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Dog Tags

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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In the CF do u have 2 have dog tags? and can u have your own made or do u have to have the CF make them? sorry if this is a stupid question i m not in the army yet

I would not get these ( from the site you posted) because who knows what they are made out of..........
When you join, just go to the Orderly Room and ask for the sheet for ID Discs.

Fill out all the important info (name, s/n, religion, blood type) and in 6-8 wks, they should be in.  Well...not sure about 6-8wks but they'll come in eventually.
hello Best users

I'm Richard

And i'com from the Netherlands.

Question for which is the bottom dug, at the underside of the canadian identities plate.


Sorry Richard,

Don't quite know what you mean. Can you expand a little please?
'have one question around the canadian dogtag

Ask where is the groove for at the underside of the id plate.

An thankyou fot the replay.recceguy

It's so when they break the tag in half, they can run a chain through it, and keep it with any others collected. The top half stays with the body, the bottom half gets collected.
Hey, when did ever they start to put the blood group on the back of the tags as pictured above? Even my old alloy tags from the mid 1970s have not got this.

When I left the CF 10 yrs ago, I had the stainless ones with SN, but nothing on the back with the exception of the 'DO NOT REMOVE' in both languages. My early alloy tags only had it in english.

The above ones look alloy rather than stainless, and appear to be maybe even older than my 1976 issue ones. I do know the CF has had this design since 1951 or there abouts.


I have heard that Canadian tags are popular because they where in a movie?
Wesley H. Allen said:
Hey, when did ever they start to put the blood group on the back of the tags as pictured above? Even my old alloy tags from the mid 1970s have not got this.

When I left the CF 10 yrs ago, I had the stainless ones with SN, but nothing on the back with the exception of the 'DO NOT REMOVE' in both languages. My early alloy tags only had it in english.

The above ones look alloy rather than stainless, and appear to be maybe even older than my 1976 issue ones. I do know the CF has had this design since 1951 or there abouts.



I just got issued a new set a few weeks ago and they do not have the blood group on the back...it is on the front, 3rd line on the right...top portion only.
Both my Dog Tags from 1980 (with SIN) and those of today (with S/N) have my Blood Type on the third line next to my Religion.   I believe that my tags in the 1970s were the same.  In both cases, the Blood Type is only on the top half of the Dog Tags.  The bottom half (Break off part) does not have the Blood Gp (as it is useless then  ;D ).

My first set in 1973 looked the same as now except for they where aluminum and had our SIN instead of our military number, we did not have military numbers in the 70's just used our SIN, that started in the mid 60's. Also there was no blood groop on the back. Quite a few guy's purchased gold dog tags when serving in Cyprus and Egypt.


I found breaking were this Canadian identification plate in an old uninhabited Canadian house in 1988 what they.  I would not know how old this identification plate am. De owner of the dogtag was an air force man RCAF the id plate is magnetic

cheers Richard And from the Netherlands.
A ring can darn near take off a finger or leave you hanging by one, a watch can lose you your hand, I am sure the medics on this site have seen some of the same horror pics going through their training as I have.

I no longer wear a wedding ring for that reason. Years ago, as Adjt of 1PP, I was the last one out of Bn HQ Bldg to get over to the drill hall for a unit briefing by the CO. I was in a hurry, pushed the front door of the old WWII HQ shack open, and jumped down all thee stairs at once. I got swung halfway around by my left arm, and looked back to see that my left ring finger (with my wedding band) was hooked on an old nail sticking out of the door. The weight of my body and twisting motion  had caused the ring to slice right down to the bone. A trip to the emergency ward later, and a scar tissue "wedding ring" that I still have, I decided not to wear a ring any more. Ironic that after years of juming out of APCs, trucks and helicopters, I did myself in on an office door. Jewelery is always potentially dangerous. Cheers.
I wear my ID disks all the time now after losing three sets, I kept misplacing them when I took them off.  It's handy cause I put the spare key to my car on the chain (it has a big rubber thing on the end so it doesn't make any noise), after repeatedly locking my keys in my car.  Now I don't worry.
Being an electronic technician, we never wear dog tags or any metallic objects due to the fact that we work around high voltages at sea. For me that would be 440 Volts 3 Phase AC or 40,000 Volts DC. You can just imagine getting tagged with something like that.

Additionally the majority of personnel remove any rings as they tend to get caught on the hatches on the way down in rough seas and like pbi indicated, you can easily do serious damage to one of your digits real quick.

As a sailor, when we go to the fire school for 3 days for fire fighting refresher, before we head into the trainer the instructors always tell us to remove all metal objects from our person which include dog tags and piercing!! Even though we are wearing bunker suits just like any civie fire fighter, the heat easily transfers though the bunker suit and can burn quickly.

I normally keep mine in my wallet so I at least have them with me. When I work on the equipment, the wallet goes in my locker.

Does any one know a web site were I can order good looking CF look alike ID discs? (dog tags)