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Why we need humvs.

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Is that one of the Octokor vehicle from Turkey?

People are right when they say no one vehicle can fit all roles. I would like to see Recce get a mix of Open 4x4 (armed of course) Modern VBL type vehicle and a LAV vehicle with turret mounted 25/30mm gun and perhaps put portable ATGM somewhere in the mix. This gives your recce a great deal of flexibility and offers a good force mix for â Å“other than warâ ? operations

All vehicles need to be able to accept weapons and armour kits. The M35 design and layout is still a good design and does not require reinventing the wheel (despite the screwups of Bombardier) There are also armour packages for it in production. I also prefer the 6x6 over 4x4 for vehicles 2 ½ tons and up.

Yes the jump start option in the 5/4 ton was one of the better points of that vehicle.

I drive a Tahoe over Northern BC for work, it gets stuck in places where I would not even engage the 4 wheel in my range rover. It also breaks easily and is expensive to fix. It likes to pick up rocks between the hub and caliper leading to Banshee opera.

The noise problems with the LSVW appears to be from sub standard brake linings easily fixed if someone very high up in HQ felt like kicking over a few desks and dumping the lot of them onto the local MP desk where they came from.
Vehicles for the Canadian Army are not selected by the Canadian Army - they are selected by Ottawa
based bureaucrats who have absolutey no knowledge, or the desire for knowledge about the
Canadian Army. They are picked for their jobs primarily because they are "bi-lingual" - what has the
facility to speak in two officials languages to do with vehicle selection for the Canadian Forces?
nothing. We used to piss them off by writing letters through a friend in Dalhousie University from
France. Most of the bureaucrats could not respond in French of course - what a surprise! The choice
of the disgusting little vehicle built be Bombardier, the Ilitis, was a political decision. When we first
saw it, everybody laughed. All military purchases are driven in Canada by politics. They are not in
the US, the UK, France, Germany and Israel. Despite all the political nonsense, the Canadian Forces
have survived, and are highly rated where it really counts -in the US, UK, France, Germany, and Israel
- getting a positive from the IDF is very difficult - a real, fighting army. MacLeod
the 4x4 wheeled vehical I posted is a Japanese design, "Light Armored Vehical" 

the link I posted was to the web site discussing the possible USMC AAV-7 replacement
purchases in other countries is political. The US Army was forced to buy the Abrams because the purchase would save Chrysler, the competition won the competetion. The US marines never bought the Canadian version of the V-22 Osprey because they just bought the British Harrier and couldn't get Congress to approve another foriegn purchase. The British Army and the SA-80 is another example (can't stiff Enfield two rifle purchases in a row).

As for reliability of supply, buying from GM might not be an option. Economists are suggesting they file for bankruptcy protection.
edadian said:
purchases in other countries is political. The US Army was forced to buy the Abrams because the purchase would save Chrysler, the competition won the competetion. The US marines never bought the Canadian version of the V-22 Osprey because they just bought the British Harrier and couldn't get Congress to approve another foriegn purchase. The British Army and the SA-80 is another example (can't stiff Enfield two rifle purchases in a row).

As for reliability of supply, buying from GM might not be an option. Economists are suggesting they file for bankruptcy protection.

i have a cousin who is head of a parts plant that supplies them..... and from what he has gotten from GM them seleves is not going to be a full BR, however it will be one where no new benifits or wage increases can be allowed..... thats what they have been feeding out to suppliers.... so its not as bad as that. plus even if they did go under, there are plants that do do the production for the milcot parts.... so they could be open still...

