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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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ixium said:
Yeah, it is a bit of a stretch, but there are things done the old ways just because that is how they were always done, sometimes people don't even know why they are doing them, it is just the way it has always been done and it is in the SOPs that haven't been updated in a long while.

Anything that transmits is potential for a man in the middle kind of attack, keyfobs (and even smart cards) included.

And yes, I understand people not being on their phones is something that should happen(how'd you guess I had an iphone...spy!). But to try and give someone crap for an EMSEC violation just because there is a sticker up is just silly. Give them heck for being on their phone during work hours sure, but not made up rules/scare tactics.

I've seen units have cell busters installed, creating a massive EMSEC zone for the whole building, only to turn them down to almost no sensitivity (and they don't detect a fairly prevalent frequency band so they're basically useless.

I think we could do a lot more research and risk assessments to allow more wireless technologies. We're never going to create a perfectly safe system, but sometimes we're sacrificing efficiency and money for very little gain.

I personally think TCI is the biggest scam going, so much wasted time and manpower to verify that someone placed a laptop exactly X metres away from something.
PuckChaser said:
I've seen units have cell busters installed, creating a massive EMSEC zone for the whole building, only to turn them down to almost no sensitivity (and they don't detect a fairly prevalent frequency band so they're basically useless.

I think we could do a lot more research and risk assessments to allow more wireless technologies. We're never going to create a perfectly safe system, but sometimes we're sacrificing efficiency and money for very little gain.

I personally think TCI is the biggest scam going, so much wasted time and manpower to verify that someone placed a laptop exactly X metres away from something.

I am in agreeance. I have seen in units that they have their own custom built PCs that are sold to the unit by an employees private business, those PCs have wireless cards installed, they light up like christmas trees with the LEDS, and WIFI networks all over the shops, (a Raw cut wifi, that is used for "testing") meanwhile you can hear the Clash of Clans login every twenty minutes and people watching netflix on tablets. The same unit is trying to get the ability to open up Crypto cards on radios, and when the TCI happens they just turn off the wifi, unplug the PCs.
For TCIs to be effective, you have to be able to randomly inspect the area.

Unless people are actually held accountable for not following TCI then what's the point, all your doing is continuous pee pee slapping one another with no repercussions.
The minute the person leaves that completed the inspection, that unsecure phone line will be put beside that CSNI machine, and that KVM will have CSNI and DWAN hooked back up to it.
Dont say it doesn't happen because it does, I watched a Sig O, hook up SIPR, NIPR, CSNI and DWAN into the same KVM and think nothing was wrong with that.

The fiber thing's driven me nuts.

Run the sealed glass tube at 90 degrees to the power and ethernet. I've attempted to explain the difference in how fiber works, but its impossible to deviate from rote learning
Brasidas said:
The fiber thing's driven me nuts.

Run the sealed glass tube at 90 degrees to the power and ethernet. I've attempted to explain the difference in how fiber works, but its impossible to deviate from rote learning
Its the best when people find out you are terminating it, give you crap for not having a mask on, and leave right away because "we dont want cancer from the glass getting into our lungs
Just read a newsletter that's being emailed... going to sit back and watch with popcorn.

it has finally come out.

The word is MES is cancelled ( by sorts )

CST are grandfathered Spec Pay.
IST who were LCIS will get spec pay, those who either came from the SIG OP side, or new ISTs will be given the chance to take POET to receive spec pay.
LST are going to be screwed over once again.
ACCIS core will be screwed
stove piping will remain until CWO
of course, this is all just a cruel April fools joke, and if you didnt take the time to read this entire email before smashing your computers, dont blame me  ;D

Tarlouth said:
of course, this is all just a cruel April fools joke, and if you didnt take the time to read this entire email before smashing your computers, dont blame me  ;D

Too easy of a prank to pull, its almost expected!

If you really wanted to mess with people, should have put it into message format to make it look legitimate for a minute.  >:D
Tarlouth said:

it has finally come out.

The word is MES is cancelled ( by sorts )

CST are grandfathered Spec Pay.
IST who were LCIS will get spec pay, those who either came from the SIG OP side, or new ISTs will be given the chance to take POET to receive spec pay.
LST are going to be screwed over once again.
ACCIS core will be screwed
stove piping will remain until CWO
of course, this is all just a cruel April fools joke, and if you didnt take the time to read this entire email before smashing your computers, dont blame me  ;D

How were LST ever screwed over, let again? did they sober up enough to realise they were in ACISS?
upandatom said:
How were LST ever screwed over, let again? did they sober up enough to realise they were in ACISS?

By being required to become Sig Op det commanders as a part of their new training scheme?
Brasidas said:
By being required to become Sig Op det commanders as a part of their new training scheme?

Hahahaha that's just fun torture...

I think we've figured it out folks... That letter was interesting. They just can't say 'no' definitively eh? I don't think they're willing to say "NO" to spec pay. It keeps being dangled as a possibility! That's all it is and all it will be. Carrot ~ Stick. Abandon all hope (about spec pay) and just do your job as a professional to the best of your ability. Or change trades! Or get out... Do whatever will make you happy in the end.

That said, who wants a posting to JSR? Holy crapper are we short on ISTs!!! We're so busy it's thoroughly ridiculous!
Brasidas said:
By being required to become Sig Op det commanders as a part of their new training scheme?


