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Canadian Federal Election 44 - Sep 2021

I can't however discount the possibility that there are more far-right or Libertarian types than we perhaps realize, and that the events of the last 18 months have stirred them up enough to reject establishment parties entirely.
Libertarianism sounds pretty good to me. There's a huge effort to categorize Canadians into left or right wing with an emphasis on the negative connotations along with it.

I bet there's a lot of Canadians smack in the middle who would vote PPC if it wasn't for the fact they've both been vilified from the start AND some of it's deserved due to the people they've attracted.
Reminds me of something interesting I read once - "You can kill an idea if you make it popular with stupid people".

If Trudeau was kicked to the curb I could see myself leaning towards PPC if they clean up their image and combat the idiot spokespeople they have. However the direction O'Toole is leading the CPC is interesting. Either he's just trolling the LPC (and Canadians) just for votes, or he's really looking to bring the CPC closer to the center and if that's the case I'd stick around.
It would be foolish of O’Toole to effectively alienate the centrist/red Tory/progressive side of the conservatives in an attempt to capture the squirters on the far right. To go hard ‘Reform/Alliance’ would be to hand a whole lot of the near-centre-right over to the liberals…who to recover (if ever) would take 2-3 ‘regular’ election cycles (or 5-6 of Trudeau’s 18-24 monthers).
The story to me is the PPC pushing passed the Bloc now too. How far can they go ?

The Libs and Cons are in a dead heat. It's a minority Gov in our future. Only the party is yet decided.
Winning one seat would be victory enough for the PPC. I expect them to play spoiler more than last time. Seat distribution still favours the LPC by a wide margin as far as a minority gvt goes.

Trudeau possibly blocked RCMP from investigating SNC, and obstruction allegations. If what she says is true, our democracy is gone, cabinet monisters in Trudeau's government are faces for a department and thats it, sounds like the PMO runs the whole show.

This is something I find very concerning, and so showed Canadians
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broke into a social conservative wing (Reform/Canadian Alliance) and a fiscal conservative centre (the PCs)

Reform/CA, and re-formed CPC with mostly Reform/CA influence, were/are not fiscally conservative?

Other plausible explanation: broke into a people-who-want-a-seat-at-the-table wing, and a central-Canadian-well-connected-establishment wing.

The evolution of the political left toward control by the well-off and well-educated continues in Canada, as it has in the US, with "the people" moving over toward the right-side parties. For all the talk about the problems of hierarchy and devotion to authority and authoritarianism and class divides and keeping people in their place on the left, that's where those problems are coming to fruition. Not a shoe to be proud of wearing.

Trudeau possibly blocked RCMP from investigating SNC, and obstruction allegations. If what she says is true, our democracy is gone, cabinet monisters in Trudeau's government are faces for a department and thats it, sounds like the PMO runs the whole show.

This is something I find very concerning, and so showed Canadians
This wouldn't be the first or only time this PM/PMO influenced an RCMP investigation. Ask VAdm Norman.
Reform/CA, and re-formed CPC with mostly Reform/CA influence, were/are not fiscally conservative?

Other plausible explanation: broke into a people-who-want-a-seat-at-the-table wing, and a central-Canadian-well-connected-establishment wing.

The evolution of the political left toward control by the well-off and well-educated continues in Canada, as it has in the US, with "the people" moving over toward the right-side parties. For all the talk about the problems of hierarchy and devotion to authority and authoritarianism and class divides and keeping people in their place on the left, that's where those problems are coming to fruition. Not a shoe to be proud of wearing.
While the NDP may have a few too many self-proclaimed intellectuals, I tend to think they're made up primarily of "the people".

Amongst "the people" there seems to me to be a generally geographic split with the more rural going to the right and the more urban to the left. There are also overtones of the self-employed labour to the right and the institutional or company employed labour to the left.

While the NDP may have a few too many self-proclaimed intellectuals, I tend to think they're made up primarily of "the people".

