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Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Havok
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Butters, if you have been convicted of a criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted then you have a criminal record and must disclose this when asked. No and's if's or but's about it. And if you have recieved a pardon it does not mean that your criminal record disappears, there are still certain situations where it can come back to haunt you.

My twelve pesos
I don't want to take away from the original question here, but what if you've only had a "talking to" by the police, and now your "on the list" where if you do something again then you will be, I guess punished for it.  Me and some buddies we're hangin' out one night and for whatever reason thought it'd be a good idea to climb on to the roof of Edenwood (a middle school) and just sit.  Cops came, but nothing happened, just got our names, ages and address's.  I don't think there's anything major here, but when the reserves do a criminal record check, will this show up?

Again, my question is secondary to Jesters, so whenever someone is able to answer mine (if they can), then thanks.
I am also not wanting to take away from the original post but I have a question that is related.  If you get caught for theft under as a young offender and had to do community service (I think the program was called diversion b/c it was my only offence) will I need to now get a pardon as an adult in order to join the forces as a DEO?  Thanks in advance for any help that you may be able supply.

Two avenues to follow here. Talk to your recruiter or someone at your local RCMP/Police Detachment. Recruiters will be able to tell you what is relevant and what is not. The cops will be able to tell you what is considered summary or criminal as far as offences go and should be able to answer your questions about having your name in the black book. All in all, remember to tell the truth, no one can help you fully unless you are completely honest.
Your best bet is to go to a CFRC or call 1-800-856-8488.  There is already some bad advice here.  be honest with the recruiter that you talk to and they will give an honest answer.  The CFRC will do a criminal records name check (CRNC) on you and find out all about anyway.
hi everyone,

I went to court couple of days ago - seems like I will have to watch a video about what I've done - after that there will be no record - I'm so glad. I guess now or I should say after the 25th of nov I will go to the recruiting office to talk to someone about enroling :) :)
I know that when they do a crminial check that they will find everything down to tickets. I didn't pay two tickets when i was 18 and now that i'm 21 i paid them off , it wasn't really untill this year that i decided to join and smarten up my act. However it says you have to be 6 months free of any judical problem.
I was wondering if any one had any unpaid tickets and paid them off  and waited at least 6 months .if they had any problems getting in!
they look for serious problems, unless you ever were formally charged for these tickets then you are fine.. and unless you were in jail in the last 6 months then you will be ok on that account also.
No i havent been found guilty for anything, i was pardoned when i was 18 when i got arrested at the summit of the americas it really wasn't my fault and i wasn't a trouble maker ,wrong place wrong time even the judge agreed but what exactly do you mean charged for the tickets??
tahnks in advanced!
Consider yourself lucky.A lot worse could have happened.
Thank God for giving you a second chance and do yourself and the CF proud.
Good luck.
They're looking for a criminal record check.  Provided your tickets fall under the Highway Traffic Act, there's no worries.

Question for the educated out there ;)

A friend of mine is R031 and he wants to do a transfer to full time 031.  Straight forward so far....

He has a conviction for Arson (3-4years ago) that happened AFTER he got into the reserves, has since been dealt with served the "Time" and has the criminal conviction on record and a 10 year weapons Prohibition.  However, he is STILL in the reserves and has risen the ranks and been in for almost 7 years now.  Can he do this transfer to regs with a weapons prohibition and a criminal record.  Also, could this effect him going on a tour?  Any input would be appreciated.... (he asked me to post this as he doesn't have the internet).
What I'm wondering about is why he's still in the CF.  A criminal conviction for a serious crime like arson sounds like a 2(a) release to me - especially with a weapons prohibition.  I'd be interested to know if his CO consulted his legal advisor at the time of the conviction.  I'll let the experts talk about component transfer with that kind of background.
I have to be honest in that I was wondering the same thing myself.  Was his chain even aware of what took place?  I didn't think you could be (or continue to be) a mbr of the CF with a weapons conviction.
I don't know the whole legality of it all and how the forces deals with this (as why I am asking) but, it is stipulated in his weapons prohibition that he is allowed to use firearms in the line of work (i.e. reserves).
putz said:
Question for the educated out there ;)

A friend of mine is R031 and he wants to do a transfer to full time 031.   Straight forward so far....

He has a conviction for Arson (3-4years ago) that happened AFTER he got into the reserves, has since been dealt with served the "Time" and has the criminal conviction on record and a 10 year weapons Prohibition.   However, he is STILL in the reserves and has risen the ranks and been in for almost 7 years now.   Can he do this transfer to regs with a weapons prohibition and a criminal record.   Also, could this effect him going on a tour?   Any input would be appreciated.... (he asked me to post this as he doesn't have the internet).

I don't think so because as soon as they do a reliability check on him the shit will hit the fan and whatever deal, which I find very hard to believe, he has with the reserves will not extend to the Regular Force.  We won't let a civilian serve in the CF with a firearms prohibition why the hell would we let this guy.  But I have seen stranger things.
i am going through this identical situation myself right now. just waiting to get my court docs, probation records and have gathered all my reference letters.
i would like to know if anyone besides GrahamD and i have gone through this and what happened during the rest of their application process and what the final outcome was.
When I joined it was you had to have no obligations for the last 6 months, but again call and confirm that was a little bit ago.
Monger said:
You need to be 16 with a grade ten or level one completion for the reserves. 17 with parental consent and high school completion for regular forces. :soldier:
Bull, Im in the regs w/o HS diploma.  Grade 11 was as far as I went.