We may need a few interim solutions. Spiral development for the PRes. I’ve already presented where I think we need to go, but I think there will be necessary evolutions beyond the states that I have shown.
Some interesting thoughts.
You've seen my ideas upthread so I won't go into details but just make some general comments.
I firmly believe in restructuring most, but not all, ResF battalions into company size sub-units but letting them keep their geographic facilities and unit character. I don't believe in giving these aggregated battalions some neutral new name. Our units have history and heritage which should be retained even if it bends some noses out of joint. If the CScotR don't like being a company in the Seaforths then tough sh!t.
You've created a fourth RegF brigade group by creating a new RegF armoured regiment, artillery regiment, engineer regiment, service battalion and signals squadron. That's over 2,000 PYs that aren't there for that even at a 90/10 manning level; so one is forced to leave it at three brigade groups unless you are prepared to go to a 70/30 structure for most of those units. That requires a whole different equation.
I'm more and more of the view that all artillery, RegF and ResF, should be taken out of the brigades and brigade groups and concentrated in two artillery brigades for numerous reasons but principally for training and deployment augmentation reasons.
I'd also remove the service support groups from the divisions and restructure them into one or, more probably, two sustainment brigades and a signals brigade. The later would also get 21 EW Regt, the Int Regt, the Influence Activity and all the ResF sigs regts/sqdns
Similarly I'd take 4ESR into an engineer brigade with all the ResF engr regiments.
I'd leave the three RegF brigades with their infantry, armour/recce, an engineer squadron, a service battalion and a signals squadron.
I'd leave the four ResF Inf regiments with all their regional infantry and recce squadrons amalgamated into one recce regiment.
Finally, I'd reduce the divisions to two and allocate 3 Div 1 CMBG and what you call 30 and 40 CRG an artillery brigade and a sustainment brigade and the signals brigade while 2 Div gets 2 and 5 CMBG, 10 and 20 CRG an artillery brigade and a sustainment brigade.
Being tied to a Reg F bde, presumably including ties between units, would be a much tighter association than a bunch of formations commanded by a regional HQ.
Probably true but it depends very much as to what you call "ties". There's the tie that currently exists between 2 RCHA and 7 Tor, 11 Fd, 30 Fd 42 Fd, 49 fd, and 56 Fd and then there is the 30/70 battalion/regiment concept.
I don't think the paradigm will ever shift until you have a RegF CO with the responsibility, authority and resources to train his reservists. Everything else is blowing various densities of smoke up our collective butt holes.