Not to jump in for Infanteer here but I think I noticed on another post he's off enjoying the wilderness for a couple of days. :
My limited experience with 10/90 was that is was a good idea. The major shortcoming I noticed in the Militia was time needed to keep up with the F/T admin and maintenance etc. with a P/T staff. Often one found themselves (especially at the Snr NCO/Officer level) spending too many hours on a training evening doing "necessary admin" instead of training the troops!
Having a reasonable sized F/T cadre, as opposed to the understrength/overworked RSS and Class B to deal with this meant I would have been in a position to actually do my bloody job. Not that the paperwork side of the house wasn't per say my job I know, but then again I wasn't "working" with the unit 40 hrs a week, but only 6-8.
That said a 60/40 split seems a bit excessive for reserve units. When not involved in training/ex/ops what would all these extra bodies be doing? Second point where would they come from? Stealing from already understrength regular units is not on for obvious rreasonsAlso add in admin details such as housing in urban areas that would become another burden.
Class B reservists might be an option, but one ask to ask are they readily available? Outside of ececonomicallyepressed regions can we find enenoughqualified persons" to fill the slots. Taking reservists from economically depressed areas to fill gaps in say Calgary, Vancouver, or Toronto unit may look good as a job creation project, but that's not the aim here. Besides the same admin problems of posting inin regs would exist.
Good idea Yardape, but methinks it needs to be fine tuned.
I was right I opened the proverbial can of worms with this thread, but a good debate all around.