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Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

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KJL said:
Seems theres a lot of AEC's killing time on here

It could be a minimum of 5 more months' worth of time killing for most of us, if not longer. I see you are going DEO AEC also. Have you completed all of the application requirements? Once I get my bloodwork and ECG results next week and hand them over to the WO, I am done (I hope).
Yup, interviewed on Jan 17th and had everything else in by then so just waiting now...and hoping the phone rings soon
KJL said:
Yup, interviewed on Jan 17th and had everything else in by then so just waiting now...and hoping the phone rings soon

Fingers crossed for us both then. :)
I'll keep'em crossed for all of us.

AirBrat you given any thought to what side of AEC you'd like?
Not as of yet.  I just need to find out what the issue is of why I haven't heard a thing back yet before I start thinking of that stuff.
Airbrat said:
Not as of yet.  I just need to find out what the issue is of why I haven't heard a thing back yet before I start thinking of that stuff.

Have you been waiting long? Did the folks at your CFRC give you any idea of what might be holding things up?

To those of you who've been waiting for a phone call, I had my interview back last year in late September and didn't hear back from anyone until mid February. I hate to be a stick in the mud but it might give you an idea of how long you'll have to wait. Nevermind that I started the app process last JULY!

As for what I was told I'm swearing in next week on the 26th at CFRC Toronto, then St. Jean from May 4th to August 15th. The Cpl. I spoke to didn't say give any details beyond that except that provided I pass (eff that, WHEN I pass) the course at Cornwall will follow.

By the by, I got my own question. I'm 26 right now and will be 32 when my contract is over. Let's say for the sake of argument I'll want to move on to a different occupation in the Air Force (be it nav, pilot, mech, whatever) when I'm done my original commitment. How easy is this to accomplish? Is it looked down on? Is it doable seeing as how I fulfilled my original commitment? Does it have an affect on rank, pay, etc? I only ask now because I'm pretty restless and know I will want to take on new ventures. This is all just speculative though. I don't even know what I'll be doing or thinking 6 hours from now let alone in 6 years. But if any of the experienced folks can chime in on it that'd be nice.

To answer you question about switching occupations after being trained as an AEC, the answer is it really depends.  There is a process in place (Occupational Transfer) which allows serving officers to switch from one trade to another and a number of people due this every year.  Officially there would be no reason that you would not be able switch from one trade to another. Some trades due have a restricted release, meaning once you are qualified you cannot release or change trades for a number of years. I know for Navs this is 4 years and Pilots 7 years. I do not know if AEC has a restricted release.  That all being said both trades have to agree to release you and accept you. For example, if you wanted to switch from AEC to Pilot. The AEC world would need to agree to let you go and the Pilot trade would have to agree to take you on. As I believe the AEC trade is undermanned, I would suggest that the AEC world would be less inclined to let you go once you are fully trained.  It would also depend on the status of the Pilot trade. For example, the Legal Officer trade is over staffed, as a result it is very competitive to get an Occupational Transfer to Legal Officer.

All that to say it is conceivable that you will be able to switch trades after a certain number of years as an AEC, however, it always with the needs of the service in mind.

Is it looked down upon?  no
Will you suffer any rank penalties? If you are a Major you will be demoted to Capt but chances are you will not be a Maj in six years.
Will you suffer any pay penalties? no 
Deepinit said:
As for what I was told I'm swearing in next week on the 26th at CFRC Toronto, then St. Jean from May 4th to August 15th. The Cpl. I spoke to didn't say give any details beyond that except that provided I pass (eff that, WHEN I pass) the course at Cornwall will follow.

I was wondering about this as well. I've heard that AECs are attach-posted to a base in between BMOQ and the AEC course in Cornwall for a period of time, and that you receive materials to study prior to going to Cornwall. True or not? If so, is there a specific length of time for this posting or does it vary? Are dependents allowed?
Celticgirl said:
I was wondering about this as well. I've heard that AECs are attach-posted to a base in between BMOQ and the AEC course in Cornwall for a period of time, and that you receive materials to study prior to going to Cornwall. True or not? If so, is there a specific length of time for this posting or does it vary? Are dependents allowed?

Yes, there is a pre-study package now.  It takes the place of the common or core phase of AEC.  There is another thread around here with some more information in it, but not alot IIRC.  Your attach-posting time will vary depending on when the next AEC course is, and how long you require to do the package.  Because this is an attach-posting and will be less then 1 year, you will not have your dependents with you.
airmich said:
Yes, there is a pre-study package now.  It takes the place of the common or core phase of AEC.  There is another thread around here with some more information in it, but not alot IIRC.  Your attach-posting time will vary depending on when the next AEC course is, and how long you require to do the package.  Because this is an attach-posting and will be less then 1 year, you will not have your dependents with you.

