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Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

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Ok, so the next course starts monday the 8th, anyone know the one after that??
Sometime in March, with the next one after that supposedly starting in the summer.
commo_dude said:
Did you get your AC OP offer?

If so, when do you start?

Yes I did.  I transferred to AC Op on 6 Dec.  I am on the course starting this Monday.
Good luck on your course Airmich, I hope to join you in the trade soon.


Flatspin said:
Good luck on your course Airmich, I hope to join you in the trade soon.

I see you have IAP, so I assume you will be going AEC vice AC Op then??
Congratz on getting accepted.  I just switched my application from AEC to ACOP so I hope to hear some news soon.  Since you are at the school airmich, can you look at a calendar or something, or are you sure that the next course starts in March?  It's going to be some basis when I go into recruting again on Thursday.  Oh, and also the website says the course is 3 months but the video says 2.  Any clues on that one?

My course runs 8 Jan - 19 Apr, so that puts it at just over 3 months.  IIRC, the next course starts 18 Mar, but I will confirm that for you.
Well Good Luck on that first day, you know the "Here is where you smoke" and "here is the bathroom" "here is where the big kids sit" lol.  But never nothing about your trade....lol  Have fun though.  I hear the rooms are pretty swank there
Its so nice there, room service, maid service.  It may sound jammy, buy airmich will be absorbing so much info and running so many sims she wont have a lot of time to spare.  I hope you know your pre course package airmich, it will help!

Good luck on the course,  It will be a lot of fun!  PM me with who is instructing there now, i think they have had a full changeover from when i was there last, aside from the chief.  And if there is a remi on your course (new pte, im pretty sure hes there now), id love to hear some stories on him, i gave him a good go on his last course he finished in dec.

Keep in touch, id love to hear how its going there now.
Well, maids are nice.  And getting an influx of information like that also sounds nice.  Ive become so complacent in my current job (reserve Boatswain) that having something new and interesting like that would completely appeal to me.  The only reason I took the reserve bos'n job was because I didn't know what I wanted to do in life, and sailing around seemed like fun (it wasn't a CFAT issue lol).  It seemed like a good thing to do at the time.  Now it would seem the only thing that could halt my accpetance would be space, and availability of billets.  Please let them still need more.  Hears to hoping.  Airmich-How was your first day, did you find the smoking area? lol.  Well heres to hoping I will be there with you in March ha, unlikely.

airmich said:
I see you have IAP, so I assume you will be going AEC vice AC Op then??

No, AC Op it is. The officer world and I have decided to go our separate ways, at least for the foreseeable future.  Love to hear your feedback on the course, please keep us informed.
Day 1 down and ?? more to go (haven't started counting...yet!)

Room is great (double bed, own bathroom, desk, dresser, TV, closet), facility is great (good food, gym, pool).  You can see more info on the CFSACO site on the DIN, or check out the NavCanada site http://conference.navcanada.ca/en/index.asp

There is pre-course study package.  It is only available on the DIN.  Most of us were told that the exam was to be given the first day.  However, it is scheduled for next Monday, and this week is used for studying for it.  Pass mark is 90% and there are 585 questions on it!  They've changed the exam day to the second week, as they found that many students arrived not have been given it.

The rest of today was meeting the instructors and staff, a small tour, publication issue, admin paperwork etc.  There will be some more briefs throughout the week (ethics etc).  Max course load is 14, and we have 9.

There seems to be more people interested in this trade, so as time permits, I will attempt to keep you updated on the course.  Please feel to PM, or post here, if you have questions.
NickRees said:
Well, maids are nice. 
We'll see how nice they are when we ask if they can come early on Wed.  They aren't usually around until just after lunch, but our room inspection is at 0730.  ;D

NickRees said:
Now it would seem the only thing that could halt my accpetance would be space, and availability of billets.  Please let them still need more.  Hears to hoping. 
Not sure what CFRC is showing right now for billets open, but they were telling us on the course that they lose about 37 people per year.  Meanwhile, they are running 3-4 courses per year, with max load of 14.  I am sure with those kinds of numbers that there are still spots open.  They don't know yet about course load for the March one, although I have heard of a couple people that are supposedly loaded on it already.  Best of luck, keep at 'er, squeaky wheel and all that jazz.
airmich said:
Not sure what CFRC is showing right now for billets open, but they were telling us on the course that they lose about 37 people per year. 

As of mid December I was told there were 14 positions left for the fiscal year, I don't know how many are left now.

AirMich - 37 people per year. I assume that's the number of people exiting the trade on an annual basis ? If so that would make sense, the planned intake for this year was around 40.


I saw your first post was Jan of 06, did you actually apply for the trade then.  That was a year ago......whats going on?

NickRees said:

I saw your first post was Jan of 06, did you actually apply for the trade then.  That was a year ago......whats going on?


No, I applied in July 06. There have been several delays (CFRC lost initial application, verification of former service, medical follow up). Fortunately everything except for the additional medical component (for the air factor I believe) is done now. Hopefully I'll have an offer in the next month to six weeks, if there are any positions left that is.
Flatspin, are you waiting still to actually DO your extra medical stuff, or is it done and you're waiting for the okay to come back on your air factor?  As for your offer, good luck and keep us posted.  Now that I am here, I am even more excited about the trade then I was before (well, except for learning clouds yesterday  :blotto:)