

Saying that is one thing. Getting permanently settled there in the States is another. Did you even read that PM I sent you clearing up some misconceptions you have about US immigration?As someone who used to study in the States myself, don't take what I have to say lightly.

I sincerely hope the CF accepts you first- you considering just the Reg. Army or did you try considering any reserve units in your home province as well?

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