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CADPAT Rain Gear

I was issued the original plastic AR stuff in 04..that stayed in my BB 'til the end of the tour.
I had the Gen 2 gortex raingear in 07-08, had the sleeve pockets but no nametag or velcro on the sleeve pockets. Fingers crossed you'll get the Gen3 stuff with all the bells and whistles, Moe.
PuckChaser said:
I had the Gen 2 gortex raingear in 07-08, had the sleeve pockets but no nametag or velcro on the sleeve pockets. Fingers crossed you'll get the Gen3 stuff with all the bells and whistles, Moe.

Yeah, for a whopping 35-45 days.  ;D

Jammer said:
Why would you take the TW stuff with you anyway when everyone was told they would be getting the AR in theater?

Guess I should have added, I am on a high readiness team (72 hrs NTM) to deploy anywhere, not just A'stan.
NFLD Sapper said:
CFSME got theirs via advanced issue earlier this summer and I believe general issuse to the rest of CFB/CTC GAGETOWN is to be next month.

CTC mext month, and remainder of Gagetown's 1st Line Operational Units who haven't been converted yet over the next few months.

3ASG etc ... next year.  ;)
PMedMoe said:
Ah, Vern, I knew you'd be on here to correct me sooner or later.  ;)

So what about personnel who are deploying?  Because I am, next month.

Are you simply on NTM? Or do you actually have your message - start date etc and CFTPO posn number?

Deploying on a tour ... or going on a TAV?
ArmyVern said:
Are you simply on NTM? Or do you actually have your message - start date etc and CFTPO posn number?

Always on 72 hrs NTM.  Always have a CFTPO.  Message presently being held by CEFCOM but do have dates for this tasking.

ArmyVern said:
Deploying on a tour ... or going on a TAV?

Yes, this tasking is a TAV.  Requested by TFA.
PMedMoe said:
Always on 72 hrs NTM.  Always have a CFTPO.  Message presently being held by CEFCOM but do have dates for this tasking.

Yes, this tasking is a TAV.  Requested by TFA.

Then contact the IC Clothing there (via email), provide your CFTPO number and TAV dates along with your sizes; the IC will fire it off to CTS who will then determine whether or not "that" particular TAV/CFTPO # is being issued (ie is yet entitled to) the raingear; if they are - then CTS will have the SM cut an issue instr to 25 CFSD to ship a set out under your SN (unless, of course, Clot NCR [in Asticou now I believe??] is holding an Op stock from which they can issue to you provided CTS authorizes it is IAW scale for your particular CFTPO).

There are some TFA items os Scale which specificly state things like: No entitlment for TAVs, SIVs, SAVs. Authorized entitlement only for pers deploying over 60/90 days .. etc etc
Thanks, Vern.  I already contacted the I/C Clothing but hadn't received a reply at end of day.

It's not just this tasking I am concerned about.  Obviously, TW rain gear is not required in the Sand Box.  We are just trying to get things straightened out for future taskings, wherever they may be.  This one has been a bit of an eye-opener for the team regarding training requirements, etc.

I'm pretty sure they hold operational stock here as we always have people deploying.
PMedMoe said:
Thanks, Vern.  I already contacted the I/C Clothing but hadn't received a reply at end of day.

It's not just this tasking I am concerned about.  Obviously, TW rain gear is not required in the Sand Box.  We are just trying to get things straightened out for future taskings, wherever they may be.  This one has been a bit of an eye-opener for the team regarding training requirements, etc.

I'm pretty sure they hold operational stock here as we always have people deploying.

Pas de problème mon amie.

Things are much easier when one's Unit deploys or one is actually part of TFA.

When individuals deploy for TAVs - it is the CFTPO number/posn that decides the outcome of entitlments and we must forward your CFTPO posn number with a message demand to CTS to obtain kit for you. CTS then considers exactly "where" that posn is deploying to (different AORs and tours have different scales of entitlement), for how long, and then authorizes (or doesn't OR even partially authorizes) the SM to cut the iss instr for whatever kit.

I am a FIRM believer in the "One man - One kit" utopian dream. Each and every soldier, sailor, airman/woman be issued ALL their kit items (Operational, Domestic, AND domop related) immediately upon successful completion ofQL3 etc. Those pers then retain these items for their ENTIRE career; coming in to see me only when they need an exchange done etc.

