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Contract Lengths (Merged)

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So you can stay in the Reserves for as long as you want and leave the reserves whenever you want? That sounds very conveneint. Is that only for Infantry, or does this apply for all Reserve trades?

Actually I left a message in early December...
You can stay in the reserves as long as the reserves wants you and that is the same for all of the reserves.
CF-22 Raptor said:
So you can stay in the Reserves for as long as you want and leave the reserves whenever you want? That sounds very conveneint. Is that only for Infantry, or does this apply for all Reserve trades?


All Reserve Trades. 

Of course, in order to remain in the Reserves for "as long as you want", you must comply with certain conditions - IE, personal fitness, military discipline, regular parading (you can't stop showing up for six months, then come back when you feel like it), etcetera.  It's not quite the revolving door you seem to have pictured in your mind.

There are many more qualified than I who will be glad to fill you in on the details - the fact remains that when you join the CF, Regular or Reserve, you are committed to some extent - that commitment is, perhaps, less stringent and defined in the Reserves, but it remains a commitment.

Good luck to you.
Okay, thanks for the information. But I'm still a bit confused with this "parading" thing, what is it exactly? Are they military drills or something?

And does anybody know if there are any Reserve Bases in Waterloo? Also what kind of Reserve trades the Toronto bases offer?
CF-22 Raptor said:
Okay, thanks for the information. But I'm still a bit confused with this "parading" thing, what is it exactly? Are they military drills or something?

And does anybody know if there are any Reserve Bases in Waterloo? Also what kind of Reserve trades the Toronto bases offer?

The term "parade" simply means (in the context to which I was referring), a military training day or evening.  I apologize for the unnecessary and unintentional confusion.

As for the remainder of your questions, I don't know if there are any reserve Units (NOT Bases) in Waterloo, and I'm sure that the entire spectrum of trades can be found in various Toronto based units.  Perhaps you should check out the official CF site at www.dnd.ca , or contact your local recruiting office.

I heard that if someone is going to be joining the reg force , your first contract is five years instead of 3 does anyone know if this is true?


I suppose you used the SEARCH FUNCTION, which I am about to do and then I will merge your question with all those other ones asking the exact same thing - How Long Is A Contract?

........And......my Lord......look at all the answers I found!
Are you bound to the contract when you sign your application or only after youve been accepted and sworn in?
Only once you have sworn in.  You can apply without making any kind of commitment.  Also, keep in mind, that some people do find that during training the military isn't for them and can ask to be released, so even post swearing your oath you are not 100% trapped.  Of course, joining shouldn't be done on a whim and thinking if you don't like it you can just quit.

(EDIT: here's two links to a myriad rules and regs about releasing)

I just want to know. If i sign for 3 years and like it. Then go for another 10 or whatever. Will i lose out on anything if i that someone who signed up for a term of say about 15 years, because i was unsure. Or what? I just want the best possible experience in the CF and if that means throwing myself into a 15 year TOS rather then an experimental (best term i could think of for it) 3 year TOS then i would more then gladly do it.
The new TOS gives you an initial VIE of 3 to 5 years depending on your occupation. This is then followed (in the vast majority of cases) by an IE25. So in essence you would be signing a new TOS for a period ranging from 20 to 22 years.

Do you lose any benefits by signing? Provided you make it to 10 years before you choose to get out (break TOS) to have a move back to your place of enrolement, then you would not.
I just received my offer and my VIE is 6 years, for Medical Technician.
The Variable Initial Engagement (VIE) are based on many factors including training time required to make a soldier (any military member) employable, that is trained in their occupation. The length changes as the training time and strength (size) of the occupations change. They adjust all the newest change just came out for Crewman, now 3 years vice 5.
The VIE allows the member to adjust to military life and see if it's something they really want to do for a longer period. Conversely it allows the CF to take a look at you and determine if they want to offer you a long term commitment. Needs change and the staffing levels change due to transformation then some occupations may decrease in size or become absorbed with others.

Note that subsidized education plans like ROTP and NCMSEP have different VIE based on number of months of subsidized education.

Your friendly CFRC can provide the latest up to date information.     
CFR FCS said:
They adjust all the newest change just came out for Crewman, now 3 years vice 5.     

Verify the above.

Was it not always 3 years in the past?

(Are you a Francophone?  I ask, because of the way you write.)
The VIE allows the member to adjust to military life and see if it's something they really want to do for a longer period.

How about the VIE allows the CF to get its money's worth from investing in training people?  If a person is not adjusted to military life by the time they finish trades training perhaps they will never be.
If im reading this thread right, the contract for an infantry officer under the ROTP is 13 years? So basically 13 - 4=9 years actual service. The other 4 being university and summers?

Ive read the general rule of thumb for contracts is 2 years times years subsidized. (4yrs degree*2=8...i guess 9 years is close enough)

So heres my REAL question: A reservist with BMQ/SQ/QL3 applies for ROTP in year 3 of university. Only one year is going to be subsidized under the ROTP. Does this mean the contract would only be 3 years including that subsidized year of education and summer?
torunisfun said:
If im reading this thread right, the contract for an infantry officer under the ROTP is 13 years? So basically 13 - 4=9 years actual service. The other 4 being university and summers?

Ive read the general rule of thumb for contracts is 2 years times years subsidized. (4yrs degree*2=8...i guess 9 years is close enough)

So heres my REAL question: A reservist with BMQ/SQ/QL3 applies for ROTP in year 3 of university. Only one year is going to be subsidized under the ROTP. Does this mean the contract would only be 3 years including that subsidized year of education and summer?

That is a question that won't be answered conclusively here.  When you put in your transfer, the CT folks at DMCA will be the ones figuring all that out.