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JBG said:
OK, I give up. How does one build a major highway without it being noticed? Show me the pictures of it on Google Earth.

JBG....please explain this speech from the throne to me? I don't understand why does the Lieutenant Governor says quote: "Manitoba is also taking a major role in the development of a Mid-Continent Trade Corridor, connecting our northern Port of Churchill with trade markets throughout the central United States and Mexico. To advance the concept, an alliance has been built with business leaders and state and city governments spanning the entire length of the Corridor. When fully developed, the trade route will incorporate an “in-land port” in Winnipeg with pre-clearance for international shipping. "


Is this dude lying or is it a conspiracy amongst those crazy Manitobers.

helpup said:
My God, something simple like this agreement has brought out the insecure ones hasn't it.  It is not like there is not precedence at all with any of the other treaties we share with the US.  Yet there are those who have to start wondering ( or was that worrying ) about being invaded by the self intrested demigod that is the States ( ummm sarcasm is here for those who are missing it)  They start to wonder, Oh My God what if they come in and don't want to leave.  Have any of them thought just what the world would take on that.  And oh I suppose major markets might even react to that as well. hmmm lets see top of my head what else.  Oh there would be the American people who although are divided on the issues allot of the time and OK ambivalent in general to countries such as ours.  Just might get a tad freaking upset if the US wanted to help us in a "Emergency" and decided to stay permanently.  I would love to hear a believable scenario for that one.  Oh and I think there is a few dozen more reasons but will stick with this one.  Do you realize how big Canada is, and even with the majority of the population concentrated in a relatively narrow belt along its border or if they only went after key areas to control ( and they probably would be able to easily enough ) Do the people who come up with the bogeyman scenario's have any idea as to what the manpower would be to maintain that situation.  Holy Crap batman my aluminum hat is in the microwave what can I do. 

Sorry for the rant 

If you think any foreign power has the interests of Canadians at heart I have some oceanfront in Arizona for you. It scares me to hear such naivety from a Military member charged with the defence of Canada.
Wesley  Down Under said:
Just keep stepping on your dick Arcade, you'll go far in life  ::)

Well hey it is pretty long- sometimes it's hard not to.  : :salute:
Meridian said:
I'm sure the GOVERNMENT removed those images from Google Earth & public consumption.  Geez.

And this as well....damn conspiracy tinfoil hat Manitobans....

"North America’s Superhighway Coalition teams federal and state authorities with private business to promote the establishment of a network of "international trade corridors" that will facilitate the movement of people and goods throughout the nations of Canada, US, and Mexico. NASCO consists of the City of Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba, Northern Great Plains Inc., five member US states (Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa and Missouri), private businesses, and the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario, which carries more international truck traffic than any other border crossing in America. "

ArcadeFire said:
Well. You forget that I pay your salary and as a taxpayer and as your employer I think otherwise. .... :o

There is a thread here that address this subject a bit ...
I've even taking the liberty to make the link work from the first post that refer to it..

Ignorant Civies
ArcadeFire said:
How creative and original! You must have been a bright one in school.

Someone is trolling. ::)

Mods, sort this idiot out please!
ArcadeFire said:
Well. You forget that I pay your salary and as a taxpayer and as your employer I think otherwise. .... :o


You my employer....If that were so, I think I'd quit. You seem too far removed from reality to employ anything but useless drivel.
Yrys said:
There is a thread here that address this subject a bit ...
I've even taking the liberty to make the link work from the first post that refer to it..

