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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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No no no...
by 'transfer' I meant CT from Sup Res to reg.

I would never leave my trade..

Sigger for life!



Im doing a Component Transfer from Reserve Force Infantry to Regular Force Infantry.

So, I went to the Thunder Bay CFRC in January and they told me they no longer handle CT's, its done over the internet direct with NDHQ.  The CFRC then emailed me a link to a government website (apparently handling CT's) that didnt work...

So in February I initiated the transfer over the internet with the help of my Orderly room.  I specified I would be available after my college graduation (June 1).

April 3rd I finally got a response email from the regs stating for me to verify my MPRR, and that my transfer would take 2 months to process.  So I verified the MPRR as correct

I updated my files June 6 to include my college education, and emailed the CT email I was given to tell them, no response...

Otherwise I havent heard a response back, and despite several emails still no response, is theyre some way of getting in contact over the phone with those handling the CT's now?  I realize CT takes a while, but Ive not heard anything from them.
I was just talking to a guy yesterday about this.  He was supposed to be Reg Force now and posted to Petawawa, but this new idea that was supposed to be faster and simpler was so popular that it was overwhelmed with applicants.  He had his CT postponed to mid-July. 

Keep your eye on CANFORGENS that come out that will indicate what the latest news is from DCARM.  I am sure they will get through the flood of applicants in as quick a time as possible.
I've helped initiate over 20 CTs from my unit in the past year or so, in both the old system and the new, and the new system is much more streamlined. Especially for trade to trade transfers. 

Our members who initiate CTs from PRes Inf to RegF Inf usually receive an e-mail response to their application within a week and an offer (on average) within a month (or two). We've had quite a few successful applicants.. and we've even had guys postpone their own CTs 'cause they were given an offer sooner then they expected.

Even CTing to other trades within combat arms seems to go quickly as well. 

The only thing I've seen take a while is from Combat arms trades to Combat support or trades in other elements (we have a few fire fighter apps).  But its understandable since they have to conduct a PLAR (in the event of prior education), and find a spot in limited trade courses.  But, even then, DCARM CT cell keeps pretty good contact with the troops (at least from my unit) and thanks to the new system, the troops don't have to worry about constantly bugging the local CFRC or their CoC for updates; they have a direct line.

But, some points I've found;

- If you submitted a CT just before the new system kicked in and haven't heard anything yet, I would suggest submitting it again via the new system.

- When you submit your CT app via your OR, I would strongly suggest you look at your MPRR right then and there and update while you're there.  This will save you a trip to your unit armoury and reduce any chance of a hold up due to paperwork.  A switched-on OR can send that info out right away once you are initially contacted.

- This is one I can't stress enough; INFORM YOUR CHAIN OF COMMAND!  Part of the reason why I help troops with CTs, as a unit recruiter, is to ensure they complete and submit a memo regarding their intent to transfer.  There isn't a whole lot your CoC can do to stop your CT (unless you have a legal obligation, or a contract - which you can end, but requires time).  But it is just common courtesy to let them know you'll be leaving.  We've had situations where the CoC for the Rifle company had no idea someone had left until we found out he had been in the Regs for a year... and we only found out 'cause we called his place to inform him he was being released because he had gone NES (we were a little behind on releases).  Needless to say, people weren't happy.  So I have a memo template I fill out with the troops, print of and have them sign and photocopy. The rest is up to their CoC. It saves me a lot of head aches from angry phone calls from Coy and Plt commanders.

Beyond that, as George said; keep an eye on CANFORGENs for changes.  If you have someone in particular, in the OR, who deals with CTs, they should have a firm grip on the latest CANFORGENs, CMP instructions and news from DCARM... I know I do. 

Anyway, the latest CMP instruction for CTs makes a lot of sense, and is being implemented (from what I've seen), and as time goes on and the mad rush to CT due to the simplicity of the process starts to lull, I'm sure things will start to improve and streamline even more.

Good luck with all the CTs out there. 
Thanks both of you, made me feel better ;D

Its a little frustrating because I want to make a career of regular force infantry and Ive been wanting to leave since June 1, and I initiated this february thinking that 5 months would be plenty to process everything ::).  Now im pretty much just going crazy sitting around waiting for the call.
Grunt said:
Thanks both of you, made me feel better ;D

Its a little frustrating because I want to make a career of regular force infantry and Ive been wanting to leave since June 1, and I initiated this february thinking that 5 months would be plenty to process everything ::).  Now im pretty much just going crazy sitting around waiting for the call.

I started the process a little after you did specifying that I would be ready to leave by now. I'm apparently on phase 2 at the moment, which involves getting a PLAR done by a civilian agency. I told them what is the point of this, I am willing to go back to basic if it gets me in quicker etc, but no dice.

It's a little discouraging but then again there isn't much we can do, so we wait out. The people in the CT transfer section at least answer emails pretty quick, so it could be worse.

Grunt said:
PLAR, Prior learning assesment?

More specifically; Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Here's some information;

[quote author=army.gc.ca CFMEP]
Also known as: Canadian Forces Military Equivalencies Program

CFMEP facilitates the process of recognizing equivalent non-CF or CF prior learning. CFMEP utilizes the PLAR process to achieve this objective. PLAR is the formal process used to evaluate, accept and recognize prior learning. An evaluation is conducted to establish to what extent the prior learning equates to the learning outcomes and standards of current CF training and education. In some cases the conduct of PLAR may not be organizationally feasible or cost-effective.

