It is a personal decision, and I reckon its up to the individual for such a giant leap in repsonsibility, and changing one's allegance to a new land and government. I did it,( and not for the reason the CLOWN in the above post says either) but down here, not up in the north, and my allegance is now to Australia, and everything it stands for, but I NEVER forget where I come from and what that stands for too, but my heart and mind is now here, and has been for some time. I still love Canada very much, its my homeland and where I grew up, but thats as far as it goes now.
If someone is up to living the adventure to go off and join a foreign county's Defence Force, all the power to them, but living the dream, might not be what you thought it would be.
Its not an easy decision to make, and if I have any regrets, I should have come out here when I was 21, not 35.
Do what ya gotta do, but think of both the pros and cons of going south. The USMC is a proud and great organistaion to be in, and remember this once a Marine, always an Marine, there is no such thing as an ex-Marine, but there are former Marines.
I knew a bloke Geoff Cook, from the Camerons (CPL) out of the 'Peg, back in the early 80's he went to the USMC, and I beleive he did at least 5 yrs, but I lost contact with him. He had always talked about doing it, and ole Grandma' as we called him, bloody well did it, and it was not easy, and good on him for giving it a go.