Thanks for the info, airmich. With BMOQ, the 7 months at Cornwall, and time in between, that's well over a year in training. It's a long time to be away from my daughter, too, but it will be worth it, I am sure.
airmich said:
Here is the other thread that I mentioned above.

I actually posted on that thread.  ;D  Some of what I heard came from an officer cadet here in a PM, some from that thread, and some from another OCdt who was attach-posted somewhere (for several months, I believe) prior to going to Cornwall. So I have drawn my own conclusions from all of that and your post above. While the young folks who are free of dependants and responsibilities might not mind being told at the last minute where they are headed and for how long, those of us who are not would prefer to know as far in advance as possible to prepare (not just ourselves, but our families) for what is to come. There is nothing on the recruitment site with regards to any time between BOTP and the course in Cornwall curiously enough.

Post-script: Before I get bombarded with posts telling me to 'get used to' not knowing where you are going and for how long, I will say that I do realize that in the military, you don't always get much advanced notice and that plans for courses, postings, etc. can change quickly. (Dons flame retardent gear  :warstory:)
I posted the link to the other thread, then read it afterwards, and realized that you had posted in it.  Oh well, gives a link for others to read.

As for the time inbetween courses, all you can do is keep your fingers crossed that you might be close to home during the time or part of it.  I notice that your profile says you are in NS.  There is always a chance that you might get Shearwater or Greenwood for your pre-course time.  As for your time in Cornwall, it will fly by.  You will be so busy with the course that you won't have much time to think about anything else.  And who knows, your course might be scheduled in such a way that you will be on XMas or Summer block leave and get some time at home then.

As you said, you never know what will happen or when it will happen.  Think of the worst case scenario (most time away and far away from home) and if that's what you get, then you are already mentally prepared.  Anything else, and you can take it as a bonus.  One other thing, in regards to time away from home: if you end up going Weapons, you then have a course in North Bay to do.  You won't find out until the end of that course (I think it is 4-5 months long) where you will be posted to.
airmich said:
if you end up going Weapons, you then have a course in North Bay to do. 

If I have a choice, I will probably go Traffic, not Weapons, but until I learn more about both areas, I cannot say that I am 100% sure of that either. I assume (hope?) they try to give OCdts their preferences with regards to Weapons/IFR/VFR when possible.
Celticgirl said:
I assume (hope?) they try to give OCdts their preferences with regards to Weapons/IFR/VFR when possible.

:rofl:  (laughing with you... ;))

Keep your hopes up.  There never seems to be any rhyme or reason to how they pick them.  Even when the core phase was in Cornwall, there didn't seem to be any pattern.  Even if you hadn't done well in a certain section, you could still end up in that area.  I'm sure that like everything, they do try.  But it is all going to depend on how many people want a certain side, and how many they need for each too.
Preference is given as to which part of our occupation you will get, until more that part of the occupation for a particular serial is filled.  I am curious why you don't want weapons?  I have been a controller since 1980, and I am currently a weapons instructor at CFSACO.  If there are any questions I can answer let me know.
Gazoo said:
I am curious why you don't want weapons? 

I really only have a very basic idea of how Air Traffic and Air Weapons differ, so I cannot say for sure that I wouldn't enjoy being an Air Weapons Controller. I won't know enough to make that choice until I am at CFASCO taking the courses, which is why I said I am not 100% decided at the moment. However, I've heard that all WCs spend the first part of their careers in North Bay. That squashes any hopes I had of getting posted to Eastern Canada (although I know that I may not get an Eastern posting regardless). I also have this idea that WCs work in underground facilities (like North Bay) whereas TCs work in control towers, AWACS aircrafts, etc. - above ground and with windows. While I am not claustrophobic in any way, I find the image of working in a control tower more appealing than working in the side of a mountain. These could all be my own misconceptions, of course, and I look forward to learning more in the months to come. Feel free to try to convince me of the merits of the Weapons side. ;)

@KJL...Don't worry; I will take whatever I get. It's still a long haul to get there and if when I pass my courses, I will be excited to begin my career.
Celticgirl said:
@KJL...Don't worry; I will take whatever I get. It's still a long haul to get there and if when I pass my courses, I will be excited to begin my career.

Definitely likewise  :)  The idea of doing Weaps was what drew me to AEC after the recruiter said they were short. But as for Weapsons or ATC side, CF needs first of course.