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Who else has trouble...

"7.62x51  Black Panther"

That doesn't google worth beans. 

Derivative of what?

TCBF said:
"7.62x51   Black Panther"

That doesn't google worth beans.  

Derivative of what?


Not sure as it wasn't my rifle. I'll see what I can find out and get back to you with it.

The action (as you correctly observed) is a AR varient. At the time I was shooting to three hundred and was able to place my shots almost one on top of the other. At that range the rifle is very accurate and, due to the muzzle brake (I assume) has very little recoil.

I should stress that I'm not, in any way, any kind of a long-distance shooter (pistols are mnore my thing) and was just learning the art when this photo was taken.
I sold my Sudanese contract AR-10 years ago.  it was nice.  Little recoil.  Dime-sized groups at the 25.  Not bad accuracy for a battle rifle, especially one with the rear sight drum in Arabic.

I am currently going broke feeding a Delta Elite in 10mm.

I'm quite fortunate in that the shooting that I now do is (for the most part) subsidized by the dhooting school that I do part time work with.

I'd probably go broke and have to wear a barrel if i was to buy all the (Matchking) 7.62 that we shot that day alone!

I did have a blast doing it though and am thinking about picking up a bolt action something or other to try more long distance stuff.
DPMS makes the Panther series 7.62x51 rifles (they are a SR25  copy and use the same mag)

Yes, I do want to go air force. I am really leaning towards ANAV
Not a Pilot  :o  Careful the Pilots union here will attempt to co-opt you...  ;)



I guess you'll have to change your avatar then...aviators don't need or fly with navigators and "stewards/stewardesses/flight attendants/whatever the CF calls any of the previous names".  It's "here's a box lunch" to the guys in back and using a 1:50,000 map up front (although some of the younger kids have a habit of depending on GPS all the time and getting really confused when their nav fix/solution drops off line...)

Then again....by the time you make it through there might be some cool kit on the way.

Mind you, you should check this out before you change your mind to join the ranks of the profession aviator (or not so professional, in the case of this French Army Air Corps Puma crew -- note pilot with his arm hanging out the window on short final  :o  ::) )


  1. Click on "FREE" button at the lower right side of page
  2. wait for the 20 second countdown, then
  3. click on the "CRASH.WMV" link to download the video...DOH!

so, boots...are you hot? If so, got any pics? If not, got any pics of hot friends?
Wow how scary... I hope they were ok but it sure doesn't look likely. :( Of course there are risks involved though, it's the military. I've already accepted that. Also I can't be a pilot because I wear glasses. If not, I would put it down on my list of choices for sure though.

Sorry para I don't send out pics to people I don't know well. :P

lol 2332Piper... I've already dated two army boys so far.
Whoa -- hey I started the flirting.

boots -- have you looked into laser eye operations.   Your at the right age (if your profile is correct)
My ex wife had hers done, and was very happy (after she got rid of me -- then again maybe it was getting rid of me that made her happy and not just the eyes...)

We need things like this in the CF...

You aint seen nothing yet pee wee.


paracowboy said:
hey, if I didn't I'd get worried phone calls.

I wondered where para was. There cannot be any flirting in threads unless he is involved.
Card_11 said:
I wondered where para was. There cannot be any flirting in threads unless he is involved.
SEE??? I don't do this for my benefit!
2332Piper said:
Aren't you married?
who do you think took the picture of the tattoo?