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291 R? Will it happen?


Army.ca Veteran
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What are everyone's thoughts on introduction of the Comm Rsrch trade into the Reserves?

Will it happen? Stand up will be soon if signed off on, and how will it affect the Comm Res?

also, how many people in the comm res in different trades do you think will sign up for the OT?
        One of the main problems I see is the security clearance for a Res 291, this is not a 1 or 2
month wait it could take up to a year and will the Res Pers be turned off by the wait.

                      Regards OLD F of S
OLD F of S said:
        One of the main problems I see is the security clearance for a Res 291, this is not a 1 or 2
month wait it could take up to a year and will the Res Pers be turned off by the wait.

I have one guy who has been waiting for 2 years for an update.  I just submitted mine again for update but will have to wait and see.  Last time it took 6 mos.
The big problem will be with any of the special clearances. I've been waiting a year or more now, the backlog is huge. Hopefully some R291 won't bump me back down the list!
I know one thing they're looking at is getting senior NCM 291's to come work in the Comm Res units that will be setting up 291 dets until we can establish some experience in new r291's, think they'red be a lot of people on board for that?
As far as R291 is concerned, they've already started it.  The first people to be R291ers are ex-Reg Force 291ers, most of whom retired and simply transferred over to the Reserves.  I just simply can't see a need for 291 dets in all the Reserve Comm Sqn's.  The only possible thing they could do is EW, and we don't have nearly the amount of EW equipment necessary to equip all the Sqns.  We could certainly use the people here in Leitrim, but the main thing is getting them trained and cleared.  The 3's package is like 45 weeks, not many reservists can take that kind of time off.  I'm sure they could scale it down but its a lot of material to cover in a short period of time.  My clearance took 6 months, and yes, there is a huge backlog, the priorities are people getting deployed and 291er QL3 students (they need it to complete the second half of the course). 
As far as the senior NCM's coming to work in Comm Res units.......highly highly doubtful.  We don't have that many senior NCM's in the trade to begin with.  Plus in 06/07 approx 25-30% of our trade is due to get out.  And unless a Comm Res unit has a working SCIF or EW equipment, I can't see there being a need for any 291ers there.  I would suspect that if they ever do post 291ers to the Reserve units, it will either be Cpl/MCpl's, or those who have just retired/transferred to the reserves. 
They will make it work at any cost.

Maybe make a total force type unit ie: 1st Air Defence Regiment. (Lanark and Renfrew Scottish) RCA or simply have a res platoon attached to a unit like 2 EW and use there infrastructure.

Agree with security clearances and training. SIGINT trained pers expensive.

It would take a full time commitment on the R291ers Pte, to get there. I could possibly see them on a QL-3 291 (reg) course.

Hopefully some of the older 291ers will join up and pass on there experience.
Agree with you totally Crow
They have the Res EW Sqn in Kingston that works with 2EW.....maybe they'll expand it out.  I've heard that they made all the ex-215ers there at Res EW now R291ers, but can't verify that the info is correct just yet. 
I personally would like to see a healthy R291 trade, it would definitely take a lot of dedication to become an R291er, but well worth the effort in the long run.  I suspect that a lot of them may want to component transfer to the Regs afterwards.
I could see them putting R291's on a Reg Force course, the only problem being that the courses run at CFSCE are so fluid, there is not a definite set time for the course length, because the start of the second portion depends on the amount of people who have gotten their clearances....in other words, not enough clearances, they'll wait until there are enough.  This can be a sh*tty deal as CFSCE is not exactly the happiest place on Earth  ;D
I was in Res EW for 5 years in the mid 90's.  In that time, we probably had about a dozen reg force pers "retire" into the reserves and start to parade with us.  Only a couple of them lasted more than a year.  Whatever they were looking for after their time in the regs, they didn't find it with us.  (The ones that did last were huge assets to the squadron.)

Populating a knowledgable core of the R291 trade with ex-reg force pers sounds like a very dubious strategy to me.  There will definitely be some attrition, and it might be to catastrophic levels.  It's pretty hard to hold your core together when more than half of your team walks out.

As for the length of training, experience with POET shows that it is exceedingly difficult to get a reservist on a year long training course.  By necessity, the R291 QL3 will be shorter, more concentrated, and miss many PO's that are on the reg force course.  Reservists in the sigs and int worlds have to focus on smaller parts of the trade to be effective.  R215 concentrates on combat net radio, while their counterparts in the regt play a lot more with microwave, satellite, etc.  R111 similarly ignores many aspects of the trade that 111's have more time to work on.

R291 training will be similarly focused.  If not, the only people in the trade will be reg force retirees, and reservists who wish to work class B for the rest of their career.  This is a very small pool of people to draw on, and I don't think it would make for a healthy trade.
I think that the reason alot of ex-291 people didn't stick around is because they had to become R214, and do the training. I was res back in the early - mid 90's and we had a retired 291 guy join our unit, the unit wouldn't make any effort to help him get his 3's written off, he couldn't take time to do the training, so he left. He was pretty switched on too.

The R291 trade will work, because they are not implementing it everywhere. From what I have heard (from someone who was at the briefing at 763) there will be 40 positions at 763 and 80 or so at Res EW (has a new name now? 77 something?) There will also be linguist dets in Vancouver, TO, Halifax and maybe Winnipeg.  Things are starting 1 April, people who are interested (R215) will be interviewed by PSEL officers over the summer.

Apparently the courses are already worked out, the 3's course will be done in two installments over 2 years. There are enough young university age students who can take the time to do these courses, that it will work. Some people will be able to get equivilancies. For example, the people at Res EW who have all of the various courses, will probably be exempted from having to do the training.

It will work....
I think it will work.  They will make the training go over a two year period to ensure reg force compatibility and bring in old 291ers to make it work.

I think it is a good idea.
2 years in training systems...............that's a awful long time to being doing intensive theory.

The trend seems lately to have quantity vice quality people.

I hope they do not lower any standards to fill positions to make it work.
I think things are changing with the courses now anyway, the morse code is not so intense anymore, for example..
Can u imagine a whole unit of R291 GD as everybody awaits trg and the processing of security clearances?

"Let's set up that tent again and again and again"
I just simply can't see a need for 291 dets in all the Reserve Comm Sqn's

As far as I know, only 4 or 5 of the Units will have 291 Det's. I know they want to get 40 people in 291 here in the Ottawa Regiment over the next few years.

a lot of 215's here are considering doing the OT. Even having to go back and do the 3s over 2 summers
Well it gives them an opertunity for spec pay!!!
don't reserves get equivalent pay and allowances based on MOC?
I'm a bit out of the loop as far as res pay issues, its all changed since I was a res. I've got solid info from someone who was at the briefing here in Ottawa and they were told, no spec pay.
signalsguy said:
No spec pay for them.
Res 291ers don't get spec pay?  I know the guys in the regs do.  I would be supprised if they wouldn't give it to reservists.