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crohn's and the military release or not ?


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around two years ago it was found out that I mite have Crohn's from that point on I have been on TCAT. Now two years have passed I have not been sick and I am still waiting to see what is going to happen.

Anyone know how this works once a CAT goes to Ottawa ?
Does anyone know of people with Crohn's being kept in the military?

Thanks for the information :salute:
Q.  Two years on a Tcat is a long time, Have they been renewing it every six months and
going over your file with you?

sigtech said:
Anyone know how this works once a CAT goes to Ottawa ?
Does anyone know of people with Crohn's being kept in the military?
1. Once you are given a 2nd TCat or a PCat, your file goes for review (the current nomenclature for the board escapes me). 3 Ways you can go...a. cont TCat until recovery. b. PCat and accommodation given for X yrs because you are employable in your rank/trade for the time period. c. you are given PCAT and recommend for release. The final verdict on retention or release is not done by doctors, but by your career shop.

2. I know of pers in the CF with Crohns. It depends on trade/rank, etc if they are still in. Most are released/get out after a few yrs.

p.s.-2 yrs is a bit long...you should be seeing your MO/MD, every 12 months minimum. Go to you UMS/CDU and inquire.
Is it possible to receive a PCAT that will allow me to stay in i.e. a PCAT with a G3 ( this is within my trade specs)

I should reword I went in recently to find out what was going on and found out my med cat was sent to Ottawa 2 months ago so they are keeping my current cat until it is returned from Ottawa.

I am hoping since I haven't been sick for a extended period of time (not common for Crohn's) and that there was no abbesses found darning the colonoscopy ( spelling?) that I will be allowed to stay.

As far as accommodation I know there are no accommodations in my trade at the moment.

So one last question worst case I get release what am I entitled to apon release?
'Spell Check' button at the bottom right of the box, before you hit 'Post' or 'Preview', helps some.
yes thank you for the advice I was on my way out the door when I wrote that

post edited to fix the spelling errors
I have been trying to get my PCAT (G4)changed for nearly 2 years now since it was assigned to me in OCT 04 for Crohn's. DND has been aware of my condition for 10years and other than a for a small period 5 years ago it has never affected my employment. Recently I received a letter stating that I must release by 31 Mar 07. My CO as been assisting me in a fight to stay in but we appear to be pushing a rope.  I have required no follow-up or medications for 5 years now so this makes no sense to me at all that this has come up outta the blue and all of a sudden I don't fall within the U of S. Have you had any luck in changing your MCat as it seems this maybe the only shot I got. If you have been given any good advice I'd appreciate any help I can get.
I am in the dark ATM, currently my CAT is in Ottawa and I have no idea what my CAT will end up being. I am trying on here if anyone else had any experience with crohn's and staying in the military. So sorry I have no good advice , I was looking my self lol
Keep an eye out here and I'll let you know if I make any headway. Expect G4. It took nearly 7 months post medical before I heard from Ottawa on my CAT
i hope everything works out the way you want it to ...............pro patria
The CRB(M) or whatever they're being called this week, often only sit every few months - when I was running medical boards at RMC, sometimes we'd get files back with PCats within a couple of weeks while others would take months.  I know this doesn't make you feel any better or less antzy, but be prepared to wait for a bit - they might not be sitting for awhile.

Good luck.


I'm not in the military, but do have Crohn's Disease.  I am sick all the time.  Self induced.  I am an easily stressed person... this is not a good life for me.  In any case, I always joke that I could never make it in the military because I am always getting sick.

This I do know.  From having Crohn's for the past 12 years I have picked up a thing or two.  One men tend to have Crohn's in isolated areas.  It doesn't spread as easily as it does in women, and two they have some really great meds out now to help treat the symptoms.  I am not fortunate to have long spans of remission, but with eating right, exercising and trying to keep my stress in check I can manage.

I am not sure what the outcome here will be, but I wish you the best.  It is a difficult disease to deal with and has held me back in more ways than one.  I hope you have better luck.

All the best,

medicineman said:
The CRB(M) or whatever they're being called this week, often only sit every few months - when I was running medical boards at RMC, sometimes we'd get files back with PCats within a couple of weeks while others would take months.  I know this doesn't make you feel any better or less antzy, but be prepared to wait for a bit - they might not be sitting for awhile.

Good luck.


I understand it can take awhile , I am getting to the point were I would like to know if I have fight on my hands or not. Also I know there is a lot to deciding what people get to stay in and what ones get released ie people with type 2 diabetes getting to stay in and people with Crohn's being release.