But look right now..... so long as we got away from politicans making the decsion on what we get, we should design one ourseleves.... well between us and the US, as we both are going to ahve the same requirements, then tender out its construction over NA with to final assembly areas. it can have 3-4 varriants that the main basic camoing out would be the same for them all. its not that hard...... in about 20mins you can fire out a rough idea of what it could look liike heck i got one fired out now sitting in my head that it would sit in about the same foot print of a humvv though it would not be as wide when it comes down to drive train/ supension.... you can easily grab 5 people that are extreme 4x4 builders and tell them your specs and they will make it for you..... hecki bet for 10-15 million in r&d we could have 8 prototypes out within 18 months another 6-8 months of retooling/ feild testing..... and well you could start rolling them off the line withing 26-30 months total........ ground up built to fit the needs of the modren urban/offroad enviroment.
The Humvee foot print is part of the problem because it can't fit in chinooks. We always hitch rides in our allies even our old ones in Dutch service.

It would take a lot longer to plan a vehicle than 20mins because it would have to modular, flexible and easily repaired in field conditions. Slapping something together will ultimatly lead to problems. An example would be the German Panther in World War 2 it was thrown together to be a copy of T-34 but lacked the ease of repair and reliability.

We have requirements for a vehicle family that the US don't have, such as extreme cold conditions for our artic, extreme heat for tropical deployments etc. We have in the past designed a vehicle that met our needs and was loved by friend and foe, the Canadian Military Pattern Truck. If we design in the military and put out bids to make it the savings and profits could be spent in the military.
edadian said:
We have requirements for a vehicle family that the US don't have, such as extreme cold conditions for our artic, extreme heat for tropical deployments etc.

I TOTALLY disagree - the US does more cold weather ops than us (Alaska, and Thule)

Due to our low volume of buying we are much better off buying versions of what they get - simple due to economies of scale and parts overseas.

edadian said:
The Humvee foot print is part of the problem because it can't fit in chinooks. We always hitch rides in our allies even our old ones in Dutch service.

It would take a lot longer to plan a vehicle than 20mins because it would have to modular, flexible and easily repaired in field conditions. Slapping something together will ultimatly lead to problems. An example would be the German Panther in World War 2 it was thrown together to be a copy of T-34 but lacked the ease of repair and reliability.

We have requirements for a vehicle family that the US don't have, such as extreme cold conditions for our artic, extreme heat for tropical deployments etc. We have in the past designed a vehicle that met our needs and was loved by friend and foe, the Canadian Military Pattern Truck. If we design in the military and put out bids to make it the savings and profits could be spent in the military.

ill do up everythign i have done and ill even scan in my drawings for it........ just give me a few hours to type it all out and ill show ya what i mean....... not a bad idea but it is rough and like i put in time lines you would have several months to work out the small details
Extreme cold and tropical heat? Royal Marines Viking (BV206 armored or BV210 I beleive its called)...
Here's a possible alternative to the Swedes....




Interesting comparisons to the BV S-10:
> Bronco offers better protection...
> ...higher payload (5T)... vs S-10's 2.8T...
> ... more space (larger cabins)...
> ... lower price... cheaper parts... (S$ vs Euros!)...
> ... lower life cycle costs (possible... reasoning from lower parts costs)...
> ... equal performance on snow/artic conditions...
> ... greater number produced (several hundred Broncos have been produced)... more proven?

Just thought it is interesting that the asian Bronco could give a Swedish S-10 a run for it's money....

I, myself as a 17 year old have my license, but have no experience driving the hummer. But from what i've read, not only will the hummer be cheaper on parts..when the hummer gets a flat tire, there's a button that will inflate the tire back up. I'll try and get some more specs on it.


I'd pretty much feel safe if the hummer ever broke down and had angry civilians kicking and jumping all over it.
Britney Spears said:
I also have a driver's licence, and I'd feel better if you just. stop. posting.   :)


- Because i'm 17 and you're older which makes you superior to me?

- Because I don't have as many posts as you do which makes me unable to participate in any discussions?


- Because i'm 17 and you're older which makes you superior to me?

- Because I don't have as many posts as you do which makes me unable to participate in any discussions?

naw I think it is because we find it odd you would post that pic, is all.


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