Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, come one come all, time for another drawn out Cfat thread!
Actually my intention is to ease some minds, so for the folks who are about to undergo the game of fear, I would like to give some hints and tips of the do's and dont's.
When I went in for my CFAT my recruiter gave me a web address to a "Practice Cfat" Which was actually a pratice GCT Level 2, testing general aptitude for what I assume as some government jobs. I scored fairly low in this (66) and was worried about it so I went in to talk to my recruiter and he said if I scored 66 then theres nothing to worry about. Problem is most of the practice questions in the math section I took guesses at , not knowing how to get the equasion to get the correct answer. My mistake was not studying math after this point.
Math Is VERY important I hear this echoing in my head from junior and senior high school teachers.. back to the story,
So I took the CFAT and its harder then what had been provided in the pratice GCT and the pamplets, was I in over my head. I was given a list of very limited trades that were available to me and told I can take the test ONCE more, but if I fail then I loose the jobs available to me now, and I cannot take the test again unless serious upgrading is proven. So then the recruiter gave me a very useful site This will teach you addition , subtraction, division , multiplication of fractions, and decimels and percentage. Which is the bigest thing you
will need After spending two weeks testing myself on this site and relearning highschool math and taking every practice aptitude test I could find on the net(and this site) I went back wrote the test for the second and final time. When I walked in I almost threw up and asked to speak to the recruiter I spoke with before, to tell him I think im going to take whats available and not risk re-doing the test. He wasent available so I went in the test room when It was time, after some very sweaty first few questions everything went by as a breeze and I qualified for all trades.
They say you cant "learn aptitude" the practice of simple math allowed me to pick the carrier I want and open up my future for more movement., Also a nother thing, If you go in and get a low score on the CFAT, and you just take one of those trades available but plan to switch later on, you can only switch to somthing you had already qualified for!
If you have a weekness in math or dont remember fractions and decmels, take the time, If you do what I say and what many on this site have said you wont have a problem in the math portion. a few hours a day or night or weekend is well worth the carrier you want !!
Sorry for starting another CFAT thread. but I hope this post may help some people out on my mistake

Take the time, Learn the math, As for the folding shapes, its a bit harder to learn that stuff, but you can find many practice tests on the internet that will help in your ability to pick them out.