Ignorant Civies

Well what about our right to Security as Canadians? If I believe we don't have the right equipment, or type of people in the Military that's my right as a Canadian citizen and I vote for a new Government that will sort that out. If I hear a bunch of Canadian soldiers saying "trust the US Government, they are and will always be our friends and Allies" that worries me from a security standpoint. I can see trust between US soldiers and Canadian soldiers, since they often work together, but not between the Canadian soldiers and a foreign government. Do you think they trust us? I highly doubt that since we're seen as Liberal and close to Communist by many Conservatives there.
ArcadeFire said:
JBG....please explain this speech from the throne to me? I don't understand why does the Lieutenant Governor says quote: "Manitoba is also taking a major role in the development of a Mid-Continent Trade Corridor, connecting our northern Port of Churchill with trade markets throughout the central United States and Mexico. To advance the concept, an alliance has been built with business leaders and state and city governments spanning the entire length of the Corridor. When fully developed, the trade route will incorporate an “in-land port” in Winnipeg with pre-clearance for international shipping. "


Is this dude lying or is it a conspiracy amongst those crazy Manitobers.
It probably doesn't mean literally any one route, but means an effort to exploit Churchill's geographical benefits if the climate ever allows. That is doubtful
ArcadeFire said:
Well. You forget that I pay your salary and as a taxpayer and as your employer I think otherwise. .... :o

Jeez, buddy, I pay taxes too, so I guess I'm self-employed.  ;D

Edit to add:  You, most certainly, are not my employer.
ArcadeFire said:
Well. You forget that I pay your salary and as a taxpayer and as your employer I think otherwise. .... :o

Well, consider that all military members are taxpayers as well, I suppose by your logic that would mean that they are all self-employed?  If they only knew!

I should also add that as a taxpayer, I don't think otherwise, and if you'd like, we could probably get into a pissing contest about who pays more taxes to figure out who has the controlling interest,  but I suppose in the end its that big bad government that will tell us both to go to hell.
Well, I'm retired now and drawing a reasonable pension for my time and trouble.

And I pay taxes on that.

Does that mean that I help pay for your pogey?

Meridian said:
Well, consider that all military members are taxpayers as well, I suppose by your logic that would mean that they are all self-employed?  If they only knew!

I should also add that as a taxpayer, I don't think otherwise, and if you'd like, we could probably get into a pissing contest about who pays more taxes to figure out who has the controlling interest,  but I suppose in the end its that big bad government that will tell us both to go to hell.

Alright you win this round. But you, or I both have the right to be protected by paying taxes and the right to decide what form that protection takes. This is a really a side issue. I can sill argue that it's my right as a Canadian to have input into how our canadian forces are used and what kind of philosophy they have. The government is suppost to represent the people and that means both of us. When I hear soldiers say "trust the US government" they're not protecting me and then I feel my government is mis-managing them in some way. So maybe I should be sending letters to Stephen Harper instead, I dunno.

How did this become Arcade wars anyway? I thought it was about another step being taken in the plans for a North American Union?
Drummy said:
Well, I'm retired now and drawing a reasonable pension for my time and trouble.

And I pay taxes on that.

Does that mean that I help pay for your pogey?


Is that some kind of British meat on a stick?
JBG said:
It probably doesn't mean literally any one route, but means an effort to exploit Churchill's geographical benefits if the climate ever allows. That is doubtful

It says "a Mid continental trade corridor" ...you can't get more specific...
Meridian said:
Pogey is a commonly used word for EI.

Everyone in Canada now this!

Goes to show you how out of touch this Arcade poster is with his own country.

Ya, and another empty profile to boot.

The troll's days are numbered.
Meridian said:
Pogey is a commonly used word for EI.
Wesley  Down Under said:
Everyone in Canada now this!

Goes to show you how out of touch this Arcade poster is with his own country.

Ya, and another empty profile to boot.

The troll's days are numbered.

Now Wes........We can anticipate the next question to be:  "What is EI?" after which we can come to the conclusion that this is a youngster who has joined an adult conversation which is way over his/her head, or the habitual Troll who likes to come to various sites and put on airs, or even a foreigner who has little to no knowledge of North American politics.  As they question the title name, we can see that quite a few things are going right over their head. 

I am still curious about this Mexican Military/Protection Consortium that will protect North Am and the Trading Conduit that is supposed to be built between Winnipeg and Mexico. 
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