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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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ThatsLife said:
I suppose if my screenname was "Star_Wars_Dude007" you would say:

You know the army isn't like Star Wars, right?   ::)

I already apologized to 48Highlander in a message yesterday, whether he accepts it or not I know I acted like an idiot for saying "I really hope you're not a real soldier," but you have to see it from my point of view. You ask a question, and you have 238904 guys on you calling you stupid for asking a question.

And i submit to you that a fair portion of the "238904" guys have seen the same question asked over and over troughout the years.   I would also submit that most of those people know that there is a FAQ section and they know how to use the search function on this site. At any rate, good luck with the CFAT.

BTW...i've been in this buisness for a long time.....It's not just some word i saw on a recruiting ad, i live it everyday....I don't need a lecture on teamwork from you.
Thank you NavComm, I appreciate that  :salute:

And for aeso, I apologize to you aswell. I have used the search function but sometimes I don't see my question answered. Which is why I ask them.

It seems everytime I apologize to someone, someone else ruins it for me. But i'll try and holster my atittude when I get into defense mode.
:cdn: seeing that i faild the (cfat)math test, when i return to redo the test must i complete all 3 tests or just what i faild??
codeblue said:
:cdn: seeing that i faild the (cfat)math test, when i return to redo the test must i complete all 3 tests or just what i faild??

That would be the entire test.
Intelligere said:
That is not true.   "Second rewrites" (third attempts at CFAT) have to be auhorized by NDHQ, though.

While subsequent attempts are possible there are certain criterion to be met such as significantly improving education level or possessing relevant education/skills directly related to the occupation requested before any waivers will be requested.  Therefore, it is not easy and it may not be possible for all applicants.
Heres what I think. I think that alot of people are very hard working and skilled in many things and would probably be really awesome in the military. Yes there is the CFAT and its there for a good reason. It could be the matter of a platoon of men from living and dieing(Counting ammunition etc.) Theres a thousand things that you could use math and problem solving in. Some people are skilled in it and some are not.

Somethings are not used very often for example 1,2,3,4 whats the next number of the sequence?
I don't think many people use this every day! Alto of this test you don't see on everyday occurrences.
What year was this test writed and how often do they check these test. Or do they ever get feedback from people that wrote the test?

I know that alot of people do not pass this test, but do they ever get any feedback except to study more form recruiters. Hey Kincanucks you might be able to answer this one!

I might be overseeing something I'm not perfect but when a person comes in to do the CFAT there not coming in for something to do on there day off there coming in because they want to be part of the defence of Canada and be a role model   for others . I think that a recruiter could be more helpful and give some of these people a chance as they deserve and tell them what they need to work on. Not just "YOU NEED TO STUDY MATH" what is that. Is it problem solving, fractions, addition, etc.

Just a thought.

Everyone has there right to there own views heres mine. Oh and I would like to say I do admire all of the hard work recruiters do everyday. You guys do have time to deal with lowlifes but not everyone is one. But just remember your playing with somebody's future. Thats all !

Derek Eves said:
Heres what I think. I think that alot of people are very hard working and skilled in many things and would probably be really awesome in the military. Yes there is the CFAT and its there for a good reason. It could be the matter of a platoon of men from living and dieing(Counting ammunition etc.) Theres a thousand things that you could use math and problem solving in. Some people are skilled in it and some are not.

Somethings are not used very often for example 1,2,3,4 whats the next number of the sequence?
I don't think many people use this every day! Alto of this test you don't see on everyday occurrences.
What year was this test writed and how often do they check these test. Or do they ever get feedback from people that wrote the test?

I know that alot of people do not pass this test, but do they ever get any feedback except to study more form recruiters. Hey Kincanucks you might be able to answer this one!

I might be overseeing something I'm not perfect but when a person comes in to do the CFAT there not coming in for something to do on there day off there coming in because they want to be part of the defence of Canada and be a role model   for others . I think that a recruiter could be more helpful and give some of these people a chance as they deserve and tell them what they need to work on. Not just "YOU NEED TO STUDY MATH" what is that. Is it problem solving, fractions, addition, etc.

Just a thought.

Everyone has there right to there own views heres mine. Oh and I would like to say I do admire all of the hard work recruiters do everyday. You guys do have time to deal with lowlifes but not everyone is one. But just remember your playing with somebody's future. Thats all !

