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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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211RadOp said:
Going from memory, most ResF ACISS are in the core side, meaning they will work in Radio Detachments.  There are some, not many, technicians who will work on repairing/replacing radio and IT components and there are some "geeks" that will look after network administration.  Your sub-occupation will be a combination of your wants and the unit's needs, combined with your competency.  For example, if you can't find the ON/OFF switch on the computer, you will not be put into an IS position.

Yes, as ACISS you can get loaded on the Basic Para course, however don't hold your breath unless you need it for your employment.

Thanks again, have you had the opportunity to travel a lot and build strong friendship while your time in the trade? Also, I assume that they might not let me switch to infantry since aciss is an in demand trade. And I've even heard that reserves infantry have a harder time switching over to reg
The other posts make good points:
1. Two months of parading will not give you much opportunity to appreciate the trade. 
2. We have Signallers with jump wings -- not many but a few -- if the Infantry jump they need Comms in the field.  Not sure if other Regiments are the same.
3. We have opportunities to deploy for trained Signallers.  I haven't been Combat Arms so cannot compare.  For what it's worth, I see comments on this board from Combat Arms trades complaining about a lack of opportunity to deploy.  I rarely see that in Signals -- because when someone puts a hand up we send them out.
4. Everybody in the CAF, without exception, is qualified on the C7.  If you need it, it will be issued.  When you get on BMQ, listen, learn and become an expert on every aspect of the  weapon.  You will need those skills for the rest of your career.

Please consider some unsolicited, constructive advice:
1. Take any complaints about ACISS on this board with a grain of salt.  It's the internet.
2. Make yourself useful to your Master Corporals.  I see some very, very switched on Master Corporals in Signals.  You can learn a lot from them.  (See #3 and #4 for two good methods to make yourself useful).
3. Do BMQ as soon as possible and then put your name forward for every field Ex.  You will see A LOT of camaraderie and time in the field.
4. Get trade qualified as soon as possible.  You will MORE camaraderie and time in the field.
Mike5 said:
The other posts make good points:
1. Two months of parading will not give you much opportunity to appreciate the trade. 
2. We have Signallers with jump wings -- not many but a few -- if the Infantry jump they need Comms in the field.  Not sure if other Regiments are the same.
3. We have opportunities to deploy for trained Signallers.  I haven't been Combat Arms so cannot compare.  For what it's worth, I see comments on this board from Combat Arms trades complaining about a lack of opportunity to deploy.  I rarely see that in Signals -- because when someone puts a hand up we send them out.
4. Everybody in the CAF, without exception, is qualified on the C7.  If you need it, it will be issued.  When you get on BMQ, listen, learn and become an expert on every aspect of the  weapon.  You will need those skills for the rest of your career.

Please consider some unsolicited, constructive advice:
1. Take any complaints about ACISS on this board with a grain of salt.  It's the internet.
2. Make yourself useful to your Master Corporals.  I see some very, very switched on Master Corporals in Signals.  You can learn a lot from them.  (See #3 and #4 for two good methods to make yourself useful).
3. Do BMQ as soon as possible and then put your name forward for every field Ex.  You will see A LOT of camaraderie and time in the field.
4. Get trade qualified as soon as possible.  You will MORE camaraderie and time in the field.

Have you seen people who were once in my shoes who have changed their view on the trade later on?

How do infantry view sigs?

Yes, the complaints about being in sigs have what's discouraged me.

So, even infantry get bored on their jobs and and are not always deployed or taking "cool courses?"to
simzara said:
Thank you for taking the time to reply. So just because someone is in a combat trade doesn't mean that they'll get to travel more than someone in ACISS?

If I stay in aciss can they make me do a speciality that I don't enjoy? Such as fixing computers or will they let me decide?

I've heard rumors that someone in aciss can take a course in para. How true is that?

Also, can someone from reg forced aciss take courses listed as "common" here: https://army.ca/forums/threads/114268/post-1591287.html#msg1591287

Quite the opposite. There are often more deployment opportunities for reserve sigs relative to the number of trained reserve sigs.

As has been posted, reserves are almost exclusively "core", soon to be called signal operator again. Sig Ops don't fix radios.

