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Why we need humvs.

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ThatsLife said:

- Because i'm 17 and you're older which makes you superior to me?

- Because I don't have as many posts as you do which makes me unable to participate in any discussions?

Nahh I think it's more you attitude here that is ticking people of. We were all 17 once, although for many of us that was a long time ago, and bear in mind that there are people here who we in the military when you were still an evil in Mommy and/or Daddy's eye (hey guys look I used the nice version of that phrase for once). That kind of counts for something on a military internet forum at least I tend to think so.

Might also have something to do with the info in your public profile too. Maybe it's just me but stuff like "couter-terrorist-dude007" and "DrKillyourself" and/or ninja references ad museum, tend to downgrade the credibility factor of a poster here irregardless of age.
Nahh I think it's more you attitude here that is ticking people of. We were all 17 once,

But did you have a DRIVER'S LICENCE?  :D

I mean, I'm the nicest person around the boards, and I applaud him for being so forthcoming with his credentials, but really, that only get's you so far.....
I said I have my drivers license because some other 16/17 year old was talking about it the Itlis and the Hummer and some guy said "Well you don't have your license so it doesn't matter what you think"  i'm sorry I forgot to quote the guy, so shoot me.

And since when does my username  "counter_terrorist_dude007"  or "DrKillYourself"  have anything to do with what i'm posting. It's a screen name for an instant messenger. I don't know why people tend to bring that up.

And as for the ninja quote, so what? I think something is funny and automatically it ends up labeling me as an idiot? I don't get it, really..I don't.

And I post a pick of a hummvee. I'm automatically an idiot for posting it. Nice.
i'm sorry I forgot to quote the guy, so shoot me.

nope you just did that, in the foot.

And I post a pick of a hummvee. I'm automatically an idiot for posting it. Nice.

What do you think? Does it have anything to do with this thread?

Listen, I was 17 too, in fact I was 17 when I joined the 48th.  I was cocky, and thought the world shined on my aise!!

Your post, although done in earnest, well looked silly.  Let's be candid here, it is not the first time you have received this kind of attention, correct?  You have pressed the old post button and got the flak before....

Just take a pointer from us mate, and you won't see the response you got from this thread.


What do you think? Does it have anything to do with this thread?

Well the fact that the thread is titled "Why we need humvs," and the fact the picture that I posted was a hummv, I fail to see where I went wrong.

But you know what? I'm a nice guy, I don't try to degrade people over the internet. You would think with age came maturity. But I guess in this case, the 'mature' regulars of the forum are turning that but of a teenage community forum, flaming people over the internet.

I'll let this go though, because I think I handled the situation quite well as opposed to random sarcastic remarks topped off with a rolling eye smiley.

I'm sorry on my behalf for being a 17 year old that enjoys playing video games, so allow me to delete my instant messenger user names. I mean, "Counter_Terrorist_Dude007" that was created years ago because I had just received te game "counter-strike", why does it still have relevance when it comes to posting? I remember someone already pointed this out, and I replied back "Well your screenname is "star wars (something)," I suppose because your screenname has reference to Star Wars, you think our air force trains in X-Wings and Death Stars and our army consists of storm troopers.

I'm probably one of the nicest people you'd ever meet, peoples feelings comes before mine. But in this case, I can make an exception.

I'll stop responding to this threada now because I don't want it to be locked for getting off topic.  :salute: :cdn:
Danjanou said:
Nahh I think it's more you attitude here that is ticking people of. We were all 17 once, although for many of us that was a long time ago, and bear in mind that there are people here who we in the military when you were still an evil in Mommy and/or Daddy's eye (hey guys look I used the nice version of that phrase for once). That kind of counts for something on a military internet forum at least I tend to think so.

Might also have something to do with the info in your public profile too. Maybe it's just me but stuff like "couter-terrorist-dude007" and "DrKillyourself" and/or ninja references ad museum, tend to downgrade the credibility factor of a poster here irregardless of age.

One last thing.

You guys are ranting about my screen names and my forum signature tends to downgrade my credibility factor. Yet there is a user by the name of BRITNEY SPEARS with a picture of Britney Spears. Something tells me some people just enjoy bashing the teens.
If I recall correctly, he took quite a razing for it, until the story behind it was told.  So your point is.....?
Well then i came here to post about the merits of Hummers and instead find no one is even havin a pissing contest, Cool.
Anyway what i wanted to say I prefer the G-Wagon over a Hummer heres why;

1) Im biased, Ive been a turret gunner in the G-wagon for the last six odd months
2) Over seas the americans were breaking down all the time and the only problems we had is one vehical's air conditoner went down

I would like to hear what everyone else thinks, but in my opinon we have no need for humvs.
I remember the old Iltus quite well (and I was not fond of it). However I am waiting until I get qualified on G wagon before I pass judgement.  :)
I am NOT Garbage Wagon fan (credit to paracowboy for Garbage Wagon).

When we took over from the Vandoo's they told us some horror about the "Fishbowl" (cant see out or hear etc..)

With the C&R varient it made an already tippy vehicle worse.

For what we do - I'd rather have the Iltis - nice and open and you can easily get out and 'smell the roses'.

Yeah, I loved the Iltis too - one step up from an ATV, but as good as you could get for having your nose to the ground.
KevinB said:
I am NOT Garbage Wagon fan (credit to paracowboy for Garbage Wagon).

When we took over from the Vandoo's they told us some horror about the "Fishbowl" (cant see out or hear etc..)

With the C&R varient it made an already tippy vehicle worse.

For what we do - I'd rather have the Iltis - nice and open and you can easily get out and 'smell the roses'.
I don't know why we just don't buy 400 VBLs from France and get it over with.  Proven vehicle. Can equip our Militia recce Regts (who can then supply drivers for missions) reasonable armament packages, nice and small.  I first saw them on Boeselager 92 in Germany.  Thought they were cute, but effective.

We seem to have this insane notion that we should buy a 'jeep' then throw armour on it.  Why not just buy an armoured car? 

I'm sure this has been asked before but why in God's name did the CF buy hard-top G-Wagens? The Germans (and pretty much everyone else who uses them-Norwegians, Danes etc) have open-top ones with a ring-mount for a .50 Browning or Mk19, an MG3/C6 for the co-driver and even some with a second 7.62 machine gun pointing out the back.

VBL- good idea Tom
How about the DURO LTV by general dynamics? Its new, It can be fitted with the same 50 cal or MK19 PWS as the stryker APC has and it has a Kick *ss suspension? Check it out under products - tactical vehicles at www.gdls-canada.com
They build the RST-V as well.

Meanwhile, the USA is sending 734 up-armoured M113A3s to Iraq.  Not getting much coverage...


I like the VBL idea........a much better veh than the G wagoon or the HMMV....

Can't see the reserves getting any (of a hypotheical buy)  but look what you can find on E-Bay!

VBL is great, anything is great, as long as it's off the shelf and available now. It has to be bought for fair market price, from the manufacturer. The Canadian lobbyists, politicians, industrialists, etc, have to be kept out of the picture. The CDS has to go to the grass roots users, ask what they want for the mission he's given them, get their feed back and buy, off the shelf. The politicians need no part in the process, except to release the funds. Anything else comes at the risk of overspending, over analysing, over thinking of the situation, for years on end. The worst case scenario, is the loss of life on operation, due to the procurement and financial gain for a pandering, pompous politician and his riding because "we need things Canadian" .
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