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Ex Vigilant Guardian

At this moment, I am tasked out to 33 CBG HQ, as I am qualified RMS part 1. HOWEVER, rumor has it (and my course finnishes today at 33 brigade HQ in Ottawa) that the junior clerks (ie, me) will do inclearance, be sent back to the unit, and come back for outclearance. I'm crossing my fingers that this is A) true and B) I can spend some time in a rifle section.

Clerk by trade, infantry at heart.
Sig_Des said:
Well then, seeing as I won't be there, I won't give you any reason to "detain" me  ;D

I'm sure I could track you down and pin something on you. >:D
I'm going, although my chain of command still needs to pass on some information and confirm who in fact is going.  Until then, I have no idea if I'll be with a unit in the field or in an amb or doing some GD duty.  We'll see.  This is my first ex and I've just finished QL3 and SQ so I'm excited to put some skills to work....especially the packing kit tips from the Sgt on SQ  ;)
Poppa said:
I'm sure I could track you down and pin something on you. >:D

Be sure to get some desert cammies if you're planning on that  ;)
Have dessie name tags and dessie boots (2 pr) that I'm not allowed to wear!  Yay!

If they think they are getting them back, they are sadly mistaken!  :)
2 Tp Ldr, D Sqn, TF 31-06

We're doing the heli insert again this year - but this year I note that the sync matrix specifically states insertion AND EXTRACTION....

Hope springs eternal.

From last year's experience, if any of you have any say over your unit's stores, might I strongly advise you bring vixen masts for the radios, if you got them.
RecceDG said:
We're doing the heli insert again this year - but this year I note that the sync matrix specifically states insertion AND EXTRACTION....

I remember that from last year. Helo's grounded at the 3 ARR camp. And a "helo" insertion done out the back of MLs
Canadian Sig said:
Supporting again this year as an RRB. Maybe I can do the helo insert RRB this year instead of sending all my guys out to do the fun stuff.
Having half the resources compared to previous years, unfortunately this is not too likely. We're pretty maxed out with the Infantry stuff.
Sig_Des said:
I remember that from last year. Helo's grounded at the 3 ARR camp. And a "helo" insertion done out the back of MLs
Suspected fuel contamination during load/unload drills at one coy location, and another coy moved to that location to get theirs in while our guys were stuck. Neither got their quickie circuits in as far as I remember, and it did cost us one minor mission (obviously not minor to you) but all in all we did okay - no major breakages and no severe weather problems.

Everybody should be doing their Helicopter Happy Dances and hoping for a repeat.
Doesanyone know of a site where I canfind some Pictures ormaybe videos of the Ex? I saw a lot of people with cameras there and a ton of media so I was hoping the put something together for us to look at.

Blunt Object said:
Doesanyone know of a site where I canfind some Pictures ormaybe videos of the Ex? I saw a lot of people with cameras there and a ton of media so I was hoping the put something together for us to look at.


Your user name must relate to what you use to type on the keyboard ;D
The official website is http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/Exvigilantguardian/ but no photos have been posted yet and I don't know if any will be. They were in previous years, but the PAff cell was reduced this year.
Loachman said:
The official website is http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/Exvigilantguardian/ but no photos have been posted yet and I don't know if any will be. They were in previous years, but the PAff cell was reduced this year.

There was a boatload of embedded "journalists" on VG-06, many coming from the Ryerson journalism program.  The three in my company were really keen.
So, what's the consensus on this one?  Did it work?  Good training?
Aside from the sudden downpour on Sunday AM that caught my guys in the middle of helicopter loading/unloading practise and soaked us to the skin, overall, it was a great ex.

Thursday, I had as good a day on the trace as I've ever had.

Good training, everybody learned a lot, and the cock was minimal.

Haggis said:
There was a boatload of embedded "journalists" on VG-06, many coming from the Ryerson journalism program.  The three in my company were really keen.
They were hired as role-players to make your war more realistic.

There were also plenty of real media types. What coverage I saw from them was very good - A Channel had a three-parter.

That aspect did not change, but there were no slick motivational movie, ads, or ENN (Exercise News Network) "broadcasts" this year.
Loachman said:
They were hired as role-players to make your war more realistic.

I know that.  I was not part of the PTA (Primary Training Audience for the unaware) so they made no attempt to disguise their true roles.  I gave my digital camera to one of them during the Cordon and Search and he was able to get some outstanding photos of the action (and give me some photography tips afterwards).

It wasn't "my" war.  We were just there to make West Isle a safe place to live. ;)
Had I checked your profile first, I'd have surmised what your role was...

And I'm sure that the West Islanders appreciated your efforts, and want us all back next year.

So, lacking much comment from members of the PTA (it took months of careful planning to ensure that Recce DG's company got their load/unload drills during the downpour), what did your troops think?