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Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

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By the time you get through basic training, through your trades training in Borden and through your type course past Apprentice to Journeyman you might, and I say might, be eligible for an advanced promotion to Cpl.  Don't plan your mortgage on it though.  In other words, plan on 4 years to Cpl, unless you are very good.
pfl said:
Yeah thats pretty much what I was thinking.  :salute:

Has anybody here though gotten in through the same entry plan as I mentioned? Like what, you go to Cpl 1 year after getting your QL3's? And lvl 3 Pte pay is from when, BMQ?! or is that after Q's again.

IMO, that is the recruiting office just feeding you BS. You will get your lvl3 Pte's after 3 years in and might get your cpl's earlier than 4. Advanced promotion to Cpl depends on you performance, attitude and leadership on the floor. Even after all that it depends on your supervisor and unit. So far in the 30 months at my sqn, I've only seen 2 advanced promotions to cpl.
NINJA said:
IMO, that is the recruiting office just feeding you BS. You will get your lvl3 Pte's after 3 years in and might get your cpl's earlier than 4. Advanced promotion to Cpl depends on you performance, attitude and leadership on the floor. Even after all that it depends on your supervisor and unit. So far in the 30 months at my sqn, I've only seen 2 advanced promotions to cpl.

IIRC, the OP has experience on the civilian side.  Perhaps he is entering under the semi-skilled or skilled entry plan?

PFL, what was the name of the entry plan the CFRC staff mentioned, do you recall?  What is your previous experience?
Eye In The Sky said:
PFL, what was the name of the entry plan the CFRC staff mentioned, do you recall?  What is your previous experience?
I basically walked in to the RC and told them that I heard of the recruitment allowances that were announced for skilled personnel (they looked like they had no clue what I was talking about lol) and was wondering if there were any signing bonuses for the AVN-TECH trade seeing as how its an under-manned trade. It wasnt as blunt as that I guess, I did have other questions  ::) Told them I had no previous skill in the trade, but had High school and CEGEP (in Quebec after high school grade 11 its CEGEP for 2 or 3 years, then on to University, kind of like a junior college type) guy sat down looked up some stuff in his computer and file cabinet and told me about the bonuses I outlined before. Didnt give me a name of the program or anything, but you damn well better believe I'm going to try and get everything in writing when I sign the dotted line.

How likely is that btw  :blotto:
I can almost assure you that, if you have no civilian qualifications and previous military experience, there is no chance of being a Cpl after a year.  You won't even be done of your 3s at that time.

Thats what makes sense to me but the two guys I spoke with who where Army Sgt.'s explained it differently. Maybe they didnt explain it well enough or without too much detail but I will be sure to call the RC when I get out of the office today for clarification.
      Not only that, there is no chance of a signing bonus for the AVN tech trade in your situation. The signing bonus is for people who are semi or fully qualified aircraft mechanics in the civilian world. Also, there is a signing bonus plan for retired military personnel who decide to re-join. Why would they give someone a signing bonus (no matter how undermanned they are) when they will have to spend a TONNE of money housing, feeding, training you (plus a decent salary) over the course of two years. At the NSCC campus in Halifax where I took my QL3's, there were also civilian students undergoing a 2 year AME course. The CF came in and did a recruiting drive for them. I don't recall the entry plan, but those people would have had to go to Borden (after completing their civy course and BMQ in the summer) only for armament and common core and would be Cpl's when they finish those portions. Keep in mind though that unlike you, they were for the most part fully qualified upon their arrival in Borden and also had spent $10000-20000 on their tuition at NSCC. Hence their entitlement to advanced Cpl and perhaps a singing bonus. In the case of someone joining an undermanned (red) trade with no experience whatsoever you would be a Private for likely four years with no signing incentives. If the RC told you you are entitled to a signing bonus but you have never worked on an aircraft before, I would investigate that further because something doesn't sound right.
pfl said:
where Army Sgt.'s explained it differently. Maybe they didnt explain it well enough or without too much detail

Or you just didnt understand what was said to you.

Or you heard what you wanted to hear.

Could be lots of things......
pfl said:
Didnt give me a name of the program or anything, but you damn well better believe I'm going to try and get everything in writing when I sign the dotted line.

How likely is that btw  :blotto:

You will get all kinds of things in writing, then you will get things in writing that are the complete opposite of the original.  Getting it writing doesn't really mean much.
You are entitled to nothing.  Your entry plan will be Unskilled NCM or NCM Subsidized Education Plan (SEP) if the trade you want is available under that plan and IF you meet the educational requirements for entry into the plan.  The only thing you will get in writing is your offer, whether you accept it or not is up to you.
kincanucks said:
You are entitled to nothing.  Your entry plan will be Unskilled NCM or NCM Subsidized Education Plan (SEP) if the trade you want is available under that plan and IF you meet the educational requirements for entry into the plan.  The only thing you will get in writing is your offer, whether you accept it or not is up to you.

I'm thinking the same.

