Capitalism: whatever the market'll bear.
BLUF: Voters can be fickle, no matter who's in the lead at any given time, and "shit happens" applies before, during or after election campaigns.
Well, if you look back at
the aggregate polling aaaaaaaalll the way back to 2021 ....
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... we see Team Blue generally rising in the polls from when PP was selected leader. Not too many folks around these parts were asking "how can Canadians as a whole vote for this guy?" or "WTF are these people thinking?" Team Blue capitalized on this by ramping up (reasonably successfully, if the polls can be trusted) the "PMJT sucks!" narrative in all sorts of ways, and spending big $ making PP look less personally ornery.
The Blue Climb continued until JT said he'd step down, and Blue's downturn continued after MC took up the torch. In between those two red triangles at the top of the graph, POTUS47 was sworn in, leading to a range of political hilarity involving Canada and a very different political battlefield, like it or not.
The environment changed, and Team Blue's appeal seems to have shrunk if you believe the aggregate #'s. If the same electorate that was so smart choosing PP is assumed to be (at least approximately) as smart now as they were then, what gives?
If a commander is winning a battle, and starts losing when the enemy changes, and outside factors change, do we blame the factors for changing, do we blame the enemy, or do we look at how the commander is or isn't adjusting their battle plan?
Team Blue can't change Carney, and can't change POTUS47. Same pool of Canadians to be convinced seem to be drifting elsewhere. PP & Co. have 34 days (as of this post) or so to convince Canadians they're the best option. They've been convincing before with a different opponent, maybe they should figure out ways to do the same with the one they're facing now, in a different environment.