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CadetPat field uniform

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I think the initiative for a cadet field uniform based on the CF uniform is an excellent idea.  It has always been a problem getting cadets good field clothing.  As to Caleix's comments about child soldiers, well cadets are not child soldiers, they are not bound to serve, but certainly part of the aim of the cadet movement, that of encouraging an interest in the land, air and sea elements of the Canadian Forces is well served by involving cadets in real military training.  The cadet programme used to do a lot more of that, particularly in service firearm shooting, and I for one would like to see a return to those activities.  Consider the way it used to be done not all that long ago:


I never wanted it to seem like cadets were child soldiers, what i was suggesting was that with a uniform similar to the CF Cadpat now would be a nudge in the direction of cadets looking like child soldiers....also a way to solve this problem "could" be to only let cadets over the age of 16 wear the uniform (if it looks like CadPat)


-im really starting to get confused, maybe someone could post a picture of the uniform (if it exsists)
Caleix said:
I never wanted it to seem like cadets were child soldiers, what i was suggesting was that with a uniform similar to the CF Cadpat now would be a nudge in the direction of cadets looking like child soldiers....also a way to solve this problem "could" be to only let cadets over the age of 16 wear the uniform (if it looks like CadPat)


-im really starting to get confused, maybe someone could post a picture of the uniform (if it exsists)


The discussion will be limited to CADETPAT only. I don't want to see any more talk about Cadets being mistaken for Marines or any of that crap. Discuss your uniforms, revisions, etc. Leave the rest out of it.

Man, that didn't take long! Here it is again, we have discussed - for 18 odd pages - CADETPAT and the issues of Cadets looking like real soldiers. I have had enough as it just continues in circles. If you wish to talk about CADETPAT, revisions to CADETPAT, problems with CADETPAT then go the heck ahead. If you want to talk anymore about the possibility of being mistaken for a serving soldier, whether Canadian, American or Bangladeshi, you will take a trip into the warning system, I have had it.

I hate to say it but if you want to talk about cadets and uniforms then this is going to come up over and over again as it is true.  We could talk about what the uniform is made of, color, pockets, or whatever but as soon as you stick it on some kid and they go walking down the street people are going to think army.  That is it.  A uniform is a symbol no matter who is wearing it. 

I hope you see my point and I am not trying to be an ass here but as long as there is a forum on Cadepat, this one, or the old one we will be talking about this.

I dont get what the big deal is.  No one complained about lookin like things they arent when they had the old ODs so why is everyone getting their panties in a twist over this stuff?  Cadets and Reg/reserve members wore the same OD junk for years.
The uniform old or new will provoke the same discussion.  The new uniform just sparked up the argument.  The argument is should cadets (children) look like soldiers, or would some other uniform surfice?
Cadets didn't always wear the same OD combats at camp.  I'm sure many people here remember the Kiddy Combats which were an OD shirt with no strings and straight pockets rather than slanted.  It kind of looked like the dress shirts except with long sleeves that you rolled up and it was OD green.  However the normal combats were bought and worn at LHQ.
Jacob said:
Cadets didn't always wear the same OD combats at camp.  I'm sure many people here remember the Kiddy Combats which were an OD shirt with no strings and straight pockets rather than slanted.  It kind of looked like the dress shirts except with long sleeves that you rolled up and it was OD green.  However the normal combats were bought and worn at LHQ.
I do remember them, they were dubbed "wombats" at Vernon.
herseyjh said:
I hate to say it

I'm glad you do, next time don't, that way we won't take this any further.

herseyjh said:
but if you want to talk about cadets and uniforms then this is going to come up over and over again as it is true.  We could talk about what the uniform is made of, color, pockets, or whatever but as soon as you stick it on some kid and they go walking down the street people are going to think army.  That is it.  A uniform is a symbol no matter who is wearing it. 

Then why don't I delete the posts about that subject in this thread and put a brand new disclaimer at the beginning with that information in it? Why do we have to keep discussing the same things over and over and over. I get a migraine when I read these threads.

ryanmann356 said:
I dont get what the big deal is.  No one complained about lookin like things they arent when they had the old ODs so why is everyone getting their panties in a twist over this stuff?  Cadets and Reg/reserve members wore the same OD junk for years.

I have zero clue, none. I wish it were the same. Bet it has something to do with LCF, though.

I asked simply that we not beat the old dead horse about kids looking like soldiers. I'll ask once more politely before I lock this and make sure it never has it's own thread again. The previous thread was 18 pages of run on and round about information, we don't need to discuss the same things again.

Last chance.

Papke, the buttons are now all black and look vastly superior to the previous "granny buttons"

Lerch, the pockets are not reinforced.
It would be better if they could make cadetpat epaulettes for the uniform.  The dress epaulettes don't look appropriate on the field dress uniform and cadets aren't allowed to wear the cadpat slip ons (trust me on that one) even though they let the CSMs wear the cadpat slip ons in Vernon  ::)
ryanmann356 said:
It would be better if they could make cadetpat epaulettes for the uniform...
They had some for the Vernon CSMs, but apparently they looked like something you would get out of the rear end of a horse. Maybe the BC Army Cadet League plans on making them in the future? Or if you really wanted, maybe you could order some scrap cloth and make them yourself.
I was in Wal-Mart yesterday and I saw the Digital pattern material passing by the sewing section.  I found that kind of interesteng
That particular pattern material is available in ALOT of places.  Its distinc from Marpat in that it doesn't have the USMC Eagle Globe and Anchor emblem in it so any joe on the street can buy it or make what they want with it.  I htink the uniform looks good, and will be functional for what most cadets need.  However it will require a great sales pitch around this area before it gets any traction.
I've rethought my position on the issue, and I believe a CADETPAT uniform would be a step in the right direction. I think any qualms people might have about mistaken identities can be easily resolved with some simple measures:

Cadets have distinctive slip-ons. Air cadets in particular are easily distinguished in the field by their blue slipons and white lettering, not to mention the "CADET" tag at the base of every slipon. I don't think it'd be very difficult to ensure that all uniformed cadets wear their cadet uniform slipons.

Also, I recall that the new Cadet paka has a round velcro patch for the particular cadet branch emblem. Why not make a simliar modification to the CADETPAT uniform, either in the same spot on the chest, or perhaps on the left shoulder where the canadian flag is found on the CF uniforms? All the cadet would need to do would be to transfer the patch from his parka to his CADETPAT uniform.  From experience, i know that cadets wearing CF surplus uniforms need to remove the cdn flag from said shoulder in order to conform to the CATOs (although i hace long since forgotten the reference). By putting the round patch on said shoulder, you'd make identification a snap.
LordOsborne said:
i know that cadets wearing CF surplus uniforms need to remove the cdn flag from said shoulder in order to conform to the CATOs (although i hace long since forgotten the reference).

I would be very interested in seeing this CATO. Either you are incorrect or my unit just doesn't like to follow the rules a lot of the time...
I havn't seen that in any CATO i've read.

In fact, at Vernon, some cadets get issued OD combats with the flags on them.
Also, the CADetPAT uniform has a velcro patch specifically for the maple leaf. If we're supposed to remove it...why the velcro?
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