I cant beleive that this thread got so long and that there are so many people who feel violated by the CFAT.   If you think the test is hard now, you should see what it was a little over 10 years ago.  

For Derek:

The recruiters are playing with someone's future ?   I got news for you, they are playing with mine too !   I hope that they are doing the best to recruit people that are suitable for military service to put besides me.   I case you havent heard, joining the military is not a right guaranteed to you by the charter.if you think that knowing what number comes nest in a sequence is something not used every day, come to my trade, you'll change your mind rather quickly. As far as telling people who fail what they need to work on, what do you want recruiters to do, take them by the hand and tell them " ok..you need to study what number comes right after 2,4,6'  shall we hold them by the hand next time they write it ?............those people have just written the test and failed, they know what to study for next time !

You gave your opinion, now here's mine : If you can't pass something as simple as the CFAT.......you need to reconsider you choice of career because its only gonna get more complicated.....trust me on that one.
aesop081 said:
I cant beleive that this thread got so long and that there are so many people who feel violated by the CFAT.   If you think the test is hard now, you should see what it was a little over 10 years ago.  

For Derek:

The recruiters are playing with someone's future ?   I got news for you, they are playing with mine too !   I hope that they are doing the best to recruit people that are suitable for military service to put besides me.   I case you havent heard, joining the military is not a right guaranteed to you by the charter.if you think that knowing what number comes nest in a sequence is something not used every day, come to my trade, you'll change your mind rather quickly. As far as telling people who fail what they need to work on, what do you want recruiters to do, take them by the hand and tell them " ok..you need to study what number comes right after 2,4,6'   shall we hold them by the hand next time they write it ?............those people have just written the test and failed, they know what to study for next time !

You gave your opinion, now here's mine : If you can't pass something as simple as the CFAT.......you need to reconsider you choice of career because its only gonna get more complicated.....trust me on that one.

That will get you a big Roger Out from me.  Well said.
Keep in mind there is an english portion to the CFAT so before you want to bash all the people that don't speak good english, in your opinion, they still passed the CFAT.
Derek Eves said:
Aesop081 now what trade are you in.  

I was a combat engineer for 11 years and now i am an............AESOP !!!!    

I guess you couldn't figure that one out.

The CFAT is already as easy as it should get.   The solution to our manning shortfalls does not lie in reducing our standards for recruiting.   Those of us familiar with the training system have seen where that got us.

BeadWindow said:
You'd much rather whine about how unfair life is.

And that , ladies and gents, is where the problem is ! The CFAT used to have cutaway drawings of internal combustion engines and you had to name the parts. There were electronics questions, and more questions about this and that.  But then THAT was deemed too hard so now we have the CFAT of today.  Now THAT is deemed to hard by some people.  Times don't change.

NAVCAN has an aptitude test that people have to write when they apply to become air traffic controlers.  They don't tell you whats on it either.  You fail the test...you don't go on in the process.  Do you think that if they were short people they should reduce their standards for hiring ?

Derek Eves said:
Funny thing is I have my private pilots licences and work on engines everyday as I am a mechanic. And I didn't pass the Cfat due to math. You must think your the crap NOW huh.
Sorry I don't know every abbreviation for each trade!

Why are you such a smart ***?So if you think your better because you know what parts on an internal combustion engine. Then you have problems.Your not better than everyone you know .

This is the part where you prove that you are just whining because you were denied something. I have my PPL as well so don't lecture me with that.  I passed the CFAT way back then and i passed it again last year.  My math is fine..has to be to be in this trade. I looked at your profile and since you have zero experience i take your comments very lightly.  Do i think i'm better than everyone else...of course not ! But hey, then again i'm here and you are not.  Now go home, work on your math and try again.  This thread isnt supposed to be a flame war so i'm not going to waste anymore time on you and you "i'm a victim" attitude.  You are a private pilot and you can't do math ? remind me never to fly with you...you know time/speed distance, fuel consumption, track corrections, instrument navigation......ya, i bet you're real good  ::)

aesop081 said:
And that , ladies and gents, is where the problem is ! The CFAT used to have cutaway drawings of internal combustion engines and you had to name the parts. There were electronics questions, and more questions about this and that.   But then THAT was deemed too hard so now we have the CFAT of today.   Now THAT is deemed to hard by some people.   Times don't change.

