I don't have any issue with the government helping during times like this -- but I absolutely am disgusted with his way of delivery -- he doesn't even acknowledge kicking the can down the road.
The problem if one isn't upfront with it -- people start to believe it is "free money" (lets face it most people are incredibly stupid) - and it just becomes another item pushed to a later date with no plan to deal with it.
When people are stuck at home, unable to work, with bills pilling up and fridge getting empty, I don't think many care much how Trudeau said it, just so long as he did it. And CERB was done as of december 2nd 2020, replaced by various unemployment programs. It was also clawed back if people made more than 35k in that fiscal year. So while free money it didn't last forever.
I can even understand Child Care etc plans
This is good.
-- but for the love of god, the Politician's should at least have a plan to not sink the country in debt.
Do people understand that the Mint just can't print money to get back on track anymore?
When was the last time the USA posted a surplus?
Not to make this a American Politics thread, but it has been decades since the last budgetary surplus in the USA. Same goes for most of the G7. So with that out of the way, I think we can all agree its not the that a country plans to add debt, because all tend to, but how much debt. If you wanted to have a discussion on that front I would indulge you, but this "DEBT BAAAAD" talk is rather lacking in substance.
It really doesn't need to be --a lot of material can be manufactured in Canada -- especially with a well thought procurement plan - and pre-planning for requirements. As well joining Allied co-operative development helps spread costs, lowers costs, and gives a lot of national spin offs.
The LAV is manufactured in Canada. What else is? Ships? We saw how that went.
As for a procurement plan, this is Canada. Come on.
As for joining Allied Co-Operatives, how much spin off would come back to Canada after taking this childcare money and tossing it at the military?
You must admit, spending 30 billion over 5 years, all of it in Canada, all of it freeing up parents to work and increasing both fertility rates and workplace participation is likely to have a much more direct economic impact that tossing that money at the military which may or may not see some of it come back, and that's if procurement doesn't go off the rails.
Of course that only works if you are playing well with others, and have a plan -- for which I give most CDN Governments since Mulroney an F (and while the White Paper his Gov did was a B, the execution was an F)
No enjoyment here on that - I'm not sure which one I loathe more - but at least here, no one is seizing my guns...
True. If that is a priority I imagine that the USA is much better.
Most urban canadians do not place guns high on their list of priorities.