Part of the reason condo/apartment and possibly tiny home living is suitable in Europe/Asian is because they have (rightfully) protected the Third Space in their societies; especially from gentrification or commodification.
North Americans entertain in their homes, are entertained in their homes, access their greenspaces from their homes, and any number of other activities because it's cheaper than going to a Third Space (restaurant, pub, ski resort, campsite, etc.) to do it.
Conversely, free use Third Spaces (commons, community gardens, libraries, churches and parish centres) are funded in a more egalitarian manner and are not grouped by their income demographic or area (even in Kingston, my kids know the Good Library (Pittsburgh Branch) from the Sketch Library (Rideau Heights).
Europeans/Asians get by on needing less space because culturally its not a thing to have it. My great-uncle mockingly called my grandfather "Il Conte di Rosso-Dale" (the Count of Rosedale) because he had a separate dining room from his kitchen. No one back home had that kind of living space because "who the hell are you? Royalty?"
Until we rejuvenate our Third Spaces, we are going to pad our First Spaces. That "padding" is also a multi-billion dollar industry that we the taxpayer pay into. Having free or cheap spaces to hang out?!
That sounds like Communism to me....