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Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter JDG
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OK, think I got it.  I don't have a suit but I've got a shirt/tie/pant/shoe deal that I wore for my interview, and like you said, I think that will do.  Thanks alot.  :warstory:
Swearing in was like a landmark in my life. never would I have thought that I would be joining the army (REserves)  We had formal clothing on, it was nice to be dressed up for a special ocasion ;D  for what you wear in the most important moment of your life reflects how you view how important  that ceramony means to you and how serious she really want that job.

What a great way to look at it.  I have always planned on wearing a suit or at least a shirt and tie.  I guess I have the same point of view as you.  When I did my initial interview I wore a shirt and tie and I was the only one who did.  The doctor who gave me the medical said that I represented myself very well.  That made me feel good and I hope I made a good impression on all who might have been looking; because you never know who is looking.  Swearing in is a very important part of the career...the beginning.

So My two cents worth......dress-up!
No way it would be way more fun to not get dressed up and piss them off one last time at the recruiting centre.
Ghost said:
No way it would be way more fun to not get dressed up and piss them off one last time at the recruiting centre.

Is being an idiot like being high all the time?
Janeane Garofalo

And you're bucking the right way to get another one. If you don't start acting with a little decorum, another warning will be placed upon you.

Oh, and the General rank you were displaying is gone. If you want to have a rank displayed, it should be one that you've actually earned.
Bob the builder said:
I don't think it's just a job.... I think it's a part time job.

AND thats why Im going reg force lol.

Also consider the sacrifice people are willing to make just to enrol and maybe have themselves rejected because of some medical condition that they might not have any control over or the people that arent just putting it all in the line for their country but their time with family as well and tell them its a part time job and which time youll be moving on to regs with that lovely attitude and then let me guess....it will be just a full time job for you. :cdn:
At my swearing, I dressed reasonably nice: slacks and a short sleeve button-up shirt.  (I was told that shirt and tie were nicer than what was required).  I was sworn in with one other recruit in the recruiting office by the two Lieutenants in CADPAT.

However, a week and a half later (today), we had our change of command ceremony, which I did dress up for.  The swearing in was an honour; however, as a new recruit, to be encouraged and included (in however insignificant a role) in this ceremony was a far greater honour.
Pte. Gaisford said:
And get a haircut too...

They actually told us to not bother, as we'll be getting one the week after (well, 10 days) so it's just a waste of our money.
Frederik G said:
They actually told us to not bother, as we'll be getting one the week after (well, 10 days) so it's just a waste of our money.

If you come into my recruiting centre to be sworn in and you look like your sister you will have wished that you would have wasted the money.  Get a haricut!
kincanucks said:
If you come into my recruiting centre to be sworn in and you look like your sister you will have wished that you would have wasted the money.   Get a haricut!

Well I don't have a sister, so I can't look like her. (Ok, that was smartassey.) I'll probably get a haircut (more like, cut off all of my hair...) but they told us not to. Don't they make everything uniform at recruiter school though? :P
Frederik G said:
Well I don't have a sister, so I can't look like her. (Ok, that was smartassey.) I'll probably get a haircut (more like, cut off all of my hair...) but they told us not to. Don't they make everything uniform at recruiter school though? :P

Make sure you hair is neat and off the collar.  Start setting the example now.
IMHO swearing ceremony is one of the most important event in someone's military career.
To me it really wasn't a big deal...on the other side of the coin though, graduating Pay Level 3...now that was more of a momentous occasion.
The info I got in the mail told me to wear a dress shirt and pants w/ jacket and tie for the enrolment ceremony... didn't get the security clearance sheet they told me to fill out tho  :-\
RoyalHighlandFusilier said:
IMHO swearing ceremony is one of the most important event in someone's military career.

I may be a traditionalist, (then again, I'm a monarchist too) but the oath you take to join CF is a personal one. A personal commitment stating that you will do your job to your fullest and best ability in Her Majesty's service until you take off the uniform for the last time. (To be faithful and bear true allegiance...)

This is where I'll probably get choked up! The last time the Queen was in Vancouver, I was standing on the street when her entourage went by and she waved. I could just feel the tears welling up in me from just the honour of having been waved at by the Queen! That might be cheesy but I don't care, she moves me and it would be the ultimate honour to serve Queen and country IMHO
An oath is like a super super promise. Break it and what worth does your word have to anyone? (Something I find lack in today's society. Making promises you can't keep)

I am in mind that the Oath of Allegiance should be committed to every member of CF's memory, as a reminder that we should strive to be professional soldiers, because we promised to be.

Well said! I couldn't agree more.
I don't know about some of you guys, but I know for me, I've been looking forward to being sworn in for a very long time now.  My whole family is going to be there, I'm wearing my best clothes, shined shoes and fresh haircut for sure, its not everyday a person gets to stand up and declare their commitment to protect and honour this Country and her Queen.
Glad to see that some other people are looking forward to their swearing in ceremony.  I can't wait to wear the uniform again.  Got out of the military to follow my husband around from posting to posting 16 years ago.  I always missed being part of the Canadian Forces. 

No I won't be starting at pay level 3.........(because it's been more than 10 years) but....... it's not about the money!!
It should be serving your country. To use a previous quote:

An oath is like a super super promise. Break it and what worth does your word have to anyone? (Something I find lack in today's society. Making promises you can't keep)

I am in mind that the Oath of Allegiance should be committed to every member of CF's memory, as a reminder that we should strive to be professional soldiers, because we promised to be

When I have my swearing in ceremony. My husband and my two teenagers are going to be there.  They are proud of me.......heck I am proud of me! 

That's my two cents.......