I wrote my first CFAT in 1992 and it was a basic IQ test (with pencil and paper!) and I didn't even get to the last 4 or 5 questions.  I still passed.  I heard about the internal combustion questions from younger soldiers.  I don't really know how knowing small engines or electrical schematics effectively measure appaptitude anyone applying for any trade from 011 crewman to Direct Entry Medical Officer except maybe Padres.  I suspect that the wing-nuts at CFRG also wondered the same thing and reinstated the IQ test but now on computer.  It seemed to be easier now but alas I might be older and wiser even if I couldn't remember fractions.

If you failed look up  IQ tests or MENSA on the internet and practice.  Recognizing and knowing how to solve some of the problems should help.  Time management should also get you most of the way there.  IE: Answer all the questions!  

If you are a dummy you will probably still fail.

i wrote the CFAT in 93 with paper and pencil in hand.  The test was designed to determine what trades you were apt for, hence why there were math questions as well as engine questions and so on.  If you couldnt figure out an engine, maybe you shouldnt be a mechanic and Veh. tech woulddnt be on the list of trades you could do.  Even as a 041 cbt eng i was glad i knew a bit of mechanics as there is alot of things with engines to operate and i suspect that being a 011 wouldnt be any different.  When it comes to math, it is something that applies to alot of trades, even more so now a days with all the high tech gucci stuff we have to do our jobs.

The simple fact remains that whatever they use for an apptitude test, there will always be some whiny individual who will feel cheated out of what they perceive as their god given right.  The CFAT today is not difficult...AT ALL ! Specialy the math.  On my aesop  course we were doing trigonometry and algebra and logarithms...if you couldnt do basic fractions for the CFAT, how the hell do you expect to make it later on...it could be you in my position !

Its time to grow up and take responsability for your actions.  Its not the test that failed you...you failed yourself.
c4th said:
If you failed look up  IQ tests or MENSA on the internet and practice.  Recognizing and knowing how to solve some of the problems should help.  Time management should also get you most of the way there.  IE: Answer all the questions!  

I think C4th has stated an example of some really good advice!!!

You can also buy those tests at bookstores, especially college and unversity bookstores. Another helpful tip might be to audit a Logic class at university, or perhaps some colleges. Just do the exercises they go through. Logic courses are generally most beneficial for LSAT tests, and if one does well on that type of test, the CFAT should be snap. I also understand the practice firefighters exams are pretty useful.

Bottom line .... practice, study, practice, study, practice, study, practice, study .... get into a routine, stick with it and write the exams when you are confident. Going in cold again is not a good idea if you already have 1 failure of any sort racked up.    And for goodness sakes, stay with your exercise routine .. healthy mind/body etc ...

I'll go out on a limb here and offer the supposition that recruiters like seeing applicants who are clean, bright, fit, energetic, and self disciplined before they even walk in the CFRC door. 
This is a good site for anyone interested in their IQ:  http://www.highiqsociety.com/

Subscribe to the www.dictionary.com word a day e-mail.  Vocabulary is about a third of the CFAT if I remember correctly. I think I was e-mailed one of the word's on the CFAT the week before I wrote it.  Nice luck eh?  Regular reading of anything other than the Toronto Sun will help in this area.  Reading the Toronto Sun will probably reduce your CFAT score by 15%.
from what I can gather, basic addition, subtraction, mult/division, basic algebra, patterns, crap like that? Basically if one is able to complete university level calculus courses, then the CFAT shouldn't be a problem?
Fry said:
from what I can gather, basic addition, subtraction, mult/division, basic algebra, patterns, crap like that? Basically if one is able to complete university level calculus courses, then the CFAT shouldn't be a problem?

You should be fine.   What i was getting at earlier is that people who think the CFAT is hard and think some of the questions dont apply to military service will be in for a shock.   Its fine and dandy to be able to do basic math now but what happens to these guys when the want to remuster to GEO tech, AESOP and the like where math skills beyond 2 + 2 are required ?   The main point that i was trying to make was that if the CFAT was difficult for someone..they need to seriously re-evaluate hwat their next move is going to be.   The CFAT is only an APTITUDE test........the skills required to do good on it are not going to get you trough a 20 year career, no matter what MOC you chose.
aesop081 said:
Its fine and dandy to be able to do basic math now but what happens to these guys when the want to remuster to GEO tech, AESOP

Try teaching declination to recruits who cannot wrap their heads around 60 minutes in a degree and the multiplication of less than whole numbers. 
