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CEOTP (Continuing Ed Officer Trg Plan) 2003-2018 [Merged]

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Update with a new handout relating to ROTP. This was put together by the university administration (with the help of yours truly ;)) and approved by an officer at Sudbury CFRC.
You're not on the first course. Check out this thread: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/71815.0.html

PM me or post in that thread for CAM specific questions, there's a couple of us on this site. Cheers.

Here.  Merged with a topic started by benny88 quite some time ago.  Now we have one topic, not two, and I will merge any others I find, so you won't have to do too much work.
My question would be about th application deadlines. I contacted CFRC Toronto, but they kept confusing me with the RMC applicants. I have done high school in Hungary, but I am a Canadian citizen, and I applied to the UWO for CAMP and got accepted. I applied to ROTP-CAM in January `09, and they didn't open my file until march. They are telling me that I need to get a high schhol transcript equivalency. That could not be possible, because if my transcripts were not equivalent with the Canadian standards, I could not have gotten into UWO. I'll be going back to Canada in may where I'll have my aptitude test. They still don't know if I should be doing an interview and the medical, because they say I would probably not get into the program this year.
I would really need some advice about what I should do now, because I can't afford the school on my own, and I have years of hard work in it.
Thank You in advance.
Spending time out of Canada will not make your application go easily.  The UWO program is not a guarantee for all applicants - the CF will decide if you go there, or to RMC.

If the CF recruiting system is asking for high school equivalencies - go and get it.
spagyi said:
My question would be about th application deadlines. I contacted CFRC Toronto, but they kept confusing me with the RMC applicants. I have done high school in Hungary, but I am a Canadian citizen, and I applied to the UWO for CAMP and got accepted. I applied to ROTP-CAM in January `09, and they didn't open my file until march. They are telling me that I need to get a high schhol transcript equivalency. That could not be possible, because if my transcripts were not equivalent with the Canadian standards, I could not have gotten into UWO. I'll be going back to Canada in may where I'll have my aptitude test. They still don't know if I should be doing an interview and the medical, because they say I would probably not get into the program this year.
I would really need some advice about what I should do now, because I can't afford the school on my own, and I have years of hard work in it.
Thank You in advance.

What type of School did you attend in Hungary?  Was it an 'International School' for dependents of Foreign Service personnel?  I know that there are at least two types of these schools, one I believe run by the Americans and another by the French, who will be able to give you equivalencies.  It is something that you will have to investigate.  This is a matter that many children whose parents were on Foreign Service for a Government Dept have faced before, so if you are lucky, one such person may be on this site and come to your aid.
Thank You for posting. I attended a regular Hungarian high school, only at the end of each schoolyear did I go to Hungary to take exams. My parents are not foreign serving members, I just chose the Hungarian school for its higher level of education.
I would like to ask about the application deadline for ROTP-CAM, because I am confused about that date. I was told it is in January, but I have heard different versions, therefore I found it best to apply in January.
I have had some confusion in the CFRC regarding my application (they confused me with the RMC applicants).
Thank You for the post once again.
spagyi said:
I would like to ask about the application deadline for ROTP-CAM, because I am confused about that date. I was told it is in January, but I have heard different versions, therefore I found it best to apply in January.

Something much better answered by those in the University Registrar's Office than anyone here. If you applied in January, what are you worried about?
spagyi said:
. . . I have done high school in Hungary, but I am a Canadian citizen, and I applied to the UWO for CAMP and got accepted.  . . . .  They are telling me that I need to get a high schhol transcript equivalency. That could not be possible, because if my transcripts were not equivalent with the Canadian standards, I could not have gotten into UWO. I'll be going back to Canada in may where I'll have my aptitude test. They still don't know if I should be doing an interview and the medical, because they say I would probably not get into the program this year. . . .

As you stated that you are already accepted into UWO, I'm assuming that you attained a "Gimnázium Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) since that is the admission requirement for an international student who was educated in Hungary as noted at International Admissions Requirements for CAMP.

While many Canadian universities which actively attract foreign students have adopted their own policies for school equivalencies, the Canadian Forces (like most other public or private employers) have not and when judging the educational background of potential members rely on outside "Credential Assessment and Qualification Recognition Services" such as those listed here (mid-way down the page).  It would be your responsibility to obtain such an assessment and equivalency for your Hungarian education as requested by the recruiting centre.

Just because UWO deems you meet the minimum requirements to enter their program doesn't mean that the CF has to accept you.  Their admission requirements are just that and only that - "admission requirements"; the CF's standards (evaluating much more than simply high school graduation) are higher.
An update for those interested in this program:

    UWO's CAM program has severed it's ties with Maylan Flight Academy for a variety of reasons. Some of you who have been keeping track of the situation will know some of the details and reasons, but what's important for new applicants to know is that we're now flying with Diamond Flight Centre London. We've just started but the equipment and facilities appear to be top notch.
  As always, anyone with questions pertaining to the new arrangement, or the program in general; feel free to PM me.
This sounds like promising news for me since I will be attending the CAMP program this September. Any details on the fleet of aircraft which students will be flying for their PPL, CPL and multi ?
Magic said:
This sounds like promising news for me since I will be attending the CAMP program this September. Any details on the fleet of aircraft which students will be flying for their PPL, CPL and multi ?

The majority of training will take place on a DA-20, and that hasn't changed. But we will be re-introducing some time on the DA-40 with the G1000 setup, and our twin time will be on DA-42 Twinstars (huzzah!), rather than Piper Seminoles.
I was in a 42 yesterday..... tons of fun. I was holding a 60 degree angle of bank turn with out no problem at all. ;D ;D
Just found out I've been accepted into CAM, most likely into year 2. What a load of stress off my shoulders!

Now to get the official paperwork all cleared up. Anyone here going into year 2 in September?

On that note, to any CAM students... has anyone had or know someone who went in with their PPL? Do you go right onto CPL training or skip a year of flying and do CPL in third year?
Heff18 said:
Now to get the official paperwork all cleared up. Anyone here going into year 2 in September?
  You could start introducing yourself to this group: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=30699667050&ref=ts

Heff18 said:
On that note, to any CAM students... has anyone had or know someone who went in with their PPL? Do you go right onto CPL training or skip a year of flying and do CPL in third year?

  Yes, I know a few people who had their PPL. I can't comment on how it will be NEXT year, because of the switch in flight schools, but these people were credited for their PPL pending a check ride with a CFI. They still had to attend Ground School and PGI's to meet the requirements of the ICPL. Unfortunately, they did not start a whole lot of CPL flying, they mostly flew just occasionally to stay current and build X-country hours. They weren't too happy about it, but it makes sense now because we're all even and can start our CPL together.

  Good luck!
Even though I'll be entering year 2, I have to pay both year 1 + year 2's flight costs, so I better be getting something for that money! (Hopefully the CF picks up the year 1 costs  :o). To this point I've only ever flown a 172 so I'm looking forward to trying out the Diamonds.
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