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Personally I think that the Russian experience in Ukraine argues against planning for Reservists to fill out under strength Reg Force sections.It was more about “mechanized unitscant so urban” I probably over reacted. In general I agree with what you’re saying, but structurally including reservists in sections was already something we did in force 2013, with 2 per section.
Much of the difficulties that the Russians had in the initial invasion was that they (like us) have most of their units at 70% manning during peacetime. In practice that means that for Mechanized Infantry units the vehicle positions get manned at the expense of dismounts. As a result they didn't have enough dismounts to properly support their armour and they were chopped up by Ukrainian AT teams.
There is no guarantee that we will have enough notice when we're forced to deploy our forces to call up the Reservists to fill out our sections and we could face the exact same problem.
I'm strongly in favour of keeping our Reg Force units at 100% manning within at least sub-units. That way when they deploy they have all the personnel they need to be combat effective (that goes for CS elements as well). FJAG's 70/30 and 30/70 models are somewhat different in that the Reg Force Companies within the units are fully manned and it's the additional Companies to fill out the unit that are made up of primarily Reservists.
And Mechanized units are definitely the go to type of units for urban combat. The extra Reservist dismounts are just there to provide additional support for the Mech units because urban combat in particular is so manpower intensive. I recall reading somewhere that in US urban warfare planning a major highrise office complex would be considered a Battalion objective.