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Will Canada be invaded for its' water?

Sorry...it's the medications. It didn't start down here....honest.  :brickwall:
Seriously folks.

C'mon.  I mean it!  Seriously!

The only reason the U.S. would want our water is because we use Canadian water to make Canadian beer.  Imagine if Anhauser Busch got hold of some real Canadian water.


Work with me here.
Geesh......one poorly worded post with a few spelling mistakes.....

and now we're up to what, 62 posts?!



Water is best served cold, but i think Canada will not be invaded.

Mod note: inappropriate jpeg.....that's a free-bee.
Recce By Death said:
Geesh......one poorly worded post with a few spelling mistakes.....

and now we're up to what, 62 posts?!




That means this thread has gone and become a JTF (Just Too Funny) Thread. I call them that because any thread about JTF-2 ends up being a Gong-show. Therefore any thread that turns out like that should be labeled a JTF thread, even if it isn't about JTF-2
I think my water idea has been diluted...... I'm going back to conspiracy theory marketing.... :salute:
It is said that in 50 to 100 years water will be a much needed resource for many nations.  and we have the most of it.  So, if the speculation is correct, and in 50 to 100 years wars are fought over water, we would be a prime target.

nothing proven though, just scientists, politicians and Military people looking to the future, trying to see what may come.
Let's see.....I'll be just a few years over 100 or 125 by then.......I suppose I can wait to say "I told you so; just like Global Warming, eh!, young fella?"
In 50-100 years the Space Patrol will be bringing in ice from Saturn's rings or the moons of Jupiter. Of course, after reentry it will be very hot water........
a_majoor said:
In 50-100 years the Space Patrol will be bringing in ice from Saturn's rings or the moons of Jupiter. Of course, after reentry it will be very hot water........
so we sell tea!
a_majoor said:
Of course, after reentry it will be very hot water........
I knew it...NASA bastards are stealing my steam idea ALREADY!  >:(
This thread is still alive?  Wow! 

Journeyman said:
I knew it...NASA bastards are stealing my steam idea ALREADY!  >:(

That's just the beginning.  Wait until NASA claims you stole it from them!  Remember, NASA and the NSA are one and the same.  "North American Security Agency".

You really gotta read up on stuff, JM.  You're falling behind.

a_majoor said:
In 50-100 years the Space Patrol will be bringing in ice from Saturn's rings or the moons of Jupiter.

Arthur:  Who do you think funds Space Patrol?  Where do you think the money really comes from?  MIB, I tell ya!
a_majoor said:
In 50-100 years the Space Patrol will be bringing in ice from Saturn's rings or the moons of Jupiter. Of course, after reentry it will be very hot water........

Can we charge extra for hot water...delivered???
Note to General Rove:

The Joke Post Gambit worked to a charm.  Those crazy Canucks are discussing all sorts of silly plans to export water, dehydrate water, get water from Saturn, etc.  Operation Water Grab can proceed as planned.

Secret agent Old Guy

PS: Notify the Space Patrol that their hot water delivery scheme has been blown.
GAP said:
Can we charge extra for hot water...delivered???

Charging for rain, that's brilliant.  We'll follow that with the oxygen use surtax.
i think i actually read some where that there was some serious thoughts about wars being fought over water.
I also read that  russia has the most fresh water sources.

there have been wars over some very strange things in the last 200 years and I am sure in the future there will be wars over other strange things.
war for oil, war to turn public attention from bad life at home go invade some southern islands no one cared about, ask the Brits they were not amused.

so a war for water is something maybe here in Canada we do not have to worry about yet, but look at the countries in the middle east who share the various rivers and building of dams up and down the river to control the flow, dam the river and block flow to another country could start a heated debate that  turns to gun fire. i am sure it will happen
so a war for water is something maybe here in Canada we do not have to worry about yet, but look at the countries in the middle east who share the various rivers and building of dams up and down the river to control the flow, dam the river and block flow to another country could start a heated debate that  turns to gun fire. i am sure it will happen

It already has.

One of the provocations leading to the 1967 Six Day War was Syrian attempts to divert the Golan Heights headwaters of the Jordan River,  thereby threatening to ultimately lower the Sea of Gallilee and drying up Israel's national water carrier system which feeds from it.
Although the post is quite pointless, this is not the first time Ive heard the crackpot theory of Canada being invaded and taken over for it's water.  First heard of this from anarchist and anti-world government groups about ten years ago. 

Makes as much sense now as it did then! Next I'll be expecting the senate to propose a new 'Water Preservation and Policing Force'.


BTW, some hilarious comments being made here, love the references to Dr. Strangelove and Monty Python!  Keep up the good work!
What about diluted water for people who can't handle the full strength kind?