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Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

Plenty of space on the Mattawa, CER should be warming up those D9's as we speak...  ;)
To all the mods:  It was my pleasure.

You can be posted to the same place ie working in XXX and being posted to WATC.
As well, there is nothing wrong with somebody joining with aspirations of going higher; the US thrives off of these types (hence the Ranger, 18X, and SEAL direct contracts) - sure, you'll attract some wieners, but offering a High Speed, Low Drag capability will get good guys in the door who may not have otherwise payed attention to the Forces.

  Many people want to join to see combat. I myself have put my papers in for that very reason. It was hard for me to decide between the US Army and the Canadian Forces simply because I knew I could go down to the states and obtain my Ranger contract without spending three years in the regular forces. In the end, I am Canadian and want to serve as a Canadian. Having a unit such as JTF-2 to aspire to, lured me in. Including a unit such as the mentioned JATF will increase interest from a certain type of people.

  I understand that a lot of young guys come on here with the SCUBA SNIPER syndrome and plaugue the board. But there are still young guys that come here, genuinely looking for information. For those of you that have the privilage of knowing the answers, please dont sell us short. At the same time, if we ask a stupid question, hit us with an equally stupid answer.

There seems to have been a lot of negativity generated towards this new outifit having a tan beret as well as it's name. Personally I think that the tan beret idea is pretty cool. I mean the UK, Aus, NZ SAS regiments all wear the tan beret as well as US Army Airborne Rangers. I think it looks pretty sharp. But really it isn't a huge deal I mean it would pretty much be just as cool if they all wore maroon berets - and I'm just assuming that this unit will be jump capable I mean that would only make sense. I have to say it would be interesting to see what they come up with as a capbade though. As for the name I mean I used to think JTF2 sounded corny as well but really I don't think it matters as much as the capability. Personally I'm just happy that we are coming out with this. And I'm pretty sure most of the guys in the JTF2 and that will be in the JATF, or whatever it'll be called when it's officially established, will be too professional - and busy with other more important issues - to care. Besides guys will eventually get over it. ;)

Just my 2 cents.
well, I'm glad this is bringing someone with W-I-I's experience back to the fold. Hopefully, the trend will continue.

Like I said before, this is going to be a good thing for the CF in the long run. It's going to be horrible in the short term.

As for the head-dress, who cares? It wouldn't change the unit member's ability to do their job anymore than haircuts or or any other appearance-related issue. (Although, the similarity in head-dress may open up cross-training opportunities with similar hat wearing units to our south, and across various ponds. Which is always good.)
Check with your C o f C, there are documents flying around with more info. The stand-up timeline will be longer then mentionned earlier.
CFL said:
I just did my BFT and I'm sore as heck so I hope they don't start doing selection Mon

You're kidding about being sore after a BFT, right?   Where I work, we do the BFT equivalent (or more) every Friday morning.   Generally with more weight, and over a more difficult course with varied terrain.   Oh yeah - I should mention that I currently work with the battalion's Admistration Company....    ;)

That said, I personally know most of the "key players" thus far in the JATF.   For that reason, I'm not even humoring myself to think that I could make the grade at 40 years old with my broken body.  

If you really want to join the new unit, you want to be in shape.   Good shape.   EXTREMELY good shape.   And on top of that you want to be smart.   Individually and tactically SMART.   Did I mention a mastery of basic soldier skills?   Really GOOD soldier skills?   That would undoubtedly boost your chances of success as well.

No offence - maybe you were only joking.   I'm just saying....
Do to situations beyond my control PT has unfortunately been put to the way side do to taskings and ex.  I would love to do more clicks on a weekly basis.

This new unit may expose an ugly side of BN life that a lot of units are not up to speed on their soldier skills.
Forgive me if this point was brought up before but will this remove the LIB from each infantry regiment or is this in addition to the the LIB?
Ex-Dragoon said:
Forgive me if this point was brought up before but will this remove the LIB from each infantry regiment or is this in addition to the the LIB?

well it wouldnt make much sense to disband 3 batallions to make one. considering they are trying to increase the size of the CF (as far as i know) it wouldnt make much sense to downsize on such a level.
they could "borrow" the para coy from each Bn to make up the "new" one and then look after filling in the holes in the Light Bns as new troops arrive.

A Bn after all is anything that is more than 1 coy strong......
geo said:
they could "borrow" the para coy from each Bn to make up the "new" one and then look after filling in the holes in the Light Bns as new troops arrive.

A Bn after all is anything that is more than 1 coy strong......

fair enough, that would really suck though. the problem would be that as 'elite' as the para coys like to think they are, there is some junk in those ranks. of course there are a lot of top notch soldiers as well, but to just take the whole coy would be nonsense, im sure than any para coy member can vouch for this.....

a man should be judged by his actions, not by his cap badge or beret colour.
wack-in-iraq said:
a man should be judged by his actions, not by his cap badge or beret colour.
Amen brother!
Now, I've seen some stuff on here, but I think that the JATF is NOT the SCTF (as some have hinted to).  Just from what I can gather from the open sources (media, etc), there are differing capabilities.  Also, there is a LAV element to the SCTF, as far as I can tell....

