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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

What has long been known as Canada's "second national anthem," CBC's Hockey Night in Canada theme song, will no longer be used.
I listemed to CBC this morning so I can be assured that it will be the dumbest thing I hear all day.
Bzzliteyr said:
You know what I hate here in QC?  In line, before they start to even take your order, they ask whether or not it's take out.  I mean it's probably safe to assume that 90% of the people in line are they to go...

Mind you, a cool technique I have seen here in Montreal but nowhere else is as they work in a team of two and there is a huge line up, there is a woman on the sidelines asking you what you want drink BEFORE you get to the cash.  By the time you get there, the drink is ready and all you have to do is pay.  Very efficient.

They do that here in Moncton NB area just south of CFB Gagetown ... arguably more Tim Horton's per capita here than almost anywhere else in Canada.  And yes since we're in Canada that's practically bragging rights  8)

My favorite experience at the Tims' here was getting to the counter to order several for friends, and asking for two of them to be decaff.  Personally I never touch that stuff.  The girl blinked and completely deadpanned, "I'm sorry sir, if you persist in using that foul language here we'll have to ask you to leave" when three or four co workers behind her physically recoiled from me as if I just told them I had flesh eating disease or something.  :skull:  Delivery was everything.... I lost it right there on the spot.
This happened last Friday.

While on the way to visit the girlfriend's parents, we decided to stop a small restaurant about 30 minutes from their farm.  We had received a gift certificate from this place a little while ago and decided that we might as well use.

After enjoying a fairly decent meal the cheque for $36 and some change arrives and I went to the front to pay, with the $20 certificate in hand.  One of the waitresses rung it up on the cash register, I handed over the certificate to her, she immediately got a perplexed look on her face, she then turned around and pulled out a calculator.  She punched in the amounts and still had a perplexed look on her face.  She tried it a couple more times and eventually came up with the correct answer.  She turned to me with a half smile and apologised "the calculator kept on giving me a number with a minus sign in front of it," I did my best to smile and give an understanding nod. 

she was pretty young.  Though I'm not sure what's worse.  The fact that she needed a calculator for subtract 20 from 36 or that she didn't know about negative numbers and how to properly us a calculator. 
lol.  Well here in Toronto I've seen many people who have problems with basic arithmetic.  So it's not just a rural thing. 

I was at a mall once (no tax day right after Christmas) when the cash registers weren't working.  I had purchased a CD and the total was $17.99.  I gave the girl a $20 and she turned to the lady behind her and said "I need a calculator."  The lady replied, "You're kidding, right?"
PMedMoe said:
I was at a mall once (no tax day right after Christmas) when the cash registers weren't working.  I had purchased a CD and the total was $17.99.  I gave the girl a $20 and she turned to the lady behind her and said "I need a calculator."  The lady replied, "You're kidding, right?"

People get so used to having machines do basic math for them that they forget the basics.
I'm sure that majority of people still have the knowledge in there, it just might take them a few moments for them to blow off the cobwebs. 

Then of course there people who really just don't have a clue and work in the service industry for a reason.

Last October I was getting a coffee and a bagel from Tim Horton's, I believe it came to 3.30 or something.  Anyway I handed over a 20 and after a moment I found 35 cents in my pocket, so I handed that over too.  Unfortunately the young girl had already punched in 20 bucks, and didn't quite know what to do.  She did a simple calculation in her head and handed me $16.85.  I politely reminded her that I gave her $20.35.  She replied with "That's why I gave you 16.85".  I figured the extra 20 cents wasn't worth it.

From the Senate committee recommendations:

15.                        The Committee recommends that the Government of Canada allow Canadian Forces soldiers and Canadian Government Officials operating in Kandahar to talk with members of the Taliban movement if communication encourages disarmament and/or ensures the security of development projects within the province. (see p. 97)
I actually left a Tim Horton's once with more change then I started with. Sometimes it works out...  ;D
work in the service industry for a reason

Just exactly what is this supposed to mean? I happen to work in the service indusry and have so for twenty years.
fbr2o75 said:
work in the service industry for a reason

Just exactly what is this supposed to mean? I happen to work in the service indusry and have so for twenty years.

Just to add the context to the actual statement back:

Then of course there people who really just don't have a clue and work in the service industry for a reason

He didn't say all ... he said some IAW with the context of the actual statement ... and let's face it ... there are SOME in the service industry who work there for a reason (sure he means by not being the swiftest bunnies in the woods) ... and that can be said about lots of vocations - it's not necessarily limited to the service industry.
So change the words service industry, to military, and tell me you wouldn't take offence to the statement.
fbr2o75 said:
So change the words service industry, to military, and tell me you wouldn't take offence to the statement.

Nope. There are IDIOTS in the military.

I don't take offense when someone says "boy, some burger flippers are idiots." Because it's true.

I don't take offense when someone says "boy, some Warrant Officers (that's ME BTW) are idiots." Because it's true.
Sheerin said:
People get so used to having machines do basic math for them that they forget the basics.
I'm sure that majority of people still have the knowledge in there, it just might take them a few moments for them to blow off the cobwebs. 

Then of course there people who really just don't have a clue and work in the service industry for a reason.

Last October I was getting a coffee and a bagel from Tim Horton's, I believe it came to 3.30 or something.  Anyway I handed over a 20 and after a moment I found 35 cents in my pocket, so I handed that over too.  Unfortunately the young girl had already punched in 20 bucks, and didn't quite know what to do.  She did a simple calculation in her head and handed me $16.85.  I politely reminded her that I gave her $20.35.  She replied with "That's why I gave you 16.85".  I figured the extra 15 cents wasn't worth it.

20.00 - 3.30 = 16.70

16.70 +0.35 = 17.05

17.05 - 16.85 = 0.20


20.35 - 3.30 = 17.05

17.05 -16.85 = 0.20

I wasn't going to nitpick cause it says "I believe it came to 3.30 or something"....but I was trying to figure that one out myself...