ballz said:
No, it wasn't irrelevant drivel, I was trying to get you to stand in a pro-lifers shoes for a second, which you haven't done because you took the example so literally. :facepalm:
Keep slapping yourself.
My entire response to your silly question was:
As to the part in yellow (which is actually your own brand of completely irrelevant drivel), my answer would be an unequivocal, "No, South Park is a cartoon and you watching television in the first world did not cause their deaths." Factually speaking, X number of children in Africa actually did die while I typed this ... actual living, breathing, children. Is that my fault? No.
As it is not my fault, is there any ethical and moral obligation to do anything about it? No. Could/should/do I do anything about that? Yes. Am I going to insist to others that they need to send their 30 bucks a month in to prevent death over there? No.
You want to bring starving children in Africa into a discussion about abortion? Then here you go; here's where I say we start fixing this 100% preventable problem at:
Is there something morally existent that a certain entity that keeps preaching to those particular persons that they should not use birth control, should continue having children that can not be supported or fed, that they should go forth and multiply (so sayeth the Lord) as that is God's will, could do about it? You're damn right there is. And when their own morality sees the richest entity in the world step up, feed, financially support, and rear those children that their religious reasonings have caused to be created and be born into that place - you'll see me stepping up to do my bit to attempt to correct that situation that is 100% preventable. When they start supporting the right-to-
live of actual already-born human beings (not just those on death row :
![Smile :) :)](
) and preventing all those needless deaths in Africa caused by blind adherence to religious doctrine based morals, then they can start on the unborn.
That is not just a matter of childbirth either, it is a matter of health. Aids is also rampant in this area, yet some -claiming superior morality- do insist upon their subjects that practicing safe sex is a mortal sin itself (Note, TV has already stated he is not in this category). And yet, they have spoken out about practicing safe sex too as it would also prevent birth and thus be a sin. How moral and ethical is that?
The question is rhetorical and I do not actually want an answer from you. Morals are one thing, but if one wants to start tossing religion into the matter it becomes very, very different. There are ethical based morals and religious based morals.
I am quite sure this post is sure to draw wrath, I really don't care. The Pope wants all those children to be born, then allow him to ante up the funds and resources to support them. THAT would be the ethical thing to do if one wanted to claim superior "morality".