Hi there all,
Again it is clear that all members seem to be conditioned that it is Canada's obligation and role to be a global player. This in itself is a very costly decision, and requires a completely different approach,
accompanied with a much larger defence budget !
The Canadian Defence Force should not get involved with politics,however IF it be comes a matter of policy,it is then the responsibility of the politicians to find the funds to supply ,train and support such forces operating out side of Canada's borders.
I fail to comprehend the reason for the Canadian forces to operate in the global combat field,while the Canadian Defence force is struggling to maintain those forces required to defend Canadian soil at home.
You guys are really a "nice bunch" The UN is keeping their forces at home ,while Canada is required to be out there playing the global field with the USA.This at the same time while they are lining their pockets with millions of dollars from the member states including Canada.
Canada is paying double, for such extravagant foreign policies.
To gnplummer421 : Creating a Marine type force ,must be INSTEAD of normal Infantry ground forces,NOT as a supplementary force.
This then will over time be much cheaper as a Marine Force is capable of doing Infantry work ,BUT at the same time they are very mobile and can also be integrated with the Navy to be deployed effectively as a multi-role combat force.Since one force is now effectively doing 2 jobs it will in the future be cost effective !
Many other countries share the financial problems of Canada.The South African Defence force using initiative,and imagination has been playing with a new idea. Containerised defence systems will be the answer for the future. This allows the Defence Force to use a set of standardised vehicles,ships or vessels as the basis of a multi-role defence force.
The Navy will have a standard fast strike hull vessel available ,and by manipulating these different containerized systems can very quickly change the role or function of such a vessel.
This will be very cost effective as the same forces can now be changed to suit the threat.Delays due to defects will be very short as it will only require the changing of a specific container,thus seriously effecting the combat readiness of such forces.
Mobility will not be effected , systems can be changed in the field,ensuring a high standard of fire power,while the old units are taken back to home base for repairs or maintenance.
In conclusion I say that it is not always necessary to have more money,BUT to think of ways to spend those budgets available more effectively.This can only happen if the members of the Canadian Defence force also change their old set view points,think more progressively, using your imagination to create a smaller ,meaner Defence Force.
The sky is the limit ! Bubbles Up !