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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

kratz I read this in the paper, or on the net, and I couldn't beleive it.
Basically North American society is saying "if you succeed and excel, we will drag you down, back to mediocrity"
Instead of doing this, they should be telling the parents of the wussy boys who are complaining to either get your bratty whiny kids to improve or find a sport they can be good at, maybe like T-Ball.

My son pitched at that age too. In his first game as pitcher, he hit his first batter. The rest of the kids wouldn't go near the plate. Scared of being hit. About two years later, he was batting and was hit by a pitch. It was hard we heard the "thud" as the pitch hit him. It hit so hard you could see the threads where the ball hit him on the meaty part of his thigh. To his credit, he didn't cry, but got his base and called time to recover. He finished the game. 8)
According to the CTV report last night, the champion team (for the past 3 years) representatives was on the board and pushed this through.....Parents and living their egos thru their children...... ::)
I read that too that the board was behind it. I bet this one goes to court.

Wussy parents who are raising little wussy kids.
The dumbest thing i have heard today ?

That liitle f'ing yippey lap dog one of my neighbours has. Barks every morning around the same time. Sounds like its barking and being strangled at the same time.

I'm mad at its only 930......
Dumbest thing I heard today:

"We may have lost the battle, but we will not win the war!"

room goes quiet...

"I said that wrong didn't I?"
Sgt  Schultz said:
Yes some of us truckers try to make an example...   ;D
..."here's ur sign..."
ssshh, don't let them know that stuff...
kratz said:
"9 year old pitcher told to play other position because he is too good"

I heard this on CTV and the radio this morning and could not believe it. What is this teaching kids these days? Someone is better than you, so instead of working harder to become better, stop playing until the the better player is gone?
Why not let him pitch against older kids?  If he is owning all the kids his own age it would be in his best interest to go a step higher.

Now back to prepping for my 4 month all inclusive vacation in the ditch
Dolphin_Hunter said:
Why not let him pitch against older kids?  If he is owning all the kids his own age it would be in his best interest to go a step higher.

Now back to prepping for my 4 month all inclusive vacation in the ditch

I heard the rooms down there are painted a nice soft, calming "baby blue"  8)
Dumbest thing heard a year ago, said by me: "Sure boss, I can build an RO membrane cleaning system pretty darn quick."  Fast forward to today;  Three pallets of 54 membranes each show up for cleaning on my dock.  Sometimes I just can't see far enough ahead for my own good.
GAP said:
According to the CTV report last night, the champion team (for the past 3 years) representatives was on the board and pushed this through.....Parents and living their egos thru their children...... ::)

The news I heard was that according to his parents the board were po'd that the kid wouldn't pitch for the champion team so they told the other teams not to let their kids play if he was pitching.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
Why not let him pitch against older kids?  If he is owning all the kids his own age it would be in his best interest to go a step higher.

Now back to prepping for my 4 month all inclusive vacation in the ditch

because he is 9 years old and wants to play with his friends - not a bunch of 11/12 year olds that may pick on him because of his age/size. He is not thinking career at this stage, he is thinking fun with friends and that is all he and his parents are after.
I was speaking from personal experience, I was given a chance to play hockey with older kids at the age of 9/10 and it was great.
When you are really good it can get boring if the challenge is not there, as soon as the sport becomes boring it becomes less interesting.

I do think that it is total crap that he was told to change positions though.

Well, this one is a new low for me. A reply in the discussion section on the CBC web site, news story about the new sacrifice medal:

"This is a great idea !! Let's hope they hand out lots of them."

Posted by some reprobate calling himself 'Communist4Ever'. Some people make me sick.
I think I threw up a little in my mouth just now reading that. I've always wanted to sign up for cbc.ca just so I could post and slam the morons that are already posting. But that would make the feel like they won.
Chapeski said:
I think I threw up a little in my mouth just now reading that. I've always wanted to sign up for cbc.ca just so I could post and slam the morons that are already posting. But that would make the feel like they won.

Hmmm, you're still showing as a -5 points on MP, but you should have picked up some for the post you've just made.

Gli-iiitch. ??
Chapeski said:
I think I threw up a little in my mouth just now reading that. I've always wanted to sign up for cbc.ca just so I could post and slam the morons that are already posting. But that would make the feel like they won.

I reply there fairly often... If nothing else, I know that for every rocket surgeon spouting vitriol, there are probably a hundred people who will real the comments, never reply, but maybe learn something from what I have to say.

Not everyone there is a complete tool. Just too many of them.