Amongst "the people" there seems to me to be a generally geographic split with the more rural going to the right and the more urban to the left. There are also overtones of the self-employed labour to the right and the institutional or company employed labour to the left.


If 'the people' are champagne socialists then yes, he seems to be a man of the people :)

"Jagmeet has a taste for dandy luxuries that don’t comport with the monkish minimalism of his party. He wears bespoke suits in the slim British style—his favourite is a brown tweed with cobalt-blue stripes, designed by a tailor in New Delhi, which he often pairs with a millennial-pink turban. He owns two Rolex watches, an Oyster Perpetual Datejust and a Submariner (both were gifts); a crimson BMW coupe; and six designer bicycles. “I have just an absurd number of bikes,” he says. “More than one person should have.” His kirpan, the ceremonial Sikh dagger he wears under his jacket, is a steel design by a metalworker outside Boston. Since joining Queen’s Park in 2011, Singh has become one of the city’s most devoted partygoers, a regular at King West nightspots and gala fundraisers, at fashion shows and Raptors games."

I think the term "primarily" leaves enough room for guys like Singh as well as most of the professors that I knew at Brandon University and the University of Manitoba (although a few of them were also covered by the term "self-proclaimed intellectuals")

Nanos poll.

Aggregate is out later today. PPC pretty high right now. LPC a seems to be rolling in consistently in the last few days for the finish. We’ll see what the week brings.
LPC a seems to be rolling in consistently in the last few days for the finish. We’ll see what the week brings.
I think over the next few days, the polls will swing in favour of a LPC minority or slim majority, which many will see as an indication that the battle to unseat Trudeau is lost. We all know that polls are like any other statistics. "Cooks Law" can be applied to the results to acheive the desired outcome. This could be influenced by the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR) flyer campaign being executed in vulnerable LPC ridings (which has several LPC incumbents on the defensive right now) and the release of JWRs book.
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I think over the next few days, the polls will swing in favour of a LPC minority or slim majority, which many will see as an indication that rhe battle to unseat Trudeau is lost. This could be influenced by the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR) flyer campaign being executed in vulnerable LPC ridings (which has several LPC incumbents on the defensive right now) and the release of JWRs book.
I can see a minority, but I think a slim majority seems a little farfetched now.
Here's the thing though, look how wrong polls got things the last 3 federal elections, biggest factor? Who actually comes out to vote
Here's the thing though, look how wrong polls got things the last 3 federal elections, biggest factor? Who actually comes out to vote
They really didn’t get it wrong last time though.
I think over the next few days, the polls will swing in favour of a LPC minority or slim majority, which many will see as an indication that the battle to unseat Trudeau is lost. We all know that polls are like any other statistics. "Cooks Law" can be applied to the results to acheive the desired outcome. This could be influenced by the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR) flyer campaign being executed in vulnerable LPC ridings (which has several LPC incumbents on the defensive right now) and the release of JWRs book.
I’m not sure how much of an effect JWR’s book will have. Anyone who thought that whole issue was important likely switched their vote already. Unless something really crazy comes out of it, I doubt anyone will treat that issue any different than they currently are.

I already voted. So neither those revelations or the polls will change that now. Or if someone gets caught on YouTube eating kittens.
So we can look forward to another election in 18 months?
He's battling the Bloc for the 'Vital Ground' in the closing stages:

Trudeau on the offensive against Blanchet and O'Toole while campaigning in Quebec

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau went on the offensive against Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole and Bloc Quebecois Leader Yves-Francois Blanchet on Sunday, even as he continued to face questions regarding the treatment of two of his own former MPs.

Trudeau spent a second straight day targeting Bloc-held ridings on Montreal's South Shore, where his party hopes to regain some of the ground it lost in 2019.

Trudeau was in the La Prairie riding near Montreal on Sunday, a seat the Liberals lost to the Bloc's Alain Therrien in the last election. As he spoke at a park in Candiac overlooking the St. Lawrence River, he hammered home his commitment to Quebec and the fact that only his party, and not Blanchet's, can form government.
