A problem for me.
David Herle.
Just watching this podcast and watching David's body language I sense that he has a hate on. And I don't think it is limited to his feelings towards Trump.
An aggressive economic nationalist. Purveyor of Liberal party doctrines. Ontario centric. Spoiling for a fight. Not overly receptive to Trevor Tombe's suggestion that Canada do "the other thing" and make itself more competitive.
Tombe suggests opening the market, dropping inter-provincial barriers, finding new markets, new pipelines and ports, making Canada more attractive to international, and for that matter, domestic investors. Why are people sending twice as much investment capital to the States as they are spending in Canada? Perhaps it is because the Canadian government, Wynne's government, Herle's government, has given them nothing to invest in for the past 9 years.
Ottawa boasts of large inflows of capital but outflows are even bigger and if Canadians prefer to invest elsewhere that's bad news. Read on.
A look at some of the major energy projects over the past few years that never saw the light of day
Canada has seen hundreds of billions of dollars in cancelled or suspended natural resource projects over the past decade. Learn more about what this means for Canadians, and how natural resources can help turn our economy around.
Herle wants to fight. Great. I suggest that part of our problems arise from Herle's underlying impulse to fight the US, on all fronts, even before the coming of Donald Trump.
We have Canadians that share the Ayatollah's vision of the US as the Great Satan.
Personally, I find myself more in tune with Tombe. I don't know if Trump is mad, incredibly bright, incredibly dumb, an autocrat or a figurehead. I do know that policies are changing and we are going to have to do something to nullify their effects.
As the Globe and Mail editorial suggested - we are being pressured to do stuff that we should have done long ago and had we done so then we would be much better placed to weather this set of policy changes.