What I would like to know do they look case by case or is it Crohn's out you go ?
To counter point CDN Aviator, There is a former WO of mine on Operations right now that has Crohns for many years and is still doing his job in the Infantry. There was a young Pte released because of it as well.

Like CDN Aviator said the CF Medical system and staff will make any and all calls on your medical fitness no one here can do it or will do. I suggest you contact your CFRC medical staff and ask them this question. You may not get the answer you want but at least you will get an straight honest answer.
HitorMiss said:
To counter point CDN Aviator, There is a former WO of mine on Operations right now that has Crohns for many years and is still doing his job in the Infantry. There was a young Pte released because of it as well.

Like CDN Aviator said the CF Medical system and staff will make any and all calls on your medical fitness no one here can do it or will do. I suggest you contact your CFRC medical staff and ask them this question. You may not get the answer you want but at least you will get an straight honest answer.

I too know someone who has been diagnosed with "suspected" Crohn's, and he's being released as well.  It's a shame, actually, as he's been symptom and medication-free for the last two years, and he's being released despite the fact that none of his doctors will commit to a hard diagnosis of Crohn's.  His belief was that a medication that he was prescribed caused the symptoms, but the doctors don't seem to be paying very much attention to that aspect.

There doesn't seem to be much consistency in how sufferers (or suspected sufferers) of this disease are treated at the CRB(M).
    It seems strange that you are still on T Cat after 2 yrs? Usual process is Temporary Category (T Cat) is awarded at 6 month intervals. During the T Cat period the MO is usually referring the patient to specialists, etc. After the first 6 month T Cat the MO should be sitting with the patient, reviewing all the specialist info, and determining if the member requires further 6 month T Cat.  During the second T cat further medical tests, specialist info is gathered. At the end of the 2nd T Cat the MO should again sit with the patient and determine if condition is chronic and requires a permanent category (P Cat). On rare occasions a 3rd T cat can be awarded but usually only in cases where resolution of the condition is imminent. If P Cat is recommended the med file goes to Director of Medical Policy (D Med Pol). This process can take as long as 6 months or more as board sits infrequently and they are short staffed. Many factors are considered in determining the final P Cat for gastrointestinal diseases. See link below for factors considered:


    If a P Cat below trade standard is awarded the change of medical category form (CF2088) and Medical Employment Limitations (MEL) statement are forwarded to Director of Military Careers Area Review Medical (DMCARM). They too can take a while to make a decision as they must also conduct a board. Based on your MEL and 2088 they will determine if you can be retained without restrictions, with restrictions, accommodated, or medically released. The final decision will be sent to your unit for you and your CO to sign.

My PCAT was sent in G4 and sits at DMCARM. Now I wait to see what will happen. As with what will happen with Crohn's I have met or talked to alot of people that say they know of people still serving with Crohn's and others that say everyone they know was released. So I would say only the Lord knows what DMCARM will say and at the point I guess I will either be happy or start fighting to stay.
      If you haven't done so yet I would recommend you book an appt through your local health services to see a case manager. The case manager can review your med file and assist you in planning your future if you receive an unfavorable decision from DMCARM. More info on link below:


Well looks like a 3B for me , going to try and fight it but we will see
I was just reading all this about persons in the military with crohn's and I thought I would put in my 2 cents worth.
I am one of the people that have been "flying under the radar" for years now.  I have over 31 years and for the past 20 I have had crohn's and of course still have it.
Back in 1990 I had a resection done as my small intestine ruptured one night but ever since then I have no real problems.  In fact in the last 10 years I haven't had any flare ups whatsoever and any problems I did have I took the meds for a couple days and everything cleared up.
The military in the past year for some reason has started to "red flag" everyone with crohn's disease and has put a stop to allowing us on deployments.  Although that didn't stop me from going to Kandahar last year for a couple months. 
The only reason I got "caught" is that I went in to get my permission sheet signed for a 6 month tour in Egypt and the Dr told me no way, but since I was not due for a medical he would just ignore this and when I do my medical in October he will TCAT me. 
Which will eventually turn into a 3B release.  Now I have spoken with the specialist here in Ottawa and he is trying to get Med Pol to look at "us" on a case by case basis as some people have more flare ups than others but that might not happen until it's too late for some people.
As for me I am just biding my time now and in fact as I write this I am prepping for another colonoscopy tomorrow (#12), but if he happens to have anything else to say on this matter I will pass it along on this forum.
