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12 Dec 05 Afghan landmine explosion injures 3 Cdn. soldiers

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
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Afghan landmine explosion injures 3 Cdn. soldiers
CTV.ca News Staff

Military sources have told CTV News that three Canadian soldiers suffered minor injuries near Kandahar, Afghanistan today when a landmine exploded under their vehicle.

The soldiers were in one of the new, heavily armoured 'G-Wagons.'

Military officials say the vehicle was completely destroyed in the blast. Officials told CTV News that their injuries could have been serious, even fatal, if they weren't in one of the armoured vehicles at the time of the accident.

The three soldiers are with the Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry, based Edmonton.
From http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/newsroom/view_news_e.asp?id=1842

News Release
Afghanistan Road Side Bomb Incident
NR-05.101 - December 12, 2005

OTTAWA - Three Canadian soldiers and one foreign journalist were injured after a road side bomb detonated close to their vehicle near the town of Maywand , about 90 km west of Kandahar . The incident occurred around 11:00 a.m. local (1:30 a.m. ET), on December 12. The soldiers' next of kin have been notified.

A U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopter from Kandahar Airfield flew two of the injured soldiers from the accident site to the American field hospital at Kandahar Airfield for medical attention. A third soldier and the journalist who both had received minor injuries in the incident were also treated at the Kandahar field hospital. All four are in stable condition at this time. In accordance with the Privacy Act, no names will be released.

The injured soldiers were patrolling in "G Wagon" (Gelaendenwagen) vehicles. Immediately after the explosion, the soldiers established a security cordon around their vehicles and t he Provincial Reconstruction Team Quick Reaction Force was dispatched to the scene of the blast. A detailed investigation is being conducted to determine the circumstances of the accident.

Canada's mission in Afghanistan is part of our contribution to the international campaign against terrorism. The overarching goal is to help the Afghan people achieve peace by preventing their nation from relapsing into a failed state that gives terrorist and terrorist organizations a safe haven.

There are significant risks involved in these operations, but Canadian Forces members are among the best trained, and most experienced soldiers in the world. They are well led, well equipped, and fully prepared for the mission in Afghanistan.

The PRT consists of about 250 soldiers, most of them from Land Force Western Area, headquartered at Edmonton, Alberta. The PRT brings together Canadian military personnel, civilian police, diplomats and aid workers in an integrated effort to reinforce the authority of the Afghan government in and around Kandahar and to help stabilize the region. To achieve its mission, the PRT conducts security patrols, assists local reconstruction efforts, supports local governance institutions, and facilitates reforms to the security sector
I have seen the vehicle - no doubt the pictures will hit the net shortly. The LUVW has proved its worth yet again.

PPCLI Guy said:
I have seen the vehicle - no doubt the pictures will hit the net shortly. The LUVW has proved its worth yet again.


From the CBC website:


All the more reason to get the RG-31's fielded ASAP

I have heard some good and bad stuff about the G-Wagon, heck I personally am impressed all to hell with it, but this just proves to me that despite the extra maintenance of the up armour, it works. If that had been the Iltis the casualties would have been much worse i believe.
so was it a landmine or road side bomb.  One of the pictures with the chinook said road side bomb.
I don't want to play into what I'm sure will be a field day of PR hype with the media but thank god they weren't driving an iltis.
Ghost778 said:
I don't want to play into what I'm sure will be a field day of PR hype with the media but thank god they weren't driving an iltis.

I was thinking the exact same thing....

M.  :-\
My thoughts exactly...who knows what would have happened if they were in an Iltis.  (Actually, everybody knows what would have happened if they were in an Iltis.)

As for the explosive device, as of yet I've heard conflicting reports.  Some day it was a roadside IED, others say it was a landmine...just wait n' see.
Nice picture to show to all those medics who think going to Afghanistan is a 6 month vacation....we'll see how many change their minds over Christmas.

BTW, the two more severely injured driver and codriver sustained lower leg injuries (broken bones) from the blast.

From CTV
Colonel Steve Bowes, the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) commander in Kandahar, said the soldiers were "obviously banged up."

"One soldier had a fractured leg, a second soldier had a fractured ankle and a fractured foot," he told CTV Newsnet Monday. "They are both obviously in pain but they will be okay."

That and severly soiled underwear, no doubt.
A coalition Chinook Helicopter airlifts the damaged Gelaendenwagen (G Wagon) after a roadside bomb detonated close to the vehicle (image: Department of National Defence)

CFL said:
so was it a landmine or road side bomb.   One of the pictures with the chinook said road side bomb.
By about supper the media should all be reporting the same thing.
Glad they are all ok...

DND reports it as a road side bomb on both pictures at CombatCamera and the News Release.
those F**kers are starting to figure out the Gwagon , it won't take them long to find the weakest in the Lav when we get there , kinda scary!
you pack enough explosives and you can take out an Abrams tank so don't get to bent out of shape over that.
Anyone think  DND policies might be changed with journalist's riding in G-Wagon's....Does the military get to silence the journalist much when circumstances such as this happens?

Best of luck to the troops to a speedy recovery...Hopefully the injuried make it home for Christmas.
I do see some positive comming out of this event, with the media being directly involved. I do hope it helps them express what it is our soldiers are going through. It still sucks.

I hope the injured make a full recovery 