Pfl, since you have no civy aviation experience, you will most likely go through the standard AVN-tech training program. Unless your contract states something otherwise, expect Borden for your QL3's along with moving up the ranks like everyone else. You have to remember that recruiters are just trying to fill their quota's (if there is a such a thing) for the month and will tell you pretty much anything. Before you sign, make sure you know exactly what your career path will be and what incentives, if any, they offer in your contract.
And make sure they tell you the correct wages you'll be getting AFTER deductions...  Sometimes it's less than you think.
kincanucks said:
You are entitled to nothing.  Your entry plan will be Unskilled NCM or NCM Subsidized Education Plan (SEP) if the trade you want is available under that plan and IF you meet the educational requirements for entry into the plan.  The only thing you will get in writing is your offer, whether you accept it or not is up to you.
Hey Guys...

   I have a couple questions about the AVN Tech World.  
Im currently in the military but looking to O.T in a year or two, I just have to finsih up few things in my army career before I make the switch to the blue side of community.  

My first question is that Im very interested in becoming a AVN Tech and Im aware that it is low on numbers rigth now,  Will it still be looking for alot of people in year and a half from now once my commitments are fullfilled in the army.    Or Should I jump the gun and move now!!!!

My second question is where is the  most likly place to get posted once i graduate from borden?   The Wife and I arn't to keen on Cold Lake,  But we'd stick it out of we had to.  Also do you guys get moved around every few years?   If so are thoes moves mandatory or is it prefrence based?

Thank you for any help you can offer
Rye719 said:

My first question is that Im very interested in becoming a AVN Tech and Im aware that it is low on numbers rigth now,  Will it still be looking for alot of people in year and a half from now once my commitments are fullfilled in the army.    Or Should I jump the gun and move now!!!!

Trade is always going to be short from what i can see.

  If so are thoes moves mandatory or is it prefrence based?

If you are already in the military, you should know how that works.
Rye719 said:
Hey Guys...

   I have a couple questions about the AVN Tech World.  
Im currently in the military but looking to O.T in a year or two, I just have to finsih up few things in my army career before I make the switch to the blue side of community.  

My first question is that Im very interested in becoming a AVN Tech and Im aware that it is low on numbers rigth now,  Will it still be looking for alot of people in year and a half from now once my commitments are fullfilled in the army.    Or Should I jump the gun and move now!!!!

My second question is where is the  most likly place to get posted once i graduate from borden?   The Wife and I arn't to keen on Cold Lake,  But we'd stick it out of we had to.  Also do you guys get moved around every few years?   If so are thoes moves mandatory or is it prefrence based?

Thank you for any help you can offer

  I expect we'll need new bodies for some time to come... like most of the CF.  There's not really any way to tell you where you'll be posted, it seems that a fair number of new people are posted to Cold Lake... but there have been plenty of new folks in all the bases I've worked at.
  Standard postings for us seem to be 8-10 years at the Cpl/MCpl level... but there are exceptions.  Most techs who are happy with their location/fleet will get the 8-10 years; some get 15 or more.
  There's plenty of info on the site for you to browse.  If you have any specific questions, please feel free to fire me a PM and I'll give you as much information as i can.
        Don't sweat the posting too much Rye 19. Not saying you will go there, but Cold Lake isn't that bad and is getting larger all the time. It is what you make of it, which can be said for any posting. Half of the people (in my experience) that say the typical "Cold Lake sucks" spiel have never even been there and the other half are here now but don't find constructive, after-work, non "getting drunk every day" activities to participate in. As a 26 year old single person, it is one place I would want to raise kids if I had any. Simply because you don't have to worry about a lot of the things the way you would in a metropolitan area. I just returned from a three day shopping/visit relatives trip to Edmonton. I was happy to return home and be away from the traffic, road construction, and crime. And even if I did hate it, if I had a new neighbour move in and ask "how do you like it here?" I would not go into a diatribe about all the town's shortcomings. I would say it's ok and let him make his own assessments and opinions simply because if I was the person moving in, I would not want my wife and kids to overhear every possible bad thing about their new home town before they even had a chance to get settled in and make their own judgments.
      Just my two pennnies, but if you are in the army already you probably have heard/experienced everything I just said anyway.  ;)
Being in 408, though I'm an FE, here's some enlightenment. PT...hahahahaha, though BFT is something we do.
We do deploy in the field though it's not that bad.
After you get here and do quite some on the floor, you'll eventually head off to 438 in St. Hubert for the type course, come back with enough knowledge to make you dangerous...lol, j/k and continue to work til you eventually get some level A signing authority. From CFSATE to this can take upwards of 4 years though most likely less. Seeing as the old ATAT stuff is no longer (older techs know what I mean), you'll be 5's qualified after your type course.
TacHel isn't that bad but one of the biggest problems on this base.....clothing stores. Because we are Air Force, many of those robots working there think they own everything and we don't do army stuff so we are not entitled to this or that.
Just make hubby remuster and then ya can get posted to a real Air Force base ;D
If you have a question or several, just PM me, I check once in a blue moon 8)