We'd save millions (enough to actually BUY every man their own FULL kit!!) just in Adm, handling and PY costs. I am so sick and tired of issuing out TFA kit to an individual for tour, taking it back from him 7 months later when he returns to Canada, issuing it all out to him again the next year so he can deploy yet again, taking it back at the end of that tour ... then having him back for full issue yet a third time (a mere 10 months after that!) ... sigh. Not to mention the friggin' shipping charges we are incurring moving the same stuff time after time from one mounting area, to another, to another, then back to the original spot again ...

Cripes - we could even incur many-more-millions in savings by reducing infrstructure because we'd no longer have to store this stuff on huge scales at either the national level or the local levels (when mounting) because everyone of us would already have it!

And then as an added bonus!! --- if/when the shit ever does hit the fan here in good ol' Canada (or let's say, a dom op to a forest fire, flood, or even donut hole snow shovelling, OKA revisted etc) should occur on NO notice - we wouldn't be scrambling to kit people to go because we'd already have it!! Whoooo!! We might actually "make" a 24 hr movement of personnel actually happen.

What a concept.
Any reason the clothing system is set up to be so bureaucratic, rigid and costly? You can't be the only one that has voiced your concerns about how badly managed the whole clothing entitlement process is.
Soldier1stTradesman2nd said:
Any reason the clothing system is set up to be so bureaucratic, rigid and costly? You can't be the only one that has voiced your concerns about how badly managed the whole clothing entitlement process is.

Because our current generation of op kit is considered controlled.

Not all clothing is like this.
At the recent LFCA Comd Townhall in Kingston, the IC Clothing brought up this question about shortages of kit. The Comd stated that the powers that be were really good with getting big ticket items like tanks and LAVs, but really dropped the ball when it came to personally kit. He stopped short of swearing, but said it was BS that every soldier does not have their own kit, and apparently steps are being taken to procure the appropriate levels of kit and op stock for everyone, but civvie industry takes time to ramp up.
Buying enough kit for everyone deploying does not necessarily equal enough kit for every member of the CF (or even the Army). Nor does it equal the one man - one kit - retain for duration of your career dream. <--- If there's a move on to do that, then those of us who attend Army Op Clothing WGs and conferences missed it.
ArmyVern said:
I am a FIRM believer in the "One man - One kit" utopian dream. Each and every soldier, sailor, airman/woman be issued ALL their kit items (Operational, Domestic, AND domop related) immediately upon successful completion ofQL3 etc. Those pers then retain these items for their ENTIRE career; coming in to see me only when they need an exchange done etc.

I totally agree.  As a matter of fact, I won't be turning in the kit issued to me, because I will remain in this high-readiness position until I am posted....  :-\
PuckChaser said:
The Comd stated that the powers that be were really good with getting big ticket items like tanks and LAVs, but really dropped the ball when it came to personally kit.

No, we pretty much suck at everything. Buying fighting vehs without the required support variants, multiple orphan fleets, not enough vehs for the job resulting in constant Whole Fleet Management... etc etc. It's so depressing that this insanity has made its way down to the pers kit items like rucksacks.

We end up spending more incrementaly because of all the points Vern listed than the initial capital outlay required to buy enough for all. Then there is the bonus of actualy having the kit before a short fuse task or operation, reducing the road to high readiness, etc...
ArmyVern said:
I am a FIRM believer in the "One man - One kit" utopian dream. Each and every soldier, sailor, airman/woman be issued ALL their kit items (Operational, Domestic, AND domop related) immediately upon successful completion ofQL3 etc. Those pers then retain these items for their ENTIRE career; coming in to see me only when they need an exchange done etc.

Cripes - we could even incur many-more-millions in savings by reducing infrstructure because we'd no longer have to store this stuff on huge scales at either the national level or the local levels (when mounting) because everyone of us would already have it!


I'm also in the camp of "all your issued gear should fit into the barrack boxes you are issued".
Infanteer said:
I'm also in the camp of "all your issued gear should fit into the barrack boxes you are issued".

Then they'll just make a larger MOB!
The WO at Clothing emailed back today and said if I submitted my sizes they would order it but no guarantee it would arrive before the tasking.  Good enough, in my books.  How's that for a happy ending?  ;D

Just out of curiosity, anyone know what the size scale is like (besides too big or too small)?  I sent the WO my combat sizes, thinking hoping they would be the same.
Seems to nme they used my shirt and pant size to order and the Jacket is perfect.  Pants are still in the bag.
My jacket is the same size number as my combat shirt, and it fits fine. I may try to get a little bit of a bigger size, as I doubt I can fit my fleece underneath.