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ArcadeFire said:
In any case though, Canadians would likely be taking higher paying tech jobs and such and not signing up for Service there, since they have a higher education level. So if there was a North American Army then as a percentage there would be alot more people from Mexico signing up.

While volunteer armies do have people that join for social/economic upward mobility due to enrollment and promotion based on merit, are you saying that volunteer armies have a low-level of education?  The US and Canadian militaries have minimum education requirements for enrollment.
I think he's bouncing off the walls.............bad meds maybe?
Tango2Bravo said:
Comparing Europe to North America in terms of a "union" is a stretch to say the least.

Collective security is just that and it is something that pragmatic Allies do to protect themselves against real threats to their sovereignty.

I have to disagree with you there.

Evidence points towards some kind of Union similar to the one in Europe. The EU didn't happen overnight either. Right now the transnational corridor is being built to facilitate transfer of goods between the three countries Mexico Canada and the US; it  begins in Texas and will be ending in Manitoba of all places with an inland port.... And with the US dollar taking a nose dive it's all the more likely for some kind of union of currencies to occur (or at least be suggested by the US). There are already deals like NAFTA and the SPP (security and prosperity partnership) underway. The SPP stated goals are "cooperation and information sharing, improving productivity, reducing the costs of trade, enhancing the joint stewardship of the environment, facilitating agricultural trade while creating a safer and more reliable food supply, and protecting people from disease". Then there's this group of Corporate heads from all over NA that advise the SPP called the NACC (North American Competitiveness Council).  I'm not sure about large corporations deciding our future but I guess that's always the way it will be.

The world IMO is being divided up into larger and larger trading blocks. There's talk of an Asian union as well and it makes sense to harmonize military and economics in some ways. I'm not totally sure it's a good thing though since less diversity is bad in almost every other sphere. If you think about it though, we're not that much different from Americans...this is North America after all. Maybe a bit different from Mexico but they may be the last to join the Union too. Treaties between our Militaries and  building common economic standards are just paving the way.

It's going to happen.

That is assuming the public buys in- or assuming that they just do it without public consent- one step and one "agreement" at a time.
Tango2Bravo said:
While volunteer armies do have people that join for social/economic upward mobility due to enrollment and promotion based on merit, are you saying that volunteer armies have a low-level of education?  The US and Canadian militaries have minimum education requirements for enrollment.

Don't they offer to pay for your education if you join in the US? That being the case, they must not have a high education level to begin with right? That's a big carrot for someone from a poor neighborhood. Standards for officers may be higher but I'm pretty sure your average highschool dropout could get in one way or another as enlisted. It's a big complaint I believe in the US that standards are lowering for recruits. I don't think it's the same in Canada yet but i'm not sure.
George Wallace said:

Where in the world did you come up with this idea?

Mexican citizens, ( not naturalized US Citizens) are not likely to serve in any capacity in the US military.  Puerto Rican and Mexican descendants who are all American citizens do serve in the US military.   The US does not have a Foreign Legion.

actually they are...."There are 60,000 immigrants in the U.S. military. They represent two percent of the total service personnel on active duty. About half are noncitizens, with 15,880 in the navy; of those, 5,046 are from the Philippines. More than 6,000 Marines are noncitizens, with the largest group, 1,452, from Mexico". About .com. Don't ask me how a non citizen gets in...... I was referring, however, to a North American Army should one occur. If it did it would likely be staffed by a majority of Mexicans just given the economics and the fact that they will do jobs others with higher education might try to avoid.
ArcadeFire said:
I can't claim to have done much literally but I follow National Defence news and known what the government is up to as far as funding the Military goes, which is more than a lot of Canadians. Most just take it for granted. I just don't believe that someone concerned with our National Sercurity should ever trust any foreign power absolutely, that includes the US. Don't you agree?  Or do you think that they will and do always have our best interests, and not their own, at heart? Hear the expression "trust but verify"?

