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CFAT and extra time


Jr. Member
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From what I understand after searching this topic is that it is allowed.  I have a small learning disability because of the hearing problems and I find that the extra time helps me on tests.  One of the things I did keep coming across in my search was "Should I give you extra time when the enemy advances because of a learning disability." I'm not sure about most of you but shooting at the enemy and deciding if  which foldout will look like this box when its put togeather seems pretty different to me ;D . Any way I want to know what you guys think of extra time for people with learning disabilities and if the CF still doesn't grant extra time.

Oh and please can we keep from the Cabose bashing it dose nothing but make people angry :salute:
I am not sure what your point is?  You state you have a learning disability due to a hearing problem.  How does a Hearing disability relate to a Written Test?  The instructions are written at the beginning of the Test; Hearing has nothing to do with it.
I'm not sure about most of you but shooting at the enemy and deciding if  which foldout will look like this box when its put togeather seems pretty different to me

Theres more questions than that foldout stuff. It requires you to priorities, not waste your time, and think quickly. I dont care if you have a learning disability, the CFAT is not just a formality, its there to weed out the people who arent apt for a certain job. Its not there to give ppl something to do while their papers are going through, the point isnt to make people pass, its used as a filter. If you have a learning disability that prevents you from completing the CFAT, so be it. The CF should give you no extra time, no more than someone who requests extra time because he's stupid and takes 5 minutes to solve a simple math question.

George Wallace said:
I am not sure what your point is?   You state you have a learning disability due to a hearing problem.   How does a Hearing disability relate to a Written Test?   The instructions are written at the beginning of the Test; Hearing has nothing to do with it.

I was just asking myself the same thing !!

cabose, why should you get extra time ? Are you special or something ?
George Wallace said:
I am not sure what your point is?  You state you have a learning disability due to a hearing problem.  How does a Hearing disability relate to a Written Test?  The instructions are written at the beginning of the Test; Hearing has nothing to do with it.
I guess you have a good point there.  Damn I can't think of a good comeback everything I think of seems obsolete thats a really good point.  I'm just going to go look for some practice tests. But still I want to know what you guys think about the extra time just think of people with better learning disabilities then mine. ;D
Your hearing problems could be a problem during your medical, but how does bad hearing effect you from reading an answering questions?
There are no allowances, time or otherwise, given to people with learning disabilities when writing the CFAT and nor should there be.
Cabose said:
I guess you have a good point there.   Damn I can't think of a good comeback everything I think of seems obsolete thats a really good point.   I'm just going to go look for some practice tests. But still I want to know what you guys think about the extra time just think of people with better learning disabilities then mine. ;D

CFAT is simple...set number of questions, set amount of time.......

If you have a learning disability that prevents you from completing the CFAT within the alotted time......have a nice career somewhere else.

You will not be able to learn what will come your way during training. Plain and simple....IMHO
If some of the questions at the end were left unanswered they would be incorrect resulting in a lower score, so giving extra time would be the same as lowering the standard. Is that what you want, to have the standards lowered so you can enter the CF? Do what you said and practise, and write it in the same amount of time as everyone else.

Jumping jehovah! What a concept. Let's give everyone with a problem whatever they require to pass the entire recruiting process. To hell with the standards! Need more time? No problem. Got a tummy ache today? No worries, come back anytime. /end saracasm.

What the hell do you think this is? Girl guides? Get a grip.

I'm so sick of these twats that come here and spew this 'I'm not qualified but I want in anyways' shit and expect us to hold their fricken hands while they figure out some way to circumvent the system so they can fulfill some childish dream to 'be in the army'. People are dying out there. The weapons are real. As someone said before, it's not triangle, triangle, square, square, up, down, enter and just carry on.

And that goes for all these well-meaning wives who get on here and make their 'hubbies' out to be weak, pussy-whipped mental midgets. I don't want to serve with some guy who can't complete a thought without phoning the missus to make sure she's ok with it.
NavComm. I think you just made someone cry.... you bad bad man.

Naw, in all seriousness, thanks for saying what most of us are thinking. Cheers -Cameron
Surprisingly these posts are getting more humours by the minute  ;D ;D ;D I haven't laughed this much since the most memorable quotes topic  ;D ;D
keep it up
well, somebody please call the paramedics to take my foot out of my mouth. Maybe even a surgeon too, because i think it's lodged in there pretty far.... i'll never forgive myself.... -Cameron
Cabose said:
Surprisingly these posts are getting more humours by the minute   ;D ;D ;D I haven't laughed this much since the most memorable quotes topic   ;D ;D
keep it up

::) maybe militaryphotos.net is more for you

"Eagles may soar but beavers don't get sucked into jet engines"

Want to bet ?
Cameron, it's ok that you didn't read my profile.  I"ll try to be more lady-like :D

*slaps self and puts 25 cents in the swearing jar for each peppered word*
aesop081 said:
"Eagles may soar but beavers don't get sucked into jet engines"

Want to bet ?
What makes you say that ??? I actually want to hear this story. :D
NavComm, dont worry about being more "ladylike". I much prefer the hard, no bullshit, asskicking attitude. Not used to seeing that from the "fairer" sex, and thats why I made my mistake. Its kind of sexy actually...  -Cameron