"We cant get people into our trade anymore so lets cock others"
Is there finally word from D Sigs? If so, someone kind enough to post it here so I don't have to wait until Tuesday to wait for my CoC to pass it down in 2 weeks?
ixium said:
I have LOTS to say about our command structure. The amount of times I've heard "it's done this way because I said so" is inexcusable. And until things change higher up in our command, those new MCpls are going to be crap. Leadership starts from the top, not the bottom. When I was at 1 Sigs MCpls actually got in trouble, and yelled at in front of the troops, for helping with setups/tear downs.

Until the dinos leave, the ones that are actually scared of technology and have no understanding of it, things in this trade are just going to get worse. Especially with no combat mission.

Anyone remember having to re-run fiber so that it was 2 feet away from power cables because it was a security breach that could be used to get into our systems? I know I do, because I've done it a few too many times.

How bluetooth headsets are bad, but keyfobs and other devices that put off radio frequencies are fine?

Throwing around no cell phone signs in places they aren't needed.

Reversing into parking because it is safer, like we are about be bombed by USSR(Not Russia, because we're talking about dinos)

I can only imagine what kind of retarded things will come over the next few years.

Part of it is a mentality thing. We pay Cpls and MCpls between $50k and $60k, they receive what I would call excellent training, on par with that in the private sector (speaking as an IST). Yet MWOs and WOs and to a less extent, Sgts refuse to allow them to use professional judgement. Like what you were saying about fibre and power. The pub hasn't been rewritten in a long time, so there needs to be room for professional judgment. Corners are cut everywhere they shouldn't be while foolish rules dating back 30 years are still relentlessly enforced.

We are paranoid about EMSEC, yet everyone is so lax when it comes to network security, they buy junk from every far flung questionable corner of the world and put it on the network. What do we think is more likely, Boris standing outside the gate with a parabolic antenna trying to capture floating emanations, or the company in China that everyone knows bakes in spy software directly into the firmware and sells it to us as the lowest bidder.

I completely agree that when we have the soldiers we are getting now rise to senior NCO ranks, or new officers take command positions, that things will be better.
ixium said:
That very well be true. How ever it isn't likely to happen, I'm too lazy to work in the civilian world.  Luckily for me there are lots of ACISS leaving and I'll get promoted.

Yeah, it is a bit of a stretch, but there are things done the old ways just because that is how they were always done, sometimes people don't even know why they are doing them, it is just the way it has always been done and it is in the SOPs that haven't been updated in a long while.

Anything that transmits is potential for a man in the middle kind of attack, keyfobs (and even smart cards) included.

And yes, I understand people not being on their phones is something that should happen(how'd you guess I had an iphone...spy!). But to try and give someone crap for an EMSEC violation just because there is a sticker up is just silly. Give them heck for being on their phone during work hours sure, but not made up rules/scare tactics.

EDIT: Just for the record, I doubt there is anyone I've worked for/with/above that would argue against me being lazy/relaxed, however none would ever say that I don't know my job extremely well and very capable in doing it.

My favorite is creating a giant EMSEC zone and instituting a blanket ban for cellphones, then saying work blackberries and those Motorola duty flipphones are exempted.
Seen the note about Spec Pay in the letter.

Sooo how can they say that they are trying to remove the restriction of Spec Pay for those members that were receiving it. They don't have the power to grant raises, or adjust pay. Thats why so many people are frustrated as is. Removing a restriction is adjusting the pay, changing pay, but now they know a way to not have it restricted? If so then why wasn't this looked at earlier, really could have prevented members jumping ship for greener pastures, many angry and disgruntled members.

This letter will kill Army Signals. Good to see a Rumour killer letter none the least, but it still did not answer peoples biggest problems. Given a "We are working on it, but its not our fault"

Another 8 month delay for those involved. Sorry Guys
My favorite is creating a giant EMSEC zone and instituting a blanket ban for cellphones, then saying work blackberries and those Motorola duty flipphones are exempted.

Yeah I would laugh at seeing that too. Or the best "I can snap a pic of the inside of this radio/crypto/tacnet box and email it too myself because its a work blackberry and ETHAR/ITAR does count because its a work phone."

I completely agree that when we have the soldiers we are getting now rise to senior NCO ranks, or new officers take command positions, that things will be better.

Every new generation thinks they hold the Rosetta Stone when it comes to how things should be done.  By the time those "people we are getting now" are in positions to do anything they will be the dinosaurs for the new crop.  Once you're high enough in rank you'll realize that your fighting an institution, that change is glacial, that we are beholden to people whom, and policies that, we cannot change (the proverbial brick wall), that many are trying to push the yard sticks forward but you will never hear their songs sung in our mead halls because the change they brought about is boring, and that when all is FUBAR it is better to present a united front than flail around in disarray.  Until we adopt AI as our overlord we will continue to be mired in the red tape of justification and governance foisted upon us by fallible human beings and that we need only look in the mirror to see their doppelgangers.

The "letter" was not meant for distribution, but as a catalyst for discussion between ACISS personnel and their individual chains of command.  Obviously our problems are compounded by those who cannot follow simple direction.  I myself hate this initiative with every fiber of my being, but I am attempting to lead change none the less.  It can only get better.