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Will Canada be invaded for its' water?

"Well, it can't be Vex Corps from the Alpha Verse , they're in  the Twitch District, so no I don't know what's waiting for us."

You've forgotten the Borg. Back to the Space Patrol again, I think re-designing the internal combustion engine to require only one spark plug is a step backwards, how about Mr. Fusion Ultra Liquid Fuel Drive? I think that may work best, as it bends space time around itself to create a vortex, which the ship then travels through, giving the passengers the illusion of staying still yet they are moving at infinite velocity. We also could use some plasma pulse battle rifles, as well as proton grenades, etc.

**Edited for my poor spelling.
You've forgotten the Borg

No, I haven't forgotten them, it's just that most are in for the level 1V upgrades on critical software analysis systems, I didn't pay them much heed. By the time their central command finishes this round of upgrades, we have implanted the need for a level V requirement....so the cycle becomes endless. Picard really did a number on them years ago, to the point that they have almost like little puppies.  ;D

Mr. Fusion Ultra Liquid Fuel Drive? I think that may work best, as it bends space time around itself to create a vortex, which the ship then travels through, giving the passengers the illusion of staying still yet they are moving at infinite velocity.

Neat little system, with but one problem....it melts the Maple Syrup Concentrate from Castillo...and if you have ever seen a worm hole clogged with melted Maple Syrup Concentrate, it ain't pretty. Even more funny is what it does to the next guy along !!  ;D

That comment "it bends space time around itself to create a vortex, which the ship then travels through, giving the passengers the illusion of staying still yet they are moving at infinite velocity" only has one little bug. You had better be standing in the irradiance cone when you come to a stop. If you are not, then all the velocity catches up with you....yeesh, what a mess.

We also could use some plasma pulse battle rifles, as well as proton grenades, etc.
Nag nag nag....that's all I ever hear...for your information the plasma pulse battle rifles have had a recall...remember those, well, apparently if you try to fire when the charge is really low, they draw their power from the nearest organic object and quickly deplete it....you being the "nearest organic object" tends to not go over well.  :P
"The ringside seat to the cosmic spectacle will be in North America, where amateur sky watchers with good telescopes should be able see the asteroid as a small moving dot in the sky. Europe can also view the flyby, but the asteroid will appear much fainter."

OOOOOOOO!!!!  Clear my schedule!  No body can resist a moving dot!  God bless the geeks and their enthusiasm for minutiae. 

However, we should consider that this "asteroid" is most likely Big Head trying to do a close fly by to see how the gravity funnel production is going.  Best contact Space Patrol to see if they can get their top quality interceptors on deck:

Hewlett said:
"Ack!  Still going?   Roll Eyes   Send this thread to the Delta Quadrant already...   "

Be careful, we all know who is waiting for us in the Delta Quadrant. ;D

Ha! Good one!  :)
Hewlett said:
"how about Mr. Fusion Ultra Liquid Fuel Drive? I think that may work best, as it bends space time around itself to create a vortex, which the ship then travels through, giving the passengers the illusion of staying still yet they are moving at infinite velocity.

The main reason this never caught on is the vortex interfered with the operation of the cup holder. Having a hot "double double" splatter all over you at infinite velocity is an experience which simply cannot be described or imagined. Many a fine menber of the Space Patrol had to be paid off until the Mr Fusions were retired, or sold to the Chinese Space Patrol (you will notice very little has been heard from them lately, as they have all apparently been incapacitated by scalding tea).

Most modern Space Patrollers use new technology to ride waves of Gravitons across space/time, allowing them to beat the traffic light at the corner of 8th Street and 8th Avenue in Calgary on the way to headquarters.