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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

I really dont know what  to say.....

Looks like they had their fun and sent him packing...


I'd like to know what his nickname means.  ;D. Probably not as glorious as he probably wishes it was.
Ugh, I just got hit with a doozy of a dumb quote and it's only 0623. I was talking to some hipster/yuppie type at work when the subject moves to coffee, to which he says:

"Starbucks is the coffee of the intellectual, white collar man, while Tim Hortons is the coffee of the blue collar man".

Seriously what is this lunkhead thinking. I think his head's a little too far up his rear. That or he's just a complete idiot.
BadEnoughDude said:
Ugh, I just got hit with a doozy of a dumb quote and it's only 0623. I was talking to some hipster/yuppie type at work when the subject moves to coffee, to which he says:

"Starbucks is the coffee of the intellectual, white collar man, while Tim Hortons is the coffee of the blue collar man".

Seriously what is this lunkhead thinking. I think his head's a little too far up his rear. That or he's just a complete idiot.

More opinion on politics and coffee:
"The Tim Hortons crowd is a blue collar bunch. They like their taxes low, the government out of their face and their leaders the kind you could have over for a beer. And, of course, they vote Conservative. Right?":

BadEnoughDude said:
Ugh, I just got hit with a doozy of a dumb quote and it's only 0623. I was talking to some hipster/yuppie type at work when the subject moves to coffee, to which he says:

"Starbucks is the coffee of the intellectual, white collar man, while Tim Hortons is the coffee of the blue collar man".

Seriously what is this lunkhead thinking. I think his head's a little too far up his rear. That or he's just a complete idiot.

In part whoever said this is partly right. Winnipeg is a blue collar city, although that is changing. There are far more Tim's than Starbucks.
Vancouver is opposite, more Starbucks. Its not that Starbucks is more "intellectual"  its more white collar/yuppie.

Why are we even debating this?
I like beer, I vote, I am your average joe-in-uniform and I would say I am fairly conservative. Oh yeah, I drink Starbucks too! They serve coffee. Order a bold roast black coffee (I prefer my coffee black) you will not be disappointed!

The concept of Starbucks being for white collars, yuppees and hippys is a far fetched to me. Last time I ordered a Starbucks I was talking to a construction worker and a farmer in in the line up.
BadEnoughDude said:
Ugh, I just got hit with a doozy of a dumb quote and it's only 0623. I was talking to some hipster/yuppie type at work when the subject moves to coffee, to which he says:

"Starbucks is the coffee of the intellectual, white collar man, while Tim Hortons is the coffee of the blue collar man".

Seriously what is this lunkhead thinking. I think his head's a little too far up his rear. That or he's just a complete idiot.

Actually, I think there's something in what this guy is saying.  How many steel lunch box-toting, plaid-wearing Sun readers stroll into Starbucks and ask for a grande caramel machiatto with low-fat non-dairy creamer?
ArmyRick said:
.... They serve coffee.

No I mean real coffee not a low fat,  non dairy, soy, skim, mocha latte frapawhatever.....  You know coffee.  8)
ArmyRick said:
Last time I ordered a Starbucks I was talking to a construction worker and a farmer in in the line up.
Was anyone humming  Y M C A ?    :whistle:

Anyone who still drinks Tim's hasn't tried McD's coffee.
Journeyman said:
Anyone who still drinks Tim's hasn't tried McD's coffee.

Kingston is testing the market for larger sizes. XL is now 24oz. They are compensating for coffee found wanting.
Danjanou said:
No I mean real coffee not a low fat,  non dairy, soy, skim, mocha latte frapawhatever.....  You know coffee.  8)
Trust me my Jedi friend....Starbucks serves real coffee.
Journeyman said:
Anyone who still drinks Tim's hasn't tried McD's coffee.
Valid argument, but not sound.  I have tried McD's coffee, and I still drink Tim Hortons.  It may be the smell of fat (from the burners out back, not the staff) that turns me off, but I can't stand going into a McDs.  But I'm not a snob, and I'll drink McD's coffee, I just prefer Tims.

(But then again, I smoke, so my taste buds may be damaged beyond repair)

Technoviking said:
(But then again, I smoke, so my taste buds may be damaged beyond repair)
Or this inability to accept the correct choice could simply be a manifestation of PTSD caused by your in-theatre chain of command.  ;D 
I went to my favorite Starbucks last night. The "Scenery" was far better than most I've seen at Tims or McD's.

In fact....it was so good one of our esteemed colleagues would have stayed.....
I only go to Starbucks for their Pumpkin Spice Latte in October-November. There is a certain charm to Tim Horton's scalding hot coffee I cannot seem to shake.

EDIT: Spelling. ;D
HavokFour said:
I only go to Starbucks for their Pumpkin Spice Latte in October-November. There is a certain charm to Tim Horton's scolding hot coffee I cannot seem to shake.

Coffee that berates you?  That is harsh.  ;D