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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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alxthegr8t said:
I am currently in the process of becoming a Specialist in Communication and Information Systems. I am at the stage of making an appointment for my first test. I have 2 questions. First, I would like to have the opinion of a soldier who works / has work in the field to know how a day in this business is. I would like to hear what people on the ground have to say about this job.

Buck_HRA said:
I am not an ACISS so cannot speak on the day to day work of an ACISS but I believe there are some siggies on here that can comment.

See also,

Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists
75 pages.
So, depends on what sub-occ you are interested in.

Remember, currently you join as an ACISS core, and then based on your performance/luck/abilities/desires/luck/whims of the gods, praise be to Hermes (For he is great and naked), you may get picked up into a sub-specialty, or you may not want to be a sub-occ and that's fine too.

Core:  You do radios, this is the 'stereotypical' radio operator.  Nowadays they also do tons of stuff like run CP's, signallers for different units, strategic comms, tactical comms, all kinds of stuff.  They are the versatile jack of all trades.  These are the people who usually get upset if you swear, or say "ack" or "repeat" on the net.

IST:  Uber-Nerd, servers and networks.  They get spec pay.  Sorta.  Kinda.  Long story.  They usually do red (Unencrypted) networks and manage servers, services, and other weird nerd stuff.  Some get into programming and development/project jobs, but its rare.

CST:  Uber-Nerd, they fix stuff, do vehicle installs, wiring, and that kind of thing.  In some places like JSR you'll do lots of black networks, satellites and stuff, in other places you're an electronics fixer-upper.  They are a wider net of stuff, but still very technical.  They also get spec pay.  Sorta.  Kinda.  Long Story.

LST:  These are lineman, they drink from boots.  They have secondary duties such as line work, towers, climbing, wiring.  They are a very physical trade and when not drinking are some of the hardest working people I know.  They are awesome.

That's the basic jist of things. 

Full Disclosure:  I'm an IST, and I have tour/garrison experience and I've only lost like...3 pieces of crypto in my career so far, maybe a radio or two.  Superstar you could say.
So much for a next update being in April. It's not like this was announced in Dec. or anything.  :waiting:
Indoc this week At CFSCE.
Just saw the new trade structures.

Sig Op, Line Tech and Sig Tech, from Pte to MWO.
4th Trade for CWO on top of all that.
I have BMQ coming up and I signed up for ACISS and I'm pretty eager to start since I've worked in telecom for the past 4 years and Have years of self-taught experience before that. I was going to go to IST specifically after reading what that's like in this thread. Or maybe something else. Who knows. Still too early to make thay decision.

At the time I did my research I knew there was some rift going on with ACISS but it seems to be worse than I thought. Is all this buggery going to be fixed soon? What are the plans?  How bad are things really? Either way, I'm excited. Ain't nothing gonna break my stride!
The way technology is changing, all three trades need computer skills in varying degrees. To stay on the server end, work towards being an IST and when they firm up the new structure, you'll be given a chance to identify what trade you want to move to based on need, your current sub occupation, and your skillsets/preference.
Thanks! My work in telecom has mostly been all physical. I work for an ISP and do installs for phone, internet, and TV. Dealing with copper and fiber. Taking a second look, CST might be more relevant. I don't want to be a lineman though. Either way though good advice. I will find a sub-trade, stick with that until things get restructured.

Any other advice for a future sig?
There are a lot of sour attitudes in the branch right now because of how ACISS was rolled out. Don't let them destroy your impression of the job. You will be expected to work hard and you will likely be undermanned for a lot of it. You will also not get a chance to do a lot of training where mistakes are easily fixed, as to properly train Signallers, you need a Combat Arm doing stuff with users on the network. They won't come out and just be OPFOR for you, they have their own training objectives and expect comms to work 100% of the time.
This is all pretty close to what I expected given what I read about the trade from other people. Thanks for the help and advice. Should be an exciting journey.
It is rumered but not confirmed with our unit that lineman will be recieving
some type of spec pay. 
So I just finished the CST 1.1 DL, does anyone know what (unclass) material is in the other mods? I'd like to get a head start if possible.
Hi everyone! I have been reading this forum this past few weeks and I still don't understand about ACISS.
I just did my cfat yesterday and I did not get the cut off of medical technician( the trade that I really want to get in CAF). The recruiter talked to me and mentioned to me to apply to this trade called ACISS and I accepted it. So my questions are, Is ACISS is going to be worth it in the future? like when I want to be civillian and find a job that related to ACISS.
Second question, I have zero experienced about wiring proramming etc. So How long to be a fully trained as ACISS?  Third question, how is being an ACISS?

P.S this is my first time to post here
I really appreciate to all who will respond to my questions. God Bless you guys☺
GreatJP said:
Is ACISS is going to be worth it in the future? like when I want to be civillian and find a job that related to ACISS.

Related civilian occupations
•Telecommunications Operator and Manager
•Facility Operations Manager
•Information Systems Analyst
•Electronic Engineering Technician/Technologist
•Line Installer-Repairer Technician
GreatJP said:
So my questions are, Is ACISS is going to be worth it in the future? like when I want to be civillian and find a job that related to ACISS.
Second question, I have zero experienced about wiring proramming etc. So How long to be a fully trained as ACISS?  Third question, how is being an ACISS?

ACISS, or whatever they call Army Signalers in the future will always be "worth it" or in demand. In fact, the demand is constantly growing with the pace of technology changing in the civilian world. There are so many branches to where you can be employed as an Army Signaler, that there's always a civilian nexus. As for training length, the formal training will only take a few months to complete, but you will be expected to constantly be learning new technologies related to your current job, and future employment. You will never stop learning in the trade, and if you do, you should expect your promotion ability to greatly diminish.
Hi everyone
Has any one done or know any one that has done the dp4 csm infantry course lately ,
If so can you expalain the course material,

1, thé dl part,
    What books , references advices can you provide, any good notes.

2, thé field part
Any cheet notes. Again handouts  , advise

I’ve asked plenty of the guys and , the same story.
Easy, go on dl read and answer questions
Go to gage town and have a cafe. I  just walk away
If any one can please help I thank you on advance.
I did some research but never found this out for information, I am PRes and am about to do my DP1 for this summer, does anything run into the weekends training wise (e.g. field portion) or for the most part is my weekend free? My civilian job needs my attention on weekends. Any help would be appreciated!!