If you want to do something else, it will take you trying to do something else. For instance, it's difficult but possible to be a lineman in the reserves.

simzara said:
Thanks again, have you had the opportunity to travel a lot and build strong friendship while your time in the trade? Also, I assume that they might not let me switch to infantry since aciss is an in demand trade. And I've even heard that reserves infantry have a harder time switching over to reg

Travel is more regional than it used to be, but it's there. Your unit will often train in Washington state. I suspect that you'll do BMQ-L in Chilliwack, but it could be in Wainwright or wherever there is room. Your trades course could be in Edmonton, Nanaimo, or some other place that I haven't had SA on since I was last at your unit.

You'll certainly work closely with others, and you're likely to make friends.

You will not be barred from OTing to infantry, and I know members from your unit and trade who have. I know one instance on the island where it was (I believe inappropriately) slow-rolled. That was related to personalities and not policy. "In demand" does not mean you can't OT out in the reserves. Where you run into problems is where you want to join a trade in a unit that's already full. For example, it's usually damned tough to enroll as a Med A on the island, because they've been good at keeping their positions filled.

Infantry CTing from res to reg is affected by training deltas between the two. The reserves do not have mechanized infantry. A reservist may take PLQ-Inf alongside Reg Force pers, but there are likely to be other differences in their experience and training.

simzara said:
Have you seen people who were once in my shoes who have changed their view on the trade later on?

How do infantry view sigs?

Yes, the complaints about being in sigs have what's discouraged me.

So, even infantry get bored on their jobs and and are not always deployed or taking "cool courses?"to


Experiences vary. In general, combat arms appreciates SMEs that enable their success. For example, some of my guys supporting a patrolling course last year were very much appreciated.

Infantry get bored, yes. A random reserve infanteer's career is not going to be filled with getting cool guy courses and living the life of Riley.
simzara said:
Thanks again, have you had the opportunity to travel a lot and build strong friendship while your time in the trade?

After 30+ years as a RegF signaller, yes I have.  I also maintain friendships from when I was a PRes Infantryman. Not as much travel then as it was in the 80s.
What kind of security clearance is required for ACISS and how long does it take? I have not lived out of Canada, don't have relatives out, and have not done anything wrong but the thought of it makes me nervous.
At a minimum to do the job you will require a Secret clearance.  To complete your DP1 you will need Enhanced Reliability.

Clearance times vary from person to person, so it is difficult to determine how long it will take.  I have seen it take up to a year after enrollment.
Mike5 said:
The other posts make good points:
1. Two months of parading will not give you much opportunity to appreciate the trade. 
2. We have Signallers with jump wings -- not many but a few -- if the Infantry jump they need Comms in the field.  Not sure if other Regiments are the same.
3. We have opportunities to deploy for trained Signallers.  I haven't been Combat Arms so cannot compare.  For what it's worth, I see comments on this board from Combat Arms trades complaining about a lack of opportunity to deploy.  I rarely see that in Signals -- because when someone puts a hand up we send them out.
4. Everybody in the CAF, without exception, is qualified on the C7.  If you need it, it will be issued.  When you get on BMQ, listen, learn and become an expert on every aspect of the  weapon.  You will need those skills for the rest of your career.

Please consider some unsolicited, constructive advice:
1. Take any complaints about ACISS on this board with a grain of salt.  It's the internet.
2. Make yourself useful to your Master Corporals.  I see some very, very switched on Master Corporals in Signals.  You can learn a lot from them.  (See #3 and #4 for two good methods to make yourself useful).
3. Do BMQ as soon as possible and then put your name forward for every field Ex.  You will see A LOT of camaraderie and time in the field.
4. Get trade qualified as soon as possible.  You will MORE camaraderie and time in the field.

I'm on the Final Processing stage of my application for ACISS.

I am glad that I decided to take complaints about ACISS (on this board, and reddit) with a grain of salt. One thing that makes me really happy is seeing this type of stuff, really puts me at ease. I've been working in IT for 10 or so years, and quite honestly it's easy to forget that fixing computers, managing networks, etc is not for everyone. Personally, I love that kinda work :)
simzara said:
Have you seen people who were once in my shoes who have changed their view on the trade later on?

How do infantry view sigs?

Yes, the complaints about being in sigs have what's discouraged me.

So, even infantry get bored on their jobs and and are not always deployed or taking "cool courses?"to

1. Hard to say -- all our troops seem to enjoy their work and are proud of the trade.
2. I couldn't say it better, Combat Arms appreciate anyone who enables their success.  I've worked with Armored Recce and Artillery, they were very grateful to have Sigs involved.
3. I can't speak for Infantry.  We rarely get bored -- always a new technology to learn.  And one weekend, you can be working with Infantry, the next weekend, Combat Engineers.
Happy Holidays everyone. I am a new member of 32 Sig Regt and currently finishing my BMQ course. Do any of you know if 21 Electronic Warfare Regiment is still in existence? and  if so are they still in CFB Kingston? The reason why I ask is because this summer my family will move to Kingston after my BMQ, BMQ-L and Driver Wheel courses are done, and I would like to join that regiment.
211RadOp said:
Clearance times vary from person to person, so it is difficult to determine how long it will take.  I have seen it take up to a year after enrollment.

Hi, mates!
I'm new on the forum, and new with all the terminologies, the procedures, etc.
From the words above, It seems to me that one candidate can start, do it, and even complete, the 12 weeks of the Basic Military Officer Qualification (BMOQ) before his clearance check is concluded.
May I ask if it is right?
Cause I was thinking that we only get enroled to the 12 weeks BMOQ, after the clearance check for our trade is concluded.
simzara said:
I applied for ACISS reserves and have been accepted (...)
25 years old, (...)
multiple certifications, a diploma in an IT field. And, just got accepted into computer science.

Hi, Simzara!
I'm also from IT, 48 y.o., no certs, 2 diplomas, and still depositing my application.
May I ask you, why you chosed to don't try an Officer rank?
Hi, Mates!
May I ask about the Army Communication and Information Systems Specialists trade ( https://forces.ca/en/career/army-communication-and-information-systems-specialist/ ), if someone would know in which rank the candidate will be on its BOQT?
I've read somewhere that for some specialized jobs, the candidate is ranked as soldier only in the BMQ.
I would like to confirm it with some veteran, if possible.
macarena said:
Hi, Mates!
May I ask about the Army Communication and Information Systems Specialists trade ( https://forces.ca/en/career/army-communication-and-information-systems-specialist/ ), if someone would know in which rank the candidate will be on its BOQT?
I've read somewhere that for some specialized jobs, the candidate is ranked as soldier only in the BMQ.
I would like to confirm it with some veteran, if possible.

I am confused on your wording, but I think I know what you are getting at.

ACISS is an NCM trade so you will do BMQ, as such you will be enrolled as a Private.  Some trades (ACISS is not one of them), after BMQ you are promoted to a higher rank.  These trades are very few and far between (I can only think of one).

So, if I understand you question, as ACISS you will be enrolled as a Private and go to BMQ.  Upon completion of BMQ you will go to CFSCE (Sigs school in Kingston) and complete your trade training, still as a Private.  Four years after enrollment you will be promoted to Corporal.
211RadOp said:
I am confused on your wording, but I think I know what you are getting at. (...)

I beg your pardon for that.  :whistle:

[quote author=211RadOp]
So, if I understand you question, as ACISS you will be enrolled as a Private and go to BMQ.  Upon completion of BMQ you will go to CFSCE (Sigs school in Kingston) and complete your trade training, still as a Private.  Four years after enrollment you will be promoted to Corporal.

Thanks a lot for your answer, buddy!
That is exactly what I wanted to confirm.  :D
Previous posts make it sound like CST and IST have been combined to make up the Sig Tech trade. Is this true?
I feel like I am under a rock. Is there an official resource where I can find out where the trade is at?
Last edited:
No, they just took all the sub occ, renamed CST to Sig Tech and made them standalone trades. CISTM died a horrible death in the process.
No, they just took all the sub occ, renamed CST to Sig Tech and made them standalone trades. CISTM died a horrible death in the process.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, away, I was a Radio Tech. Glad I am out of this battle.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, away, I was a Radio Tech. Glad I am out of this battle.
That’s right…I remember you telling me how awesome it was when you graduated from vacuum tubes in the PRC-25 to transistors in the PRC-77. 👍🏼