More info here: DAOD 5031-1

I might also point out that the people making the decisions in these cases are not from the Branches or Trades, but from Training Systems in CFB Borden.  One may have to resubmit and further 'qualify' their credentials to have them accepted.  This all takes time, so the grievance process will slow down the overall process of acceptance to the CF with the qualifications you may feel you are due.
If anyone need info on the new CT procedures just ask. I just completed mine and have some exp with the new procedure (and I hit mostly every problem along the way). I am by no means an expert but I may have some insight, and if I can Ill help give you some answers.
For those of you willing to redo BMQ, just a tip - they will not send you on BMQ if it is determined you don't need it, as that would waste a slot on the course and the money it takes to put you through it. :-[
good friend of mine in my reserve squadron just ct'd. He was trade and aircraft qualified reg F, came to reserves and has now ct'd back to reg F. He put in his app beginning of june, called to follow up with the clerk and file manager. He got his offer on June 27 and has a COS date end Aug.

I applied for a CT and OT on June 11. I'll keep you posted.
I've spoken with both the CT clerk and CPO in the last few weeks..the clerk said generally nothing moves in less than 4 months, unless there are exceptional circumstances. The CPO considers a one month old app to have wet ink on it.

They said they have over 700 files open right now.

George Wallace said:
I was just talking to a guy yesterday about this.  He was supposed to be Reg Force now and posted to Petawawa, but this new idea that was supposed to be faster and simpler was so popular that it was overwhelmed with applicants.  He had his CT postponed to mid-July. 

Keep your eye on CANFORGENS that come out that will indicate what the latest news is from DCARM.  I am sure they will get through the flood of applicants in as quick a time as possible.
IMHO, if you are doing a CT to the same occupation, there should be NO delay at all.
Whatever time it might take for the paperwork to be done could be accomplished while you are already in your new unit.
geo said:
IMHO, if you are doing a CT to the same occupation, there should be NO delay at all.
Whatever time it might take for the paperwork to be done could be accomplished while you are already in your new unit.

I think that's generally the way they're trying to make it go... The new CT instructions outline a "quick and easy" transition between PRes and Reg F in the same trade... but, as per the norm, this isn't always the case.  As I've just found out from my unit's CC, members still have to be released from the PRes before they're fully transfered to the Reg F.  That, in my mind, makes no sense... but I'm not a clerk, so I really don't understand the details of it all.  Either way, the way I see it, we're all one big happy family. It should be as simple as a PRes member self identifying for transfer to same-trade transfer, filling out the current online app, submitting it, get an offer (if a unit want said member) than all pers files are transfered with the member... BAM! Done!  So, whats with the release stuff?  And why does that happen both ways (Reg F to PRes)?  We're all in the same military, right?

So yeah... Like Geo put it... it should be zero time, or close to for same trade, pending a position.  eg. Member from PRes Inf unit self identifies; "I want to go to the RCR".  DCARM calls up the RCRs (1,2 &3); "You need a troop qualified in [fill in quals]?" (yes, I know its more involving).  RCR reply either; "Yes, send us fresh meat." or "No, send him/her to the [other unit of same trade]".  If answer is yes, DCARM contacts applicant; "Pack your bags, you're now wearing a death-star." If the answer is no; "How do you feel about 1) wearing a beaver, 2) the West Edmonton Mall?  Then the process continues... otherwise, it's too simple.

Just my $0.02
geo said:
IMHO, if you are doing a CT to the same occupation, there should be NO delay at all.
Whatever time it might take for the paperwork to be done could be accomplished while you are already in your new unit.

Close but not quite - small delay is needed to ensure that your quals are compared off and transferred correctly.  It may be that you did an old JLC/CLC in 87 that is not at the same standard as today but have additional training and experience that brings it up to the required level. In the old days you simply did not get the course credit and that was it - now you can get the credit.  Can't just send you to a unit without knowing what quals and terms you are to be given.  The paperwork should always be done first otherwise you may end up with people in places doing things they should not be doing. That being said - 5 months seems like a long time to me -  I can see 1 month no problem, maybe even 2 months in some cases - beyond that? have to wonder what is going on.

Just to touch on a subject back a few posts in regards to pay on transfer.  Once you are transferred you are entitled to reg f pay.  Just because you do not show on the CCCPs is not an excuse for your pay clerks not to issue pay - systems are in place to deal with this.  We have DFT and cheque requisitions in place.  Even without knowing the mbrs IPC I have paid people in the past - used their basic pay level, did the approx deductions ( plus a small cushion) and issued them pay. Regulations are that mbrs are to be issued their pay entitlements on pay day - it is up to us clerks to do everything within our powers to make this happen.
While there will always be bureaucracy to ensure that the "T's" are crossed and the "I's" are dotted, who says the individual has to remain at his former unit while all this is happening?

If the person passes a medical, you give him an interrim rank (if necessary) and you cut him a class B or C contract for a Reg force Battalion or Regiment where he is needed.  If the person has served in Kandahar then his CT should be at his effective rank anyway.... so what's the problem ???
geo said:
While there will always be bureaucracy to ensure that the "T's" are crossed and the "I's" are dotted, who says the individual has to remain at his former unit while all this is happening?

If the person passes a medical, you give him an interrim rank (if necessary) and you cut him a class B or C contract for a Reg force Battalion or Regiment where he is needed.  If the person has served in Kandahar then his CT should be at his effective rank anyway.... so what's the problem ???

That would be nice. Also for a lot of us at the Pte/Cpl level, they send us back to basic if we don't have the magic amount of class b service. I'm fine with this, but wish they would SEND me already. I don't see why such things as a PLAR are needed when the outcome is already a given from what I've been told...

5 Months here and just got word to book an interview...  ;)
Popnfresh, as I understand it, the magic amount of Class B service is used to determine your IPC, within a certain rank, not your training requirements.