Anyway, back to head banging :brickwall:
Where in the name of the good lord are we going to find the troops?

Hopefully this info becomes public knowledge and the idea of a canadian special operations force batallion inspires a higher number of new recruits.  After all, one time a cadet asked me if, when he got older, he could join the SEALs  :-\ damn near slapped him too
wack-in-iraq said:
fair enough, that would really suck though. the problem would be that as 'elite' as the para coys like to think they are, there is some junk in those ranks. of course there are a lot of top notch soldiers as well, but to just take the whole coy would be nonsense, im sure than any para coy member can vouch for this.....

a man should be judged by his actions, not by his cap badge or beret colour.

How you would know how "elite" we think we are is beyond me, were you in a para coy?

There are idiots in every unit, even the elite ones.


However, if you are trying to create a Ranger type unit, to which the pre-requisites will be fitness, motivation and aggression, this can already be found in the Para Coys, and the light Bns.

So even if the powers that be are not going to move companies wholesale to pet for SF trg (which I doubt they would do anyway) these units would be an excellent place to start looking for volunteers. I would advocate keeping the selection process closed to all but reg force cbt arms, at least at first, because having a pre-requisite of reg force time (one or two years) would provide the source units with new manpower with which they could rebuild after the initial shock of losing troops to this new unit.

You know what would probably be another good place to start looking for potential pers to fill positions in what may verywell be the best go the CF has seen in 15 years...the other 6 031 Bns.  I could have sworn that I worked with a number of qualified ppl.

I think maybe a proper selection process, maybe even prerequisites like minimum TI and quals like afore mentioned.  Certainly being a member of a para coy is not a qualification of itself.

I did my recce course with some of 3VPs finest and uh....well, they didn't leave any lasting impressions :o
62whoknew said:
I did my recce course with some of 3VPs finest and uh....well, they didn't leave any lasting impressions :o

Lest this turn into a "light vs mech" bunfight, we will concentrate on the actions of your snipers and recce platoon during the stand trg on the last exercise.

Remember when they got caught - all of them, and their LUVW and "forgot" to zeroise their radios, or get rid of their Drop off or PU points on the map, or sanitise their kit, or zeroise their GPS or wipe their map off? And then spent 7 hours blindfolded, stacked on top of each other in a junkyard aerostar?

That sure left a lasting impression on me, especially when we started broadcasting Pakistani top 40 over the Bde means, and were able to bump their helo when it showed up to extract them. 

But keep up the good work, after all, we did'nt catch them because we were the para coy, working 20 hour days for two weeks. Any old unit would have caught them and exploited their mistakes - right?

I seem to remember my pl inflicting some 75% casualties on 2VP (both coys) when they attacked our position, even though we could not kill either the LAVs or anyone in them, and were outnumbered 4 to 1. MILES gear is a wonderful thing.

Yup. Lasting impressions indeed.

Since we are talking about exercises! i remember being safety staff for the 3VP coys on there live fire trace, 1 getting ready for the PRT, and well wasn't impressed and the most checked out one was not the Para coy thats forsure. Like everyone is saying everyone , at least in the cbt arms , should be given the chance the show what they have. Oh ya didn't three guys from 1 VP pass the pathfinder course last yr ! hmmmm :salute:
There are switched on troops and hammerheads in EVERY Battalion ! Personally I think the first batch of troops that form the nucleas of the new unit should be troops with qualifications such as Patrol pathfinder, Recce patrolman and sniper. Oh yeah, a few of the old advance pioneer crowd would be good for establishing some basic demolitions skills. My two point seven cents.
I am a firm believer in that every 031 should have the opportunity to try out for the JATF, though I also believe that forming a group like this the first to try out should be those from the standing Recce Pl of all 9 Bn's and of course the snipers along with the Para guys. After you have a core nucleus of guys then you start drawing from everywhere, not just the LIB's.

Having said that, I'm also sure that not everyone will be intrested in trying out but it does give those that have been bitching that once your Recce/Para/Sniper qualified (not all of them mind you, though I do know a few that are all of them) that there was nowhere to go, I mean I was in Recce for a year but for career progression I need to leave, however I have no desire to return to a rifle coy and be C9 gunner or 3 i/c, there was no sense of somewhere to strive to be other then the Hill. Of course you may not have been able to get selected for the hill even if you did complete the 6 day.

Now we have something to strive for something to push ourselves to achieve and once there a whole new plethora of challenges within that unit.

I wouldn't get your hopes up about trying out for this unit anytime this year though it was  passed on in an "O" group that Pte/Cpl lvl pos wont be till APS 07.