Just keep stepping on your dick Arcade, you'll go far in life  ::)
Oh my god that was too funny , Damn near spit my diet coke over the keybored .
There is a big difference between reducing/removing trade barriers (economic integration) with a political union.  Canada, the US and Mexico already form a trading block and I do not see an underlying consensus for a political union in North America.  There may be more of a basis for that in Europe (they have gone a bit beyond economic integration) but note that Europe still has national armies and political integration has faced certain limits in reality.

Turning to collective defence and security, consider a French citizen in 1917 living in German-occupied terrirority and one living in that much greater part of France being defended by a coalition of allied troops.  Who do you think felt a loss of "sovereignty?"

Finally, you may find that entrance requirements in terms of education are higher in both the US and Canadian militaries than you think.  I beleive that certain elements are desperate to equate benefits given to volunteer soldiers to the draft/conscription.  I have seen some rather twisted and convoluted arguments trying to make education benefits be seen as compulsory service, but they were quite a stretch.

Pay and other benefits may make military service more attractive, to be sure, but at the end of the day I believe that we are volunteers who have a sense of what we are getting into. 
I am sure that the Bush administration has taken this step as an insurance policy should Hillary or Obama are elected to the White House we may need to be rescued. ;D
ArcadeFire said:
I can't claim to have done much literally but I follow National Defence news and known what the government is up to as far as funding the Military goes, which is more than a lot of Canadians. Most just take it for granted. I just don't believe that someone concerned with our National Sercurity should ever trust any foreign power absolutely, that includes the US. Don't you agree?  Or do you think that they will and do always have our best interests, and not their own, at heart? Hear the expression "trust but verify"?

The you are far from being in a position to tell serving CF members who should / shouldnt be in the national security buisness.
My God, something simple like this agreement has brought out the insecure ones hasn't it.  It is not like there is not precedence at all with any of the other treaties we share with the US.  Yet there are those who have to start wondering ( or was that worrying ) about being invaded by the self intrested demigod that is the States ( ummm sarcasm is here for those who are missing it)  They start to wonder, Oh My God what if they come in and don't want to leave.  Have any of them thought just what the world would take on that.  And oh I suppose major markets might even react to that as well. hmmm lets see top of my head what else.  Oh there would be the American people who although are divided on the issues allot of the time and OK ambivalent in general to countries such as ours.  Just might get a tad freaking upset if the US wanted to help us in a "Emergency" and decided to stay permanently.  I would love to hear a believable scenario for that one.  Oh and I think there is a few dozen more reasons but will stick with this one.  Do you realize how big Canada is, and even with the majority of the population concentrated in a relatively narrow belt along its border or if they only went after key areas to control ( and they probably would be able to easily enough ) Do the people who come up with the bogeyman scenario's have any idea as to what the manpower would be to maintain that situation.  Holy Crap batman my aluminum hat is in the microwave what can I do. 

Sorry for the rant 
ArcadeFire said:
I have to disagree with you there.
Right now the transnational corridor is being built to facilitate transfer of goods between the three countries Mexico Canada and the US; it  begins in Texas and will be ending in Manitoba of all places with an inland port...
OK, I give up. How does one build a major highway without it being noticed? Show me the pictures of it on Google Earth.
ArcadeFire said:
Don't they offer to pay for your education if you join in the US?
High school education is always free in this country. It's higher education or skills education that is the draw.
JBG said:
OK, I give up. How does one build a major highway without it being noticed? Show me the pictures of it on Google Earth.

I'm sure the GOVERNMENT removed those images from Google Earth & public consumption.  Geez.

Meridian said:
I'm sure the GOVERNMENT removed those images from Google Earth & public consumption.  Geez.


Hey, I can't see Chaney's house, either.... 8)
CDN Aviator said:
The you are far from being in a position to tell serving CF members who should / shouldnt be in the national security buisness.

Well. You forget that I pay your salary and as a taxpayer and as your employer I think